Halforum, what is this i don't even *may be racially offensive*

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Philosopher B.

Congrats. You are the first person to cause me to Google 'n***** dog' ...

aaannnddd I still don't know what the hell that is. :confused:


Congrats. You are the first person to cause me to Google 'n***** dog' ...

aaannnddd I still don't know what the hell that is. :confused:
My cat is named after your avatar. It has nothing to do with the thread, but I thought it was a nice change of pace.[/QUOTE]

The thread you created needs to go in a diff direction? intresting :D


My my my my Mitchell, what would yo' momma say?
She'd say, "He's not mine! You can't prove it!"

(im stopping now... it's just so hard)

(that's what she said)
Is it weird that I have no idea what the hell is going on in this thread?
Mitchell episode of MST3K. Classic episode. Thread progressed as such-

Weird racist comic guy and giant dog in clothing --->
I noticed Philosopher B's avatar from The Tick, a character named Batmanuel ---->
I comment that Batmanuel is the name of my cat ----->
General Specific makes a MST3K reference to Mitchell ----->
Thread devolves into awesomeness.

I love this thread. So much.


Staff member
It's wonderful to know that in the face of mind-shattering insanity, Halforumites are prepared to fight fire with fire.

Cthulhu's got nothing on us...
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