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Halforums Anniversary Contest Clues and Answers




This thread is where I'll be posting the questions and answers from the contest.

Stay tuned here to catch up!

Remember, I'm on Vent (check out the FAQ to log on there) and on the IRC #halforums channel. NOT the #pvponline channel! For instructions on how to go there, please check out the stickied IRC thread.


Remember, we are looking for:

1) What I had hidden in the world.
2) What Forumite I had hide it. (It could be ANYONE! Even YOU!)
3) WHERE I had that person hide it. (And the person hiding it is not necessarily from that area!)

For prizes, check out the Anniversary thread.

1 Yes/No question allowed per person per hour.

To win, you MUST POST a picture of where it is (Google Maps), Who hid it (avatar picture) and what it is (picture from the web).

---------- Post added at 12:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:11 PM ----------

Question 1: Is it in the Northern Hemisphere? Yes. (Wahad) Hour 1
Question 2: Is it in the Western Hemisphere? Yes. (Gusto)
Question 3: Is the person who hid it male? Yes. (Krisken)
Question 4: Is it buried in the United States? No. (Wahad) Hour 2
Question 5: Does the person who buried its name begin with a consonant? Yes. (Gusto)
Question 6: Is the object in the same area as the person who hid it? No. (Krisken)
Question 7: Is the object located on the North American continent? No. (Wahad) <-- VERY misleading question/answer. Hour 3
Question 8: Does the name of the country in which the object is located end in the letter "A"? No. (Gusto)
Question 9: Is the object bigger than a bread box? No. (Psyclone)
Question 10: Is the object hidden in Greenland? No. (Tinwhistler)
Question 11: Is the object South of the Panama Canal? No. (DarkAudit)
Question 12: Is it hidden by a user with more than 1000 posts? No. (Bumble)
Question 13: Is the object located in Mexico? Yes. (Krisken)
Question 14: Is the object in the Northern half of Mexico? No. (Moss)
Question 15: Is it in the air? No. (Fade)
Question 16: http://kirkliv.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/north-america-physical.jpg Is the object in a city labeled on this map? No. (Krisken) Hour 4
Question 17: Is it in Mexican Waters? Yes. (Fade)
Question 18: On the map linked above in Question 16, is the object located in the Bahia de Campeche? No. (Wahad)
Question 19: Is it EAST of Acapulco? No. (Moss)
Question 20: Is the object located within the confines of the Mexican mainland? No. (DarkAudit)
Question 21: Has the person who hid the object started a "Ask Me Anything" thread? No. (Drifter)
Question 22: Is the person who hid it in Dave's "Friend" list? No. (Bumble)
Question 23: Is it South of Jalisco (Mexican State)? Yes. (Calleja)
Question 24: Is the person who hid this in the Americas (North or South)? Yes. (Rovewin)
Question 25: Is it in the islas marias? No. (Calleja) HOUR 5
Question 26: Is the item made with non-natural materials? Yes. (Wahad)
Question 27: Is the object edible? No. (Moss)
Question 28: Is it within the Islas Revillagigedo? No. (Krisken)
Question 29: Does the item have metal in it? No. (Rovewin)
Question 30: Does it contain wood? No. (Psyclone)
Question 31: Was the object hidden by anyone who had been in IRC or Vent today? No. (Bumble)
Question 32: Is the object on an island? No. (Ame)
Question 33: Is the location featured in a movie that has grossed more than $100m domestically? No. (Charlie)
Question 34: Did the person join withing the first 2 days of Halforums? Yes. (Drifter) HOUR 6
Question 35: Is this on an oil rig? No. (Psyclone)
Question 36: Ed, is the movie that this locale is in, on that wikipedia page I just linked? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Films_set_in_Mexico No. (Charlie)
Question 37: Was the film from the 1990s decade? Yes. (Wahad)
Question 38: Was the film a disaster film? No. (Moss)
Question 39: Does the member who hid it have a drawing for an avatar? No. (Krisken)
Question 40: Is the location floating? Yes. (Calleja)
Question 41: Did the user join on the first day? Yes. (Bumble)
Question 42: Is the item a piece of HF merchandise? No. (Charlie)
Question 43: Is the person's avatar a picture of a person? No. (Rovewin)
Question 44: Does the item have a subforum dedicated to it? (games/movies/etc) Yes. (Ame)
Question 45: Is the film SF? No. (David)
Question 46: Is the object something everyone would find in his/her house? No. (Wahad) HOUR 7
Question 47: Is the object a game? Yes. (Krisken)
Question 48: Is the game a FPS? No. (David)
Question 49: Is the game an RPG? No. (Moss)
Question 50: Does the game feature a super hero? No. (Charlie)
Question 51: Is it a single player game? It can be either. (Ame)
Question 52: Was the game made in the last 2 years? Yes. (Rovewin)
Question 53: Is the game a strategy game? No. (Psyclone)
Question 54: is the floating structure something i could legally have sex on? Yes. (Calleja)
Question 55: Is the game available on more than one console? Yes. (Bumble)
Question 56: Is it a music/rhythm game (Rock Band, Guitar Hero, etc)? No. (Moss)
Question 57:
Question 58:
Question 59:
Question 60:




Disregard question 5, as the object is not buried.

Disregard question 7, as the object is not on CONTINENTAL North America.




Ok since there are three things we need to figure out I thought it would be easier to have them set into categories instead of having to read through all the questions.

