Guess the Game Quote!

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Quite a few times, we had a "guess the movie quote" forum game. Let's put a spin on that with game quotes, this time.

The rules, as usual, is that if you correctly guess the quote, only then can you provide a new quote of your own. If you're not 100% sure where the quote came from and guess, you need to wait for the original poster to confirm it before moving on.

So, to start off, we'll give an easy one:

"You spoony bard!"
I suppose I should give a bit of a hint for that one... don't unspoil unless you want a hint!

- It's a JRPG
- It's not by Square Enix
- It's part of a 4 game series
- It's parent company is most well known for making Slot Machines and Pachinko in Japan
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