Guitar Heroes, meet your betters.

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This is the most phenomenal display of Football skills I have ever seen. The action starts at 1:10 for those who want to skip the lead-in.
With all the effort they put into playing that silly ball game they could have started a real band.

Kitty Sinatra

Also, that video was irritating. The kept showing the reaction of the people instead of the actual "action" so I wound up with no sense well this stunt really synched up with game.

Kitty Sinatra

Just to take this even way more off topic. Sing.exe reminds me of Moe Berg:


And while watching that video, I read through the youtube comments and saw this mindblowing statement: "This song was huge in Manila, Philippines"

That is indeed football, and they do it pretty well.

It's football because, you know, you play with your feet. HA!
I don't care about football or gitar hero, but I never understood how somebody could say a game that is played just with feet and a ball is less worthy of the name "football" than another game in wich you use your arms to pass it and hug it and hit other people or whatever you crazy americans do when playing american football.


Staff member
Because a country of >300 million people isn't going to change the name of one of it's most popular sport just. because. every. freakin'. European. has. to. repeatedly. point. out. something. EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN KNOWS. We know. We just don't care.
I thught it was Gruebeard who said "that's not football"?
And who said americans have to change the name of the game?



Staff member
Oh come on, really? What you said just reminded me of something we constantly hear from people outside America. That's hardly "in my head".


Staff member

---------- Post added at 04:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:20 PM ----------

And yes anybody that thinks anybody is being serious about the "football" thing is fucking stupid. OVERABUNDANT AMERICAN PRIDE FTW
Yeah, I still didn't say a word of what you answered to. I said "how is a sport that is played with feet and a ball less worthy of the name "football" than a game that is mainly played with your arms. I never said Amercian football can't be called football, an I never wanted a nation to change the way they call their favourite pastime. You did all that on your own.
Did that remind you of something somebody as said some time? Feel free to answer to that instead of talking with me. But don't make it look like you are talking to me and don't put words in my mouth.


Staff member
The problem is you're fixated on this idea that I was talking directly to you. Like most real world conversations, I branched off on a tangent inspired by what you said. Stop taking it so personally, it wasn't really directed at you.

All that being said, you did say "crazy Americans do when playing American football", which unless I'm mistaken implies some disdain, and you were talking about sports deserving the name football more or less than others, as was I. I don't see the complete disconnect you seem to be insistent on.

I mean, yeesh, maybe I shouldn't have said "because" if I knew it was going to get you all condescending. Does it really even matter?
The problem is you're fixated on this idea that I was talking directly to you. Like most real world conversations, I branched off on a tangent inspired by what you said. Stop taking it so personally, it wasn't really directed at you.

All that being said, you did say "crazy Americans do when playing American football", which unless I'm mistaken implies some disdain, and you were talking about sports deserving the name football more or less than others, as was I. I don't see the complete disconnect you seem to be insistent on.

I mean, yeesh, maybe I shouldn't have said "because" if I knew it was going to get you all condescending. Does it really even matter?
It's nice to see you started pontificating the all time classic "europeans attack us and they shouldn't be condescending pricks" and decided to write it like it was an answer to the only euro-post in this thread that never said anything about that.

You can take the "crazy americans" bit as you like, it was simply meant to say "I don't understand the rules of American Football". But whatever, you simply put my post inside this "current" of "euro-haters" and made all kinds of assumptions about my tone. You then wrote an answer to mine that wasn't really directed to me, and are surprised by the fact that I think you are talking to me about what I said. A good reason, I think, to react a little angrily, as my post was just a logical statement that pointed at the answer I always give in this stupid fights over the name "football"... THEY ARE BOTH CALLED THIS WAY AND PRETENDING ONE IS AND THE OTHER ISN'T IS STUPID. (you know, when I ddn't ay american football should change it's name but "defended" the right to call soccer "football"?)

Whatever, as I said in my first post, I don't care about football (either kind). But I do care about being accused of saying stuff I didn't say.

or, in a non personal approach to an answer, avoiding my "fixation"...

ITT: SilverJelly gets massively butthurt over something really dumb
He struck a nerve. I don't accept anybody telling me I act like I'm superior. Check my posting stroy and you'll see I'm always saying I'm silly, dumb, that my jokes are dumb, that I don't know what Im talking about. Either that or I'm always trying to find the conciliatory logical middle ground.


It's football because handtacklecatchkickball doesn't have a ring to it at all

...actually the name just pretty much stuck from where it originated, soccer/rugby. Imperfect description of the game or no, there's no other simple tag for the game that does much better a job.

'Merica Fuck Yes :usa2::usa2::usa2::usa2:


All this football soccer schlock and not one complaint about how that's Frets on Fire and not Guitar Hero?

Kitty Sinatra

I thught it was Gruebeard who said "that's not football"?
It was. What's played in the USA isn't football, either. 4 downs! And only a 100 yard field?

Real football only uses 3 downs, and has two 50 yard lines. And you can score 1 point on a missed field goal.

And Ricky Williams is welcomed in the game while he's doped up on the mary-j.
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