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Staff member
I re-re-discovered the grow games again and just played this one for the first time (never bothered to look at it before)

It is one of the most simple, but it is interesting, you usually have to options to upgrade you "monster/scene", you are suscefull if you manage to continue after 7 steps, if not you get "grow over" defeat.

however, the several different grow overs are quite interesting and completely different from the actual winning scenario xP

endings that I saw:
Win: You create a sort of miniature world, several characters and things from the others games show up to congratulate you.
Favorite non-win: You creatue becomes a queen of a underground palace/realm
Others: A Chubby/vampire/demon thing; A dragon; flufly bear creatures that turn in a train.

Damn hell, can anyone do to me a game like this? Just felt the inspiration to copy the style xD


Staff member
Cool, I hadn't seen that monster one before. I really liked the undo feature that unlocked after winning. My favorite is still Grow RPG, though.
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