Question 1: Is it in the Northern Hemisphere? Yes. (Wahad) Hour 1
Question 2: Is it in the Western Hemisphere? Yes. (Gusto)
Question 4: Is it buried in the United States? No. (Wahad) Hour 2
Question 6: Is the object in the same area as the person who hid it? No. (Krisken)
Question 7: Is the object located on the North American continent? No. (Wahad) <-- VERY misleading question/answer. Hour 3
Question 8: Does the name of the country in which the object is located end in the letter "A"? No. (Gusto)
Question 10: Is the object hidden in Greenland? No. (Tinwhistler)
Question 11: Is the object South of the Panama Canal? No. (DarkAudit)
Question 13: Is the object located in Mexico? Yes. (Krisken)
Question 14: Is the object in the Northern half of Mexico? No. (Moss)
Question 15: Is it in the air? No. (Fade)
Question 16: http://kirkliv.files.wordpress.com/2...a-physical.jpg Is the object in a city labeled on this map? No. (Krisken) Hour 4
Question 17: Is it in Mexican Waters? Yes. (Fade)
Question 18: On the map linked above in Question 16, is the object located in the Bahia de Campeche? No. (Wahad)
Question 19: Is it EAST of Acapulco? No. (Moss)
Question 20: Is the object located within the confines of the Mexican mainland? No. (DarkAudit)
Question 23: Is it South of Jalisco (Mexican State)? Yes. (Calleja)
Question 25: Is it in the islas marias? No. (Calleja) HOUR 5
Question 28: Is it within the Islas Revillagigedo? No. (Krisken)
Question 32: Is the object on an island? No. (Ame)
Question 33: Is the location featured in a movie that has grossed more than $100m domestically? No. (Charlie)
it was revealed that a small part of a movie was set there
Question 36: Ed, is the movie that this locale is in, on that wikipedia page I just linked? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Categor..._set_in_Mexico No. (Charlie)
Question 37: Was the film from the 1990s decade? Yes. (Wahad)
Question 38: Was the film a disaster film? No. (Moss)
Question 40: Is the location floating? Yes. (Calleja)
Question 45: Is the film SF? No. (David)
Question 54: is the floating structure something i could legally have sex on? Yes. (Calleja)

Question 3: Is the person who hid it male? Yes. (Krisken)
Question 5: Does the person who buried its name begin with a consonant? Yes. (Gusto)
Question 6: Is the object in the same area as the person who hid it? No. (Krisken)
Question 12: Is it hidden by a user with more than 1000 posts? No. (Bumble)
Question 21: Has the person who hid the object started a "Ask Me Anything" thread? No. (Drifter)
Question 22: Is the person who hid it in Dave's "Friend" list? No. (Bumble)
Question 24: Is the person who hid this in the Americas (North or South)? Yes. (Rovewin)
Question 31: Was the object hidden by anyone who had been in IRC or Vent today? No. (Bumble)
Question 34: Did the person join withing the first 2 days of Halforums? Yes. (Drifter)
Question 39: Does the member who hid it have a drawing for an avatar? No. (Krisken)
Question 41: Did the user join on the first day? Yes. (Bumble)
Question 43: Is the person's avatar a picture of a person? No. (Rovewin)

Question 9: Is the object bigger than a bread box? No. (Psyclone)
Question 26: Is the item made with non-natural materials? Yes. (Wahad)
Question 27: Is the object edible? No. (Moss)
Question 29: Does the item have metal in it? No. (Rovewin)
Question 30: Does it contain wood? No. (Psyclone)
Question 35: Is this on an oil rig? No. (Psyclone)
Question 42: Is the item a piece of HF merchandise? No. (Charlie)
Question 44: Does the item have a subforum dedicated to it? (games/movies/etc) Yes. (Ame)
Question 46: Is the object something everyone would find in his/her house? No. (Wahad) HOUR 7
Question 47: Is the object a game? Yes. (Krisken)
Question 48: Is the game a FPS? No. (David)
Question 49: Is the game an RPG? No. (Moss)
Question 50: Does the game feature a super hero? No. (Charlie)
Question 51: Is it a single player game? It can be either. (Ame)
Question 52: Was the game made in the last 2 years? Yes. (Rovewin)
Question 53: Is the game a strategy game? No. (Psyclone)
Question 55: Is the game available on more than one console? Yes. (Bumble)










Yeah, good game, you bastard.








Well done Drifter :)

That was a lot of fun. Hopefully next year we can do something similar.



lol @ Zihuatanejo

someones been watching Shawshank Redemption ;)




I forgot to post this before for some reason. Please note that the time stamps are for the servers were on in IRC, not the time the event was taking place. Also note there was a lot of talk going on in Vent that we reference here.

IRC chats can be confusing as hell sometimes but maybe we can pare this down to just the really funny exchanges.

