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Gym Help!



So I guess this is really open to anyone with gym experience, but I recall Chaz being particularly helpful with this. So let's get into this.

I've been going to the gym for about the last two and a half weeks and I'm doing pretty well thus far, but I just want to run somethings by those experienced gym-goers to make sure I'm doing it right.

I did have a brief consultation with a personal trainer, but he was more about measurements and setting goals, he didn't actually give me advice on working out.

I should also mention that I am more in the gain muscle mode, not lose weight. I am at 140 pounds currently, and am 5'9". So my goal is to put on weight basically.

Anyway, my "set" thus far has been thus: three sets of ten for each of the groups below at a lower weight. Then two sets of 10 (if I can manage) at the next weight up, then a final two sets back at the lower weight. Also note that the weights are screwy because I ma using special machines at 24 Hour Fitness. This is all in pounds.

Shoulder: 45, 54
Bench Press: 115, 130
Lat bar (The pull down thing): 99, 108
Rowing Machine: 115, 130
Curling: 54, 62
Tricep push down: 108, 117
Leg Press: 115,130


Is this a good routine? I am getting noticeable results as is, and I will continue to increase the amounts of weight I do, but I am unsure if this is how its supposed to be done, any suggestions on that?

I've been thinking of investing in extra nutrition, protein powders and the like. Any suggestions as to products?

I have an insane metabolism and the personal trainer mentioned that I should eat 3k-4k calories per day. How's the healthiest way to do that?

What is the best way to keep myself motivated in going to the gym, and how often should I be going a week?

Today while working out I pumped the Bench Press up to 160 pounds and was able to do about five reps before having to stop. But immediately after I felt light-headed and kind of dizzy? Is this normal, or should I prevent doing this ever again?

Anyway, thanks for the help! I'm also thinking about taking pictures of my progress. I don't know if I would post them here though, heh.




Chaz Help! (Gym Questions)

Well Chaz isn't gonna be much help... Sorry SinEXE, he's been tempbanned.



Chaz Help! (Gym Questions)

Well Chaz isn't gonna be much help... Sorry SinEXE, he's been tempbanned.
Well shit, I was considering asking that prior to posting. I just don't know what's going on in these forums anymore since I've been lurking. I'll change the title. lol




Chaz Help! (Gym Questions)


Is this a good routine? I am getting noticeable results as is, and I will continue to increase the amounts of weight I do, but I am unsure if this is how its supposed to be done, any suggestions on that?
A good routine takes the person and their goals into account. I don't see anything wacky there. You might want to get some cardio in there too.

I've been thinking of investing in extra nutrition, protein powders and the like. Any suggestions as to products?

I have an insane metabolism and the personal trainer mentioned that I should eat 3k-4k calories per day. How's the healthiest way to do that?

What is the best way to keep myself motivated in going to the gym, and how often should I be going a week?
Up to your lifestyle. Wouldn't hurt to go 3 times a week probably. As for motivation, take a friend! It's more fun with a friend and they'll motivate you to go on days that maybe you wouldn't be able to motivate yourself.

Today while working out I pumped the Bench Press up to 160 pounds and was able to do about five reps before having to stop. But immediately after I felt light-headed and kind of dizzy? Is this normal, or should I prevent doing this ever again?
It's syncope from over-exertion. That's why God invented spotters :)




You're doing too many sets. If you want to put on muscle you need to do fewer reps at higher weights. Lots of reps at low weights are great for burning fat and toning muscles but they won't put on bulk.

Creatine is great stuff. Follow there instructions and it'll really help. Make sure to drink extra water while creatine loading since it moves all that water to your muscles leaving less for things like blood. Beyond that I remember I was taking a few things when I was wrestling and they helped allot I'll find the bottles tommorow.

As for keeping motivated set realistic goals and meet them. And make sure to track your progress so that you can see how much you are improving.



You're doing too many sets. If you want to put on muscle you need to do fewer reps at higher weights. Lots of reps at low weights are great for burning fat and toning muscles but they won't put on bulk.

Creatine is great stuff. Follow there instructions and it'll really help. Make sure to drink extra water while creatine loading since it moves all that water to your muscles leaving less for things like blood. Beyond that I remember I was taking a few things when I was wrestling and they helped allot I'll find the bottles tommorow.

As for keeping motivated set realistic goals and meet them. And make sure to track your progress so that you can see how much you are improving.
Alrighty, I'll look into this. What precisely does muscle toning mean in this context?

And I'm a little hesitant to do those higher weights since I almost had a (as Adammon puts it) fainting spell when I bench more then I am used to. Is there a way to avoid this? Or is it natural and I just need to take a break after doing heavy loads?




Chaz will be welcomed back Friday.




Well, the first thing you should do is remember what kind of gym you are going to be fighting in and plan your party accordingly. Are you at the fire gym? You'll want to bring some water pokemon. Are you at the electric-type gym? You better bring some ground pokemon. Having pokemon with a type advantage over your opponent is key to winning gym battles.

Before heading to the gym, be sure to train up your pokemon. You will want to be around the same level as the gym leader, so spend some time fighting wild pokemon outside of the city if you need to level up. Once you actually go to the gym, be sure to fight all the other trainers in there. They can help give you an idea about how well certain pokemon will work against the gym leader and whether or not your pokemon are at a high enough level.

Finally, its time to fight the gym leader. Just remember your type advantages and as long as you've got some healing items and backup pokemon you should be just fine. Before long, you should have your badge and be ready to head to the next town!

Wait...wrong kind of gym?




Who's Jim?



Well, the first thing you should do is remember what kind of gym you are going to be fighting in and plan your party accordingly. Are you at the fire gym? You'll want to bring some water pokemon. Are you at the electric-type gym? You better bring some ground pokemon. Having pokemon with a type advantage over your opponent is key to winning gym battles.

Before heading to the gym, be sure to train up your pokemon. You will want to be around the same level as the gym leader, so spend some time fighting wild pokemon outside of the city if you need to level up. Once you actually go to the gym, be sure to fight all the other trainers in there. They can help give you an idea about how well certain pokemon will work against the gym leader and whether or not your pokemon are at a high enough level.

Finally, its time to fight the gym leader. Just remember your type advantages and as long as you've got some healing items and backup pokemon you should be just fine. Before long, you should have your badge and be ready to head to the next town!

Wait...wrong kind of gym?
Fuck no man, level Charmander up to +5 levels higher then the gym you're fighting and you're golden.

I've never used any other Pokemon in combat. A Charizard with Dig kills everything.




Alrighty, I'll look into this. What precisely does muscle toning mean in this context?
Cutting out any flab you have and giving you definition. It's great to do when you are at a size that you want to be and are trying to get ripped but since you wanted to get bigger you need to do bigger weights.

And I'm a little hesitant to do those higher weights since I almost had a (as Adammon puts it) fainting spell when I bench more then I am used to. Is there a way to avoid this? Or is it natural and I just need to take a break after doing heavy loads?
Well I really don't know what the problem is there so try to talk to one of the trainers and definately never go up a weight without a spotter there. It's a little embarrassing when you are lifting small weights but don't be afraid to wave down a guy and ask him to spot your set.
