Halforum Fantasy Football (English Premier League)

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I tend to play on The Official Premier League game.

I think the new game's now live, though I haven't set up a team yet (no point doing it this early), but if there's interest I'll get a league going.

Who's in?


The game's live now, so you can pick your team any time between now and the 15th of August.

You get a £100 M budget to select 15 players to include a sub goalie and three other subs. If you're not really sure where to start then you can get the game to auto pick a team for you.

Generally there is one 'gameweek' per round of Premiership games, and you get one free transfer per week to modify your team. You can make more than one transfer per week, but it starts to cost you points. You also get a wildcard, which can be played in one game week, which gives you unlimited free transfers for that week. Most people tend to use it either a few weeks into the season as they see who the form players are, or in February after the transfer window closes to take advantage of any new players.

Oh, and it's completely free to join and play.
I'll join, and my team's up.

100m isn't nearly enough for the team I want. It limits me to some really wacky team builds... Torres, Gerrard, Terry, and... Reo-Coker.


Count me in yo'!

Edit: Which reminds me...Knickers, give me a shout if you see me on Xbox Live if you fancy that game of Fifa. Got t'interwebs sorted now.


Mr_Chaz said:

Use the link above to join and create your team.

Then click Leagues, Create/Join, then enter the following code in the Join A Private League field:
Ta da! You're ready to play!
You can create a team now and you have free reign to modify it as much as you need up until the first game week starts, for example I let the game auto create a team for me purely so that I could set up the league. Closer to the start date I'll clear my selection and start afresh with my actual team for the season.

Good luck y'all!


Less than two weeks to go now until the big kick off, can we get a few more entries?

And to make me very happy Villa just beat Juventus in the Peace Cup final. Hell yeah!


I'll join as well, hopefully this will be a great success but I don't follow the English Premier League every week (I tend to forget)


Giving this a bump, only 5 days left until the big kick off. Pre season's all out of the way now, most squads have come together, so it's time to think about your final team. Who's in, who's out? Who's been on form in pre-season? Any new players to the league since you first set up your team?

It's show time!


And one final bump, you have to have your team ready by 11:30 BST on Saturday morning (10:30 GMT). Those of you who've entered already, it's time to check it all over: are you happy? Any recent transfers you want to take into account?

And those who haven't entered yet: chop chop! Get a move on. Even non footy fans are welcome, we won't pick on you.
Greendog's team did really well though. I'm surprised he included Zamora, I'm even more surprised he did so well.


bhamv3 said:
Greendog's team did really well though. I'm surprised he included Zamora, I'm even more surprised he did so well.
You're not the only one chief :D It won't last, trust me!


It will take a while to get the hang of the rules and tactics of this game I suspect. For example I made a mdifield trade this week but they dont play in the current game day doh! Waste of a trade. So some advice before making any trade check the games in the current game day and only chose players from teams who will play.


A small bump for the new forums. And also so you can all laugh at my incompetence. It's not been a good season so far. I kinda need a Torres hat trick tonight to catch up with the leaders in my leagues. Unfortunately I'm a Villa fan, so I really DON'T want a Torres hat trick. Dang this hasn't gone well.


I've logged in and gotten a team, but I have no fracking idea what's going on.
Okely doh, well how can we help?

Firstly, I'll link you to this:
The Rules
This tells you...
  • What you need to make up a team
  • What the options mean (Captain, Substitutes etc.)
  • How to score points (this is an important one)
  • How to change your team

Some pretty useful stuff. Once you're happy with your team take my advice and the league code from my earlier post to enter your team in the Halforum league. Obviously you've got a disadvantage in the total score column if you haven't been around for the first three game weeks, but your weekly scores can still compare with ours. And you never know, you might catch up with the rest of us anyway, it's happened in one of my leagues before.

And just a note of warning: a game week does not necessarily correspond to an actual week, it just means a round of matches where more than half of the Premier League teams play, so the league has been going for something like 9 days so far and the 3rd game week ends today. Each week you have until a certain deadline to make any changes you want to make.


Staff member
I just hadn't joined the league. My captain was also injured the first couple of weeks and I had no idea how to sub.


I did a blitz of my team and turned in my wildcard so as not to be deducted any points. Those Everton players were killing me!

Welcome to the proper football game Dave, I'm sure you'll do fine :)
I dropped Lescott to the bench. If he does end up at Man City and settles down, I'll put him back in the team. For now, though, I don't think his heart's in it at Everton.

Ok, now I need Torres and Gerrard to score a hat trick each, with all the goals assisted by Macherano. Who also scores a hat trick.


This is a marathon not a sprint. Being 50/100 points of the pace now is not so bad, there is time to catch up. The transfers is a bit confusing as its hard to tell when the transfer will be applied (which game week that is). I suffered by having only 4 players in game week 2 but there again I should make some of that back in the future when they play double headers - so to speak - later down the road.
I never thought there'd be a day when I would regret playing Gerrard instead of Reo-Coker.

I swear this game is cursed.


Yeah, while having a couple of the Liverpool squad in my team cost me last night, Liverpool losing is always good times :D


Everyone always has to hate Liverpool. I thought as a society we moved on from that and we all hate Chelsea now?

ABC = Anybody But Chelsea!
Hah...and I thought we were the ones who suffered under the ABU mentality.

We still need to have that game of FIFA on Xbox by the way. Let me know when you're up for kicking my proverbials.
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