17:57:50 <Edrondol>: Boo ya!
17:59:04 <Bumble>: Hello gents
17:59:16 <Edrondol>: BUMBLE!!!
17:59:32 <Edrondol>: You want to let go with the first question of the day?
18:00:04 <Bumble>: Hmm... Perhaps... perhapsss
18:00:37 <Bumble>: Think we'd make it to a year??
18:00:53 <Edrondol>: At times. At times no.
18:01:26 <Bumble>: Is it worth it, sir?
18:01:46 <Edrondol>: At times. At times no.
18:01:49 <Edrondol>: :)
18:02:12 <Bumble>: haha seems about right
18:02:32 <Bumble>: So how you doing
18:02:51 <Edrondol>: Tell me about it. Some days I'm like, "I LOVE THIS PLACE!!" Others I'm like, "Kurtz was RIGHT!!"
18:03:04 <Edrondol>: And I'm fine, my friend. Fine and dandy!
18:03:58 <Bumble>: What if it turns out, Kurtz knew best ALL ALONG
18:04:25 <Edrondol>: He didn't. HE DIDN'T!!
18:04:39 <Bumble>: What a horrible day that would be...
18:04:58 <Edrondol>: Aye.
18:05:17 <Bumble>: I have seen a recent surge in new people it seems ;)
18:05:25 <Bumble>: maybe just lurkers coming out from hiding
18:06:08 <Edrondol>: Since we started enforcing the rules, yes.
18:07:47 <Edrondol>: This is starting slower than I thought it would.
18:07:50 <Edrondol>: :-(
18:07:50 <Bumble>: The rules making everything a little less hostile? Seems like it's helping lol
18:08:40 <Bumble>: Was there an RSVP list? :p
18:08:54 <Edrondol>: No RSVP list.
18:09:13 <Edrondol>: A lot of people will be getting on later.
18:09:31 <CharlieDontChat>: I'm leaving shortly to help people carry stuff
18:09:39 <Edrondol>: Wahad just got on Vent. Woot!
18:09:42 <CharlieDontChat>: well shortly = 30 minutes ish?
18:09:56 <Edrondol>: Who knows?
18:10:40 <CharlieDontChat>: so why does makare not want you in pvponline
18:11:39 <Edrondol>: Not sure. Just the way she is.
18:16:22 <Edrondol>: You guys have a question about the contest?
18:16:29 <Edrondol>: http://www.halforums.com/forum/showthread.php?p=305720#post305720
18:16:58 <Wahad>: There we go
18:17:17 <Edrondol>: It's the Wahad-man!
18:17:52 <Wahad>: Anyone who doesn't have a mic has no excuse not to get in vent.
18:18:04 <Edrondol>: So Charlie & Bumble, how was Thanksgiving for ya?
18:18:17 <CharlieDontChat>: it was alright. I tried some new foods
18:18:50 <CharlieDontChat>: went to a downtown houston VIP party thing with friends and watched fireworks and listened to horrible renditions of xmas tunes
18:18:54 <Edrondol>: What kind of food, Charlie?
18:19:46 <CharlieDontChat>: tapioca, cheesecake, zuccini, butternut squash
18:19:56 <Wahad>: You've never had cheesecake?
18:20:13 <CharlieDontChat>: I was a weird kid food-wise
18:20:29 <Wahad>: Huh
18:20:30 <Wahad>: I guess
18:20:34 <Edrondol>: Whoa.
18:20:46 <CharlieDontChat>: I am in general not areally big fan of dessert period
18:21:10 <Edrondol>: You're a weird duck, Charlie.
18:21:15 <Bumble>: I'm at my girlfriend's family's thanksgiving. Very traditional thanksgiving meal, very delicious!
18:21:30 <Bumble>: plus, desserts a-plenty
18:21:32 <CharlieDontChat>: it was okay, but I'm not gonna really seek it out in the future. tomorrow we're having another big meal where I'm gonna try Duck and baby pig for the first time
18:21:34 <Edrondol>: Still there? Cool! Tell them we said hi!
18:21:40 <Wahad>: Baby pig
18:21:42 <Wahad>: Sounds delicious
18:21:49 <Edrondol>: Not a fan of duck. Too gamy.
18:21:58 <CharlieDontChat>: there's a word for it, I can't remember it offhand
18:22:03 <Wahad>: Piglet?
18:22:04 <Wahad>: *shrug*
18:22:17 <Edrondol>: disgusting?
18:22:21 <Bumble>: gf says hi Dave
18:22:23 <Bumble>: lol
18:22:36 * Edrondol waves at Bumble's girlfriend
18:23:27 <CharlieDontChat>: porchetta
18:23:54 <Bumble>: Apparently the rest of my family was at my grandmas yesterday. when I called them, they were shopping at wal-mart
18:23:54 <Bumble>: ....They were buying bullets. at wal-mart. on thanksgiving.
18:23:55 <Wahad>: Oooh
18:24:09 <CharlieDontChat>: gotta get the turkey somehow. in this economy
18:24:14 <Wahad>: Heh.
18:24:16 <Edrondol>: Bullets.
18:24:20 <Edrondol>: As in ammo.
18:24:33 <Edrondol>: Happy Thanksgivi-BLAM!!!!
18:24:39 <Edrondol>: makare!
18:24:45 <Bumble>: I didn't want to ask what they were shooting. I will just go on pretending it was a turkey..
18:24:49 <Wahad>: heh
18:24:53 <Wahad>: That's unsafe, you know
18:24:57 <makare>: just stopping by to see how your celebration was going
18:25:00 <Wahad>: Next thing you know you have a bullet in your foot
18:25:08 <CharlieDontChat>: that's one way to stop aunt jenny from changing the channel during the Cowboys game
18:25:09 <Edrondol>: So far so slow. But we're just starting.
18:25:21 <Edrondol>: WOO! Cowboys!
18:25:30 <Edrondol>: 24-7, bitches!
18:25:36 <Bumble>: I'm just glad I was 300 miles away from the guns lol
18:25:51 <Bumble>: Worse thing thats gonna happen to me is eating too much pie
18:25:54 <Wahad>: Crazy americans with your crazy football that's not actually football
18:25:57 <makare>: well have fun!
18:26:01 <makare>: later
18:26:04 * Edrondol waves
18:26:09 <Bumble>: bye makare
18:26:10 <Wahad>: There is no such thing
18:26:13 <Wahad>: As too much pie
18:26:38 <Wahad>: Unless it is pumpkin pie
18:26:40 <CharlieDontChat>: oh, that's another thing I'm going to try for the first time on Saturday, is pie
