What has two thumbs and going for lunch/drinks with fellow Halformite, HCGLNS tomorrow?
This guy!
Forever alone...
Goosto throws this party ON THE GROUND! Added at: 17:24
Of course, there's a strong possibility I'll be going to Hilton Head Island, South Carolina during my Spring Break early next year. Dunno if anyone's even remotely in that area. Added at: 17:25
Yeah, I can practically smell whenever Steinman farts in the breeze, but do we ever cross paths? NoooOOOoooo.....
I'm going to be in LA Monday afternoon touring the AI Hollywood campus. If there are any LA-based halforumites we should totally do something next month.
Of course, there's a strong possibility I'll be going to Hilton Head Island, South Carolina during my Spring Break early next year. Dunno if anyone's even remotely in that area.
I am in West Columbia, SC. About 2 & 1/2 hrs away. I even work for a school district, so will have spring break off (the 1st week of April).
I believe Fnordbear is also in this area. Added at: 11:22
True. I'm bound to go back, though, since my wife has a lot of family in the area. I never met up with espy either.
I would never want to meet Espy in real life. It would be like meeting Santa Claus or Jesus and finding out they're a plumber from Hoboken.
And now the raunchy details of my lunch with Nick!
I ordered the Montreal Smoked meat and a Glenlivet (sadly this was all they had).
Nick ordered the nachos and a Keiths.
As you can see, I cleaned my plate and Nick had to get a doggy bag
Then we went to Best Buy (an electronics store) next to the restaurant.
You won't believe this ...
Seriously, I better spoiler it, it's too shocking!
Nick is a player! Wave after wave of young girls (from my perspective, appropriate age for Nick I suppose) were throwing themselves at him! They must of been from some form of dance group as they all had blue shirts on, but Nick was nice enough to flirt with all of them.
So as you can see, I think there must be more to this prom night of his than we have been lead to believe.
And I bought some pink headphones for my wife, and looked at some plushy toys on sale.
Man, you guys are so lucky, to all be living on the same continent.
The only HFers I have on my continent are a couple of filthy commie sympathizers.
(I'm just kidding, Terrik, TheHun, you know I love you both)
Don't forget the fact that not only did Higgins (as I call him since I don't know any better way to pronounce his forum nickname) bring me a freaking present...but he also BOUGHT lunch for me. Damn cool guy.
As for the chicks and me being a player? Yeah, I call bull on that.
I dunno brah... my wife swears that I'm a flirt with just about every female we meet, whereas I just think I'm being friendly.
George Street has the most bars and pubs per square foot of any street in North America, and is known to have bars that are open later than most others throughout Canada.
Brb. Moving to Canada.
I believe at one point LaCrosse Wisconsin was considered to have the highest number of bars per capita in the US, if not north america. I live just north of there.
I live in the st croix valley, its pretty much the most beautiful place in the desolate hellhole that is the upper midwest. I look forward to meeting the rest of the midwestern halformites in mortal combat one of these days.