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Guilty pleasure - music



Well fuck, I had a longer post typed up but somehow lost it. Here is the short version of it.

What are some of your guilty pleasures of music? Those songs or artists that you don't tell people that you like.

The two that come to mind recently for me are:

Lady gaga- poker face
Heard it at a club and it was pretty damn catchy, have not heard anything else from her that was good though

Taylor swift - you belong with me
Listened to it because of the kayne thing. Its good, not country and kind of cute.

So do any of you have a guilty pleasure that you listen to?




I still listen to some of the more recent cowboy mouth songs even though there's terrible. They've lost all their spirit, but it's nice to see ol Fred still going.

Also.... there are a lot of Japanese anime themes and image songs that are really cute but awful--horribly produced, too many weird orchestra hit sounds, squeaky female voices, and incessant melodies--a recipe for a song I should hate that I really kind of like.


Bumble the Boy Wonder

Bumble the Boy Wonder

James Blunt. I dunno why, but I listened the hell out of his stuff for the longest time..


General Specific

General Specific

Enya. I have one full CD and her Best of as well. I also bought her christmas album last year and really liked it.

I also bought one Kelly Clarkson song once. The "Since you've been gone" one. I just liked it at the time. ...I feel so dirty.




Ooch, Enya.... memories of my female high school teachers are flooding back.

"How about some music, class?"

*huddles into a corner and rocks back and forth, humming "Only Time"*




I've become addicted to Alizee, I can't stop listening, and I can't stop watching.

And old school bubblegum songs from Toy Box and Aqua, damn them both for being so catchy!


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Man, there's no guilt in loving Lady Gaga. It's really great pop music. Pop as a style of music shouldn't be a guilty pleasure!

As far as shitty music I listen to, let me tell you about Dragonforce....




As far as shitty music I listen to, let me tell you about Dragonforce....

I happened to see them live this year and when I got back home I put on Through the Fire and the Flames again which I hadn't done for the longest time.


General Specific

General Specific

Ooch, Enya.... memories of my female high school teachers are flooding back.

"How about some music, class?"

*huddles into a corner and rocks back and forth, humming "Only Time"*
...that's the album I have. I kinda like that song, too.


Fun Size

Fun Size

I've become addicted to Alizee, I can't stop listening, and I can't stop watching.
This. I used to run the live YouTube version of "J'en ai marre!" on a minimized window so I could listen at work.

Throw Carameldansen in there for good measure.




Well fuck, I had a longer post typed up but somehow lost it. Here is the short version of it.

if you are using FF may I recommend you download Lazarus



Well fuck, I had a longer post typed up but somehow lost it. Here is the short version of it.

if you are using FF may I recommend you download Lazarus[/QUOTE]

Im at work, so only IE. I so wish i could use FF

and to those that say lady gaga isn't horrible, what are some other songs by her that don't suck?

(and its not a guilty pleasure because she's pop, its just that it seems so over produced auto tune stuff)




I was flipping through XM channels the other day and "OPP" (Naughty by Nature) came on. I didn't change it. :paranoid:




I don't have as much guilty pleasures when it comes to music. I feel my tastes are well honed. I like crappy TV and movies, but I really like original acts (singer songwriter) or acts that are virtuosos.

Eclectic tastes include:
Talking Heads
Sex Pistols
Robert Earl Keen
Robert Cray Band
80's-early 90's dance music
Alternative Country
Modern Blues
Western Swing
Big Band Swing...




I'm not ashamed/secretive about music I listen to. I don't really care if other people don't like what I like.

Fall Out Boy, Lily Allen, Weird Al, (newer) Linkin Park, Barenaked Ladies, Paramore, etc



Frankie Williamson

I really don't have any guilty pleasures. I like the music I like.
My favorite groups are Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam, STP, Helmet, NiN, Tool, etc.

I guess my really guilty pleasure would be Theory of a Deadman and Nickelback....I know they're terrible, but I don't mind hearing them on the radio.


Chad Sexington




I'm not proud.




I'm not ashamed/secretive about music I listen to. I don't really care if other people don't like what I like.

Fall Out Boy, Lily Allen, Weird Al, (newer) Linkin Park, Barenaked Ladies, Paramore, etc
We could hang out.




I will be buying the new Backstreet Boys album when it comes out.




Justin Timberlake, Fleetwood Mac, and Huey Lewis are three that come to mind.

I also love Cameo, but I figure that's obscure enough that no one notices.




Whitesnake, Boston, Journey, Styx...kinda a pattern there.




trancecore, which I should hate but lurve.


Kitty Sinatra

I know they suck, but I can't help but enjoy the Beatles. ;)

Nah, my guilty pleasure would have to be Slipknot. I like the music, but I'd just prefer they cut out the fucking swearing. I could maybe extend this to a lot of metal. A lot of heavy metal lyrics are really pathetic, the violent and sexual fantasies of school boys.




I'm not ashamed/secretive about music I listen to. I don't really care if other people don't like what I like.

Fall Out Boy, Lily Allen, Weird Al, (newer) Linkin Park, Barenaked Ladies, Paramore, etc
We could hang out.[/QUOTE]

I got to see Paramore and No Doubt a few months ago. I liked Paramore's show quite a bit (plus seeing Kaylee hopping around stage was wonderful), but No Doubt really surprised me. I even enjoyed stuff from the newer albums, which I never thought I would (I hated 80% of Return of Saturn, and everything that came out past that).




I listen to emo music. There, I said it.

Actually, I don't feel guity about enjoying the music, per se, but the lyrics. I have the habit of not really paying any attention to the lyrics of songs. I can even sing along to them, but I'll be completely oblivious to the content. This can make for potentially embarrassing situations when I eventually really listen to what a song is saying.




Tom Jones and Shania Twain.


General Specific

General Specific

Long distance dedication to Cajungal:

And to diffuse the situation and show my taste in music doesn't totally suck:





Western Swing
Big Band Swing...
You have good taste in music.

Mine would have to be Blink182. I didn't like them when they were super-famous, but now due to Pandora, I like some of their stuff.




Protomen. And there is no guilty feeling about it, either.




Aw, GP. *hug*



Frankie Williamson

Protomen. And there is no guilty feeling about it, either.
Fuck no, Protomen rule. Of any videogame tribute band to be ashamed of, they are not it.