18:26:51 <Bumble>: .....you've never had pie
18:27:02 <Edrondol>: You've never had pie!
18:27:03 <Bumble>: what about a home-run pie?
18:27:06 <Edrondol>: PIE!!
18:27:12 <Edrondol>: Fucking pie?!?
18:27:13 <Wahad>: You are a weird kid food-wise, Charlie.
18:27:20 <Edrondol>: I call shenanigans!
18:27:36 <Bumble>: I might have to agree with Dave
18:27:39 <Bumble>: Thats just BIZARRE
18:27:41 <Edrondol>: Shenanigans!
18:27:41 <CharlieDontChat>: I don't like dessert generally!
18:27:45 <Wahad>: says the boy wonder
18:27:46 <Edrondol>: Shenanigans!
18:27:50 <CharlieDontChat>: my mom wasn't a baker
18:28:03 <Edrondol>: Neither was mine but I ate fucking PIE!
18:28:44 <Edrondol>: And here I used to think you were cool, Charlie.
18:28:53 <CharlieDontChat>: most of the pies had fruits in them, and I didn't like fruits, ergo, I didn't eat pies forevr
18:28:58 <Edrondol>: Yes, Pie = Cool.
18:28:58 <Bumble>: I just don't know what to believe in anymore...
18:29:05 <Wahad>: But cake is better.
18:29:08 * Bumble has had his universe shattered.
18:29:23 <CharlieDontChat>: I ate cake frequently
18:29:34 <Bumble>: I eat cake frequently
18:29:36 <Wahad>: Well at least you're not totally a lost case
18:29:40 <Edrondol>: But PIE! Flaky, flaky pie!
18:30:03 <Edrondol>: Or chocolate with a graham cracker crust.
18:30:09 <Edrondol>: Yummy!
18:30:19 <Bumble>: Lemon pie!
18:30:24 <Edrondol>: Damn it! Now I want pie!
18:30:27 <Wahad>: Beef pie
18:30:29 <Edrondol>: AND I HAVE NO PIE!
18:30:48 <Bumble>: ...I'm gonna go get pie
18:30:53 <Bumble>: I'll eat some for you too, Dave
18:31:12 <Wahad>: Bone apple tits, Bumble
18:31:17 <Edrondol>: Thanks. 4203 S 61 Ave Omaha. I'll get it in a couple of days.
18:38:31 <CharlieDontChat>: peace ya'll
18:39:02 <CharlieDontChat>: hav a good day, I might pop in randomly?
18:39:09 <Wahad>: Farewell
18:40:00 <Edrondol>: Cool, Charlie!
18:40:07 <Edrondol>: See ya around!
18:42:21 <Edrondol>: Yo!
18:42:25 <Krisken>: We don't have to be exciting, it's cool :)
18:42:42 <Krisken>: Happy anniversary :)
18:43:11 <Krisken>: I knew we'd survive
18:43:15 <Edrondol>: It's been a year!
18:44:03 <Krisken>: Oh yeah, the contest
18:44:37 <Edrondol>: Gotta question, Krisken?
18:44:55 <Krisken>: Not really. I wouldn't even know where to start.
18:45:20 <Krisken>: I'm married, I have enough guessing games
18:45:25 <Krisken>: XD
18:45:29 <Wahad>: Heh
18:45:40 <Edrondol>: Me, too. Only this time I have answers.
19:30:31 <Edrondol>: Yo!
19:30:43 <CharlieDontChat>: I logged on just to find where a burger place is
19:30:58 <Edrondol>: Down the block.
19:43:23 <Krisken>: He's looking for the In and Out Burger
19:45:10 <Edrondol>: White Castle.
19:46:11 <Krisken>: I've only smelled White Castle. It just never smelled good to me
19:46:14 <Wahad>: Charlie is actually called Harold?
19:50:29 <Edrondol>: Kissinger is KUMAR!!!
19:52:29 <Edrondol>: Yay!
19:52:37 <Gusto>: :D!
19:53:00 <Edrondol>: BUMBLE!
19:53:11 <Krisken>: Hey bumble
19:53:26 <Gusto>: Bumblah
19:53:41 <Krisken>: he probably bruised his ego
19:54:11 <Krisken>: Tiger Woods- secret pimp
19:54:23 <Bumble>: Whats up homies
19:54:44 <Gusto>: bumble get on ye vents
19:54:53 <Wahad>: YEAH
19:54:55 <Gusto>: do it muh brosef
19:55:01 <Wahad>: Do it broski
19:55:04 <Edrondol>: Not sure he can right now.
19:55:07 <Gusto>: brodogg
19:55:18 <Krisken>: He never turns down pie
19:55:38 <Bumble>: I can like... listen hahah
19:55:51 <Wahad>: Why can you not talk, brah
19:55:55 <Gusto>: i wanna hear your sweet voice
19:55:57 <Bumble>: And ya'll can talk about me without me defending myself
19:56:08 <Edrondol>: We do that now.
19:56:19 <Krisken>: depends how much we bug him :D
19:56:37 <Bumble>: Well, lemme go dl vent then
19:56:45 <Wahad>: Good man.
19:57:11 <Gusto>: do it homey
19:58:09 <Krisken>: I get to Scotland before ya?
19:58:55 <Krisken>: Maybe if you look at your last question you'll remember the new one
19:59:28 <Gusto>: i know what my last one was
19:59:54 <Krisken>: I'm trying to drag Psyclone in
20:00:18 <Krisken>: He's a happy chatter
20:00:41 <Krisken>: How many countries do we have left for location in the western hemisphere?
20:00:52 <Krisken>: northwestern, rather
20:01:16 <Wahad>: Mexico, Canada, Greenland, bunch of countries in South/Middle america such as venezuela, ABC-islands, Honduras, etc
20:01:17 <Krisken>: Settle them old bones in Dave
20:03:34 <Gusto>: hahaha
20:03:41 <Wahad>: Damnit >|
20:05:34 <Wahad>: Yo Spyclone
20:05:37 <Psyclone>: Hey
20:05:39 <Krisken>: bout time slacker
20:05:42 <Edrondol>: Psy!
20:05:48 <Psyclone>: Ed!
20:06:00 <Psyclone>: So...is this going to be our new channel?
20:06:17 <Wahad>: *shrug*
20:06:35 <Psyclone>: Sorry Krisken. I'm doing other stuff
20:06:39 <Krisken>: Just for the contest
20:06:47 <Psyclone>: Oh
20:06:51 <Krisken>: It's cool, man, just giving you a hard time
20:07:09 <Edrondol>: It will be as soon as the new site is up.
20:07:16 <Edrondol>: There will be a direct link right to here.
20:07:27 <Krisken>: I'm starting to think JCM
20:08:53 <Bumble>: hook a brother up with the vent info?
20:08:59 <Wahad>: Uh
20:09:01 <Krisken>: That and it's The United States of America and it can't end in an A
20:09:03 <Wahad>: Let me link you the vent thread
20:09:24 <Wahad>: http://www.halforums.com/forum/showthread.php?t=9289
20:10:26 <Psyclone>: What was the button to press in Vent?
20:10:28 <Psyclone>: TO Talk?
20:10:31 <Wahad>: left ctrl
20:10:33 <Krisken>: I'm working on it. I run on inspiration ;)
20:10:34 <Psyclone>: thnx
20:11:25 <Bumble>: I dunno if my mic works/will make your ears bleed..
20:11:30 <Wahad>: Try it
20:11:33 <Gusto>: ehhh
20:11:33 <Wahad>: YEAH
20:11:42 <Krisken>: Bumble the Boy Lier
20:11:48 <Wahad>: Hey-oh
20:11:53 <Bumble>: D:
20:13:31 <Krisken>: Not even a little
20:14:13 <Psyclone>: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K72XpSvrds4[/ame]
20:14:23 <Bumble>: My ping is like, over 9000
20:14:25 <Krisken>: I'm saving it. I have 45 minutes yet
20:14:29 <Wahad>: Huh, jeez
20:14:30 <Krisken>: bragger
20:15:39 <Krisken>: I would have. I'd have been like "I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the bullshit coming out of your mouth"
20:16:10 <Krisken>: It's like making a Wish in D and D
20:16:19 <Gusto>: lol yeah
20:16:33 <Krisken>: End up writing an essay so you don't get boned by the Wish
20:16:39 <Wahad>: Heh
20:16:42 <Wahad>: Makes me think of the OOTS
20:17:00 <Wahad>: Where he asks the Oracle
20:17:00 <Bumble>: a midget?
20:17:19 <Krisken>: Oooohh, midget prize!
20:17:33 <Wahad>: Awesome
20:17:41 <Wahad>: You'll be opening the mailed prize box
20:17:50 <Wahad>: and *poof* out jumps a midget
20:18:40 <Gusto>: Dave mails a bag of holding
20:18:45 <Gusto>: out comes a green dragon
20:18:47 <Wahad>: Heh
20:18:52 <Wahad>: That would be cool.
20:19:55 <Edrondol>: Tin!
20:20:02 <tinwhistler>: yo..at work, so cant chat long
20:20:04 <tinwhistler>: I have one question :)
20:20:05 <Wahad>: Hey there
20:20:16 <tinwhistler>: Is it in greenland?
20:20:17 <Edrondol>: Name it!
20:20:21 <Edrondol>: No.
20:20:30 <tinwhistler>: darn ;)
20:20:36 <Edrondol>: No Greenland.
20:20:38 <Gusto>: am i lagging again?
20:20:45 <Wahad>: No
20:21:10 <Edrondol>: Sorry, man.
20:21:27 <Gusto>: we may have narrowed it down to three countries in central america
20:22:08 <tinwhistler>: yeah, I shoulda asked a more general question ;)
20:22:44 <Edrondol>: :-D
20:25:17 <DarkAudit>: hrm
20:25:34 <Edrondol>: DA!
20:25:39 <tinwhistler>: ok..off to do more work ;) c-ya!
20:25:40 <Wahad>: Hey bub
20:25:44 <Wahad>: Later tin
20:25:51 <tinwhistler>: i might hit vent later when i'm at home
20:25:57 <Wahad>: Cool.
20:26:04 <tinwhistler>: I can't game until my new video card comes in..my old card died last night
20:26:08 <DarkAudit>: just woke up post BF shopping to the Tiger news :(
20:26:24 <Krisken>: No, he's just being a smart ass
20:26:29 <Edrondol>: He's in serious condition last I knew.
20:26:31 <Krisken>: It means it's not ON the ground
20:27:02 <Edrondol>: He's been released from the hospital.
20:27:34 <Krisken>: What /should/ have been said for 7 was the word IN
20:28:35 <Krisken>: I'm still thinking it :)
20:29:06 <Krisken>: I don't care about the prize, I just like mysteries
20:29:09 <DarkAudit>: no one commented on the video I posted yesterday... biggest thing to happen to my HS id over 40 yrs
20:29:23 <Krisken>: it was retconned
20:29:34 <Edrondol>: Link it, DA. I was gone.
20:29:42 <Wahad>: The cheerleader dance thing?
20:29:49 <Wahad>: For thanksgiving?
20:30:04 <DarkAudit>: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37BQnob1PbQ[/ame]
20:30:18 <Wahad>: Yeah, that.
20:30:19 <DarkAudit>: the majorettes hogged all the TV time :p
20:30:42 <Edrondol>: Was that your school, DA?
20:30:59 <DarkAudit>: yep
20:32:04 <DarkAudit>: They get the school fight song in this version: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyDId3_q_O4[/ame]
20:32:23 <DarkAudit>: they timed it perfect with the intro of Jimmy Fallon
20:32:43 <Krisken>: So we know it doesn't end in an A and it isn't greenland, which leaves mexico, bahamas, domonican republic, haiti, el salvador, and honduras
20:32:58 <Wahad>: Yeah I guess
20:33:01 <Wahad>: Or any of the islands
20:33:24 <Krisken>: Ah, not on an island
20:33:24 <Wahad>: Are Bonaire or Curacao on northwest?
20:33:24 <DarkAudit>: I just got here, but I'm guessing susan hid it? ;)
20:33:39 <Wahad>: No girls :)P)
20:33:39 <Krisken>: That takes out bahamas dominican republic, and haiti
20:34:02 <DarkAudit>: Calleja
20:34:13 <Krisken>: Not on my map wahad
20:34:14 <Wahad>: I know, ''sa joke
20:34:17 <Wahad>: Alright, Krisk
20:34:18 <DarkAudit>: k
20:35:08 <Krisken>: so we have mexico, el salvador, and honduras
20:35:24 <Wahad>: Yeah I guess
20:35:27 <Wahad>: Or it's in the sea
20:35:33 <Wahad>: Like international waters
20:35:37 <Krisken>: oh, and belize
20:37:10 <DarkAudit>: all those guess are wrong
20:38:02 <DarkAudit>: unless dave is considering "North America" to end at the Rio Grande
20:38:11 <Edrondol>: So what is it, DA? Ask your yes/no question.
20:38:41 <Edrondol>: North American continent = Canada down to Southe America.
20:38:59 <DarkAudit>: was it hidden south of the Panama Canal?
20:39:11 <Edrondol>: No.
20:40:08 <Edrondol>: Mwahahahaha!
20:40:19 <Edrondol>: Moss!
20:40:23 <moss>: dave!
20:40:24 <moss>: :D
20:40:26 <Wahad>: hey moss
20:40:31 <moss>: heya Wahad
20:40:41 <DarkAudit>: Then it is in North America
20:41:14 <moss>: Edrondol, congrats and thank you for managing to keep it all together :D
20:42:05 <Edrondol>: Thanks, Moss!
20:42:21 <DarkAudit>: all of South America is south of the Panama Canal...
20:42:33 <Edrondol>: DA, read question #8.
20:42:44 <Edrondol>: http://www.halforums.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10842
20:43:12 <DarkAudit>: argl
20:43:19 <DarkAudit>: :p
20:44:22 <DarkAudit>: but it does likely eliminate our Brazilian contingent ;)
20:45:14 <Wahad>: It's Cuyval Dar. He hid it in a trap.
20:45:22 <DarkAudit>: tarp :p
20:45:27 <Wahad>: Harhar
20:45:33 <moss>: did scott get the mousepad?
20:45:45 <Edrondol>: I do not know.
20:46:08 <Krisken>: So we have El Salvador, Honduras, and Mexico left for countries
20:46:36 <moss>: it was calleja!
20:46:36 <DarkAudit>: how?
20:46:42 <moss>: with the lead piping
20:46:44 <moss>: in the library
20:46:54 <Krisken>: Is the object located in Mexico?
20:47:02 <Krisken>: we'll eliminate that one
20:47:07 <Edrondol>: Yes.
20:47:07 <Gusto>: haha nice
20:47:09 <DarkAudit>: I'm confused. Central America is continental north america
20:47:15 <moss>: is it calleja?
20:47:36 <Wahad>: (person and object-location are not related)
20:47:44 <moss>: damnation!
20:48:20 <Edrondol>: North American continent = Canada down to South America.
20:49:48 <DarkAudit>: Mexico isn't south america
20:50:12 <Edrondol>: Ah! I see why you are confused!
20:50:24 <Krisken>: Wait until I start pulling out the longitude/lattitude
20:50:27 <Edrondol>: Question #7 is REALLY misleading. >:)
20:51:42 <DarkAudit>: South America doesn't start until you get to Venezuela and Colombia, and Central America is continental NA
20:53:24 <DarkAudit>: but... there are islands considered part of Mexico
20:55:23 <Edrondol>: DA, DA, DA....Read the clues, man. I know #7 is confusing.
20:56:22 <DarkAudit>: It's in Mexico, but not on the North American continent...
20:56:54 <Edrondol>: Not ON the North American Continent....
20:58:25 <fade>: so is it in the air?
20:58:32 <Krisken>: DA, let it go, that was a long time ago!
20:58:41 <Edrondol>: Fade: No.
20:59:01 <Bumble>: It's ON the air!
20:59:02 <Bumble>: dun dun dunn
20:59:25 <fade>: running out of prepositions
20:59:34 <Wahad>: Nice bumble
21:00:09 <DarkAudit>: first two panels of PA are truth
21:01:18 <fade>: The problem with Vent is that my wife makes fun of everything I say. It's embarrassing!
21:01:42 <Wahad>: Heh
21:02:39 <fade>: is it in Mexican waters?
21:03:05 <Edrondol>: Fade: Yes.
21:03:26 <Bumble>: Holy shit, it's Calleja, in a boat, COMING TO AMERICA!!
21:03:26 <fade>: sweet!
21:05:28 <fade>: Where are you typing all of this stuff?
21:06:09 <Bumble>: hit the "chat" button on the right side of Vent
21:06:50 <Krisken>: Yeah, I started that one
21:08:53 <fade>: no takesy backsies!
21:10:28 <fade>: so what was the name of the object we're looking for again?
21:10:38 <Wahad>: We don't know yet
21:10:40 <DarkAudit>: Just who the smurf does Aurburn think they are?
21:10:43 <Wahad>: We haven't guessed that yet
21:10:44 <DarkAudit>: Auburn*
21:10:56 <fade>: (shh! You're ruining my ruse!)
21:11:07 <Wahad>: (Aw crap, sorry)
21:11:39 <Edrondol>: Got another question, DA?
21:12:17 <fade>: later. Daughter's awake. Back in a while.
21:12:22 <Wahad>: Later
21:13:03 <DarkAudit>: gotta lawyer this question just right... ;)
21:13:11 <Wahad>: Yeah no kidding
21:13:11 <Krisken>: If it's in the waters, it could be as far out as ISLAS REVILLAGIGEDO
21:13:16 <Wahad>: THis is true.
21:13:21 <Edrondol>: I'll be DMing the answers!
21:13:26 <Wahad>: Or any other islands that are not on the map, I guess
21:13:30 <Wahad>: Lemmme check for those
21:14:12 <Krisken>: Yup, Guadalupe, cedros
21:14:15 <DarkAudit>: Is the object located within the confines of the Mexican mainland?
21:14:45 <Edrondol>: DA: No.
21:15:02 <Edrondol>: But I'm that's not misleading.
21:15:24 <Edrondol>: Explain exactly what you mean so I can tell if I answered right.
21:16:01 <Edrondol>: Rove!
21:16:15 <rovewin>: hello
21:16:24 <DarkAudit>: as in located anywhere (on, in, above) what would generally be considered mainland Mexico
21:16:40 <Krisken>: We're on the maps :)
21:16:43 <Edrondol>: Okay. No.
21:16:53 <Edrondol>: That's how I read it, too.
21:17:19 <Krisken>: Wow, finding maps of islands in mexico is a bitch
21:17:30 <Wahad>: Yeah
21:17:33 <Wahad>: Pretty much
21:17:34 <DarkAudit>: there's a list of mexican islands wikipedia page
21:18:24 <Krisken>: vague dave is vague XD
21:19:05 <Edrondol>: Maybe...
21:19:30 <Krisken>: So.....
21:20:03 <Krisken>: Heh, I bet your wife is thrilled this is how your spending your Friday :D
21:20:20 <Krisken>: Mine keeps looking at me like I'm nuts
21:20:21 <Wahad>: Heh
21:20:36 <Krisken>: No, she's listening
21:20:44 <Krisken>: She helped me with a couple questions even
21:20:51 <Krisken>: I'll tell her, she's away making dinner
21:20:54 <Wahad>: Thanks, Krisken's wife!
21:21:26 <Krisken>: I /should/ sucker her in to ask double questions XD
21:21:47 <Krisken>: I wouldn't do that though. that's dirty
21:22:25 <Krisken>: Wait, the english get weekends?
21:23:50 <Psyclone>: You know what's the French word for "weekend"?
21:23:55 <Wahad>: weekend
21:24:00 <Edrondol>: Surrender?
21:24:02 <Wahad>: is the french word for weekend
21:24:11 <Wahad>: Hurfdurf
21:24:17 <Psyclone>: Exactly
21:24:27 <Psyclone>: lol Ed
21:24:39 <Krisken>: Well done sir!
21:25:11 <Krisken>: dun dun dunnnnnnn
21:25:13 <Psyclone>: BTW Ed, I never got that Energy pack
21:26:59 <Edrondol>: You don't specify. You just send it to everyone in your mafia.
21:27:26 <Psyclone>: I know. Can you try it again :-P?
21:27:38 <Edrondol>: OKay. Hold on.
21:27:49 <Psyclone>: I'm just REALLY close to getting the Consigliere bonus
21:28:01 <Psyclone>: SO I can get more energy even faster
21:30:10 <Krisken>: I am conflicted enjoying a PVP comic
21:31:41 <Krisken>: there's a reason it's called 20 questions when you are doing just one thing. Expect 60 for 3
21:32:49 <Krisken>: hey, cat food isn't cheap!
21:33:05 <Krisken>: he likes the salmon flavorite
21:33:09 <Krisken>: er, flavoring
21:33:20 <Edrondol>: Tuna flavored.
21:34:05 <Edrondol>: Rovewin, you also can ask a question of the contest.
21:34:42 <Edrondol>: If you care, that is.
21:34:55 <rovewin>: ok let me think of one
21:37:15 <Krisken>: I'm looking at homework and not doing it
21:37:35 <Krisken>: Tomorrow night
21:37:47 <Krisken>: not much, really
21:38:14 <Wahad>: Alright, no problem, procrastination to go
21:38:26 <Edrondol>: Go Auburn!
21:38:38 <DarkAudit>: oh wtf now?
21:38:53 <Edrondol>: Nothing. I just want Alabama to lose.
21:39:12 <DarkAudit>: ah... you know the networks just cannot allow that to happen
21:39:15 <Edrondol>: And then I want them to beat Florida in the next game and Nebraska to beat Texas.
21:39:38 <Edrondol>: A TCU/Cincy National Championship game.
21:39:58 <DarkAudit>: that would be good for WVU ;)
21:42:00 <DarkAudit>: Cincy would need to beat pitt next week... which should be easy as they'll be to demoralized to keep on living after tonight :D
21:42:12 <DarkAudit>: pitt that is ;-)
21:42:51 <Edrondol>: Cincy kicked the crap out of Illinois today.
21:44:34 <DarkAudit>: the Backyard Brawl is tonight
21:44:57 <DarkAudit>: tickets are available, but it is cold, rainy, windy, and otherwise miserable out
21:45:13 <Edrondol>: Ah. Have fun then?
21:45:18 <Edrondol>: Or are you staying home?
21:45:35 <Bumble>: Don't answer if this will count as my question Dave, but.. "Ans Me Anything" -- Was that a typo on your part?
21:45:37 <DarkAudit>: I'm staying put and watching it in HD :D
21:46:19 <Edrondol>: Hey Bumble: :-P
21:46:41 <Calleja>: who's here?
21:46:51 <Edrondol>: ME!
21:46:51 <DarkAudit>: whare is "here"? :p
21:46:51 <Wahad>: Cajecha
21:46:56 <Wahad>: You should ask question
21:46:59 <Wahad>: questions*
21:47:01 <Wahad>: for the contest
21:47:11 <Wahad>: We're in mexico now so help us out man
21:47:36 <Calleja>: you're in mexico?
21:47:43 <rovewin>: the object is
21:47:43 <Wahad>: (the object is located in mexico)
21:47:55 <Wahad>: Here
21:47:56 <Wahad>: http://www.halforums.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10842
21:47:59 <Calleja>: huh
21:48:02 <Wahad>: Read that and help us out
21:48:05 <Calleja>: so it's in the waters of mexico?
21:48:08 <Wahad>: Yes
21:48:13 <Calleja>: atlantic, pacific or caribbean?
21:48:14 <Wahad>: West of Acapulco
21:48:33 <Calleja>: west of acapulco?
21:48:37 <Calleja>: that's pacific
21:48:39 <Wahad>: Yes
21:48:47 <Calleja>: north or south of jalisco?
21:48:49 <moss>: hey Calleja
21:48:49 <Wahad>: (it's not east of acapulco, that was one of the questions)
21:48:55 <Edrondol>: And we're in Vent, Dude!
21:49:52 <Wahad>: (one question per person per hour btw)
21:49:52 <Calleja>: oh, damn, vent, not sure if i have it installed on win7
21:49:59 <Calleja>: ok.. so my question this hour
21:50:08 <Edrondol>: Waiting....
21:50:27 <Calleja>: is it south of jalisco?
21:50:40 <Edrondol>: Hold on. I'l have to look.
21:51:23 <Wahad>: http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jalisco
21:52:28 <Calleja>: that's a weird language you linked
21:52:29 <Edrondol>: Calleja: Yes.
21:52:38 <rovewin>: is the person who hid it in the americas?
21:53:45 <moss>: Calleja, i miss you dual language tweeting
21:53:58 <Edrondol>: Rove: Yes.
21:54:00 <Calleja>: south of jalisco, west of acapulco
21:54:13 <Calleja>: it's somewhere in the pacific ocean
21:54:21 <moss>: it could be north of acapulco
21:54:28 <moss>: just not east
21:54:40 <Edrondol>: Rove, do you mean THE Americas or the United States?
21:54:51 <Calleja>: yes, but that's a small section, between jalisco and guerrero there's not much
21:55:00 <rovewin>: the americas north or south america
21:55:04 <Calleja>: (acapulco, the city, is in the sate of guerrero)
21:55:14 <Wahad>: also
21:55:17 <Wahad>: it is in the waters
21:55:19 <Wahad>: so yeah
21:56:28 <Calleja>: so someone ACTUALLY came down to mexico and PHYSICALLY hid an object off the coast?
21:56:32 <Wahad>: (no)
21:56:41 <DarkAudit>: dammit Auburn. The folks in NYC and Bristol do not approve
21:56:50 <Wahad>: (it's a fictional object hidden by a person who did not really went there)
21:56:59 <Edrondol>: No, Calleja. It's all fictional.
21:57:01 <Calleja>: moss , i stopped tweeting bilingually cause I was gettting spam complaints
21:57:06 <moss>: aw
21:57:07 <Calleja>: aah
21:57:43 <DarkAudit>: via Twitter: "I just got hit in the face with an airsoft pellet and now I'm bleeding. I'd be angrier if I didn't instigate it."
21:57:49 <Wahad>: Heh
21:57:50 <Calleja>: Edrondol , do the words "islas marias" mean anything to you?
21:58:11 <Edrondol>: Why do you ask, Calleja?
21:58:14 <Edrondol>: :-D
21:58:20 <moss>: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/8383701.stm
21:58:23 <Calleja>: cause I'm smarts
21:58:44 <Calleja>: and i doubt they'd have hidden it in the middle of the ocean
21:59:02 <Calleja>: so, west of acapulco, but still mexico.. islas marias, the maria islands i'd guess they'd be called
21:59:13 <Calleja>: does an official guess count as a question?
21:59:15 <Calleja>: that's my official guess
21:59:18 <Calleja>: ...for now
21:59:24 <Wahad>: (you can't have guesses)
21:59:37 <Wahad>: (read the thread)
21:59:43 <Edrondol>: Start of....HOUR 5!
21:59:46 <Wahad>: (you can ask another question right.....now!
21:59:50 <Edrondol>: Questions?
22:00:08 <Calleja>: is it in the islas marias?
22:00:23 <Edrondol>: Calleja: No.
22:00:29 <Calleja>: fuck
22:00:43 <Calleja>: that'd be a bad-ass place to hide something
22:00:51 <Wahad>: Why?
22:00:55 <Calleja>: it's literally infested with great white sharks
22:00:59 <Krisken>: Ooftah, gotta catch up and look up the questions asked
22:01:01 <Calleja>: and its used as a prison island
22:01:17 <Wahad>: Haha
22:01:19 <Wahad>: Nice
22:01:31 <Calleja>: there's a certain period in the year where there are more great whites in the area than anywhere else in the world
22:01:52 <Edrondol>: Wahada asked if non-natural materials made the object: Yes.
22:02:27 <Edrondol>: Wow! And you thought I physically sent someone to put something there?
22:02:42 <Calleja>: no, i thought it was there AFTER i knew it was fictional
22:03:25 <Krisken>: Oh yeah
22:03:50 <Krisken>: There is so much going on I'm at a loss on what to ask
22:04:10 <Krisken>: Ed is squeeking
22:04:11 <Calleja>: here's a list of the islands in the pacific of mexico
22:04:22 <Krisken>: I was waiting for that :)
22:04:22 <Calleja>: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islands_of_Mexico#Pacific_Coast
22:04:42 <Calleja>: my money is on it being there... unless someone asks if it's, like, actually underwater
22:04:44 <Calleja>: or..floating
22:05:37 <Krisken>: It's somewhere in the pacific coast area
22:05:47 <Krisken>: I hope not
22:05:48 <Edrondol>: Moss asks, "Is it edible?" No.
22:06:18 <Calleja>: isla guadalupe...
22:06:22 <Krisken>: It'll be daves D &D character sheet
22:06:29 <Wahad>: Hahaha
22:06:32 <Calleja>: THAT'S where all the great whites meet together, not mujeres
22:06:32 <moss>: don't be silly
22:06:34 <moss>: thats edible
22:06:35 <Calleja>: damn
22:06:59 <Calleja>: there's even a picture of a great white in the article of the guadalupe island
22:07:01 <Calleja>: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guadalupe_Island
22:07:13 <Krisken>: I'm doing my detective work
22:07:29 <Edrondol>: :-D
22:07:55 <Calleja>: moss, are you following stan lee on twitter?
22:08:00 <Calleja>: he's like an awesome grandpa
22:08:01 <moss>: no
22:08:03 <Wahad>: I've narrowed it down to a person and am going for the object now...but man, this is way hard
22:08:03 <moss>: link
22:08:10 <Calleja>: and he signs off with EXCELSIOR! which makes me smile
22:08:31 <Calleja>: if you're not following stan lee i take it you're not following kevin smith either
22:08:39 <Calleja>: so, my question is, wtf are you using twitter for then?
22:08:50 <Edrondol>: Post their twitter names.
22:08:59 <moss>: i'm following stephen fry, give me some credit
22:09:12 <Edrondol>: brb.
22:09:20 <Calleja>: stan lee.. in a VERIFIED ACCOUNT mind you:
22:09:21 <Calleja>: http://twitter.com/smilinstanlee
22:09:49 <moss>: Calleja, i assume you're following fry
22:09:51 <Calleja>: and kevin smith, in another verified account: http://twitter.com/smilinstanlee
22:09:54 <Calleja>: of course moss
22:10:02 <moss>: did you see his twillionth video?
22:10:17 <moss>: and uh... you just linked stan lee twice
22:10:24 <Calleja>: damn
22:10:30 <Calleja>: kevin's: http://twitter.com/ThatKevinSmith
22:10:40 <CharlieDontChat>: hi
22:10:49 <moss>: hey CDC
22:12:27 <Calleja>: hey chuck
22:14:41 <Edrondol>: Yo, Charlie!
22:15:19 <CharlieDontChat>: so I'm at my friend's
22:15:30 <CharlieDontChat>: and they have a uhaul filled with stuff from their parents, and apparently I'm the same size as her dad
22:15:36 <CharlieDontChat>: so I'm taking all his insane old shirts
22:17:08 <Wahad>: calleja we can not hear you
22:17:14 <Wahad>: but we can see your icon going green
22:17:29 <Calleja>: dammit
22:17:42 <Calleja>: i think its the microphone driver that's effed
22:17:48 <AmorousEyes>: just woke up.. again.. called the police , heh
22:17:49 <Wahad>: I guess
22:17:55 <Wahad>: Is it built into your laptop
22:17:55 <Edrondol>: ? Why?
22:18:02 <Wahad>: (Ame thank you for the cool banner)
22:18:07 <Calleja>: someone ask if the object is on an island or on water already
22:18:11 <AmorousEyes>: because it's the same damn thing every weekend.. fireworks
22:18:13 <Edrondol>: Yeah that banner kicks ass!
22:18:14 <AmorousEyes>: lol thanks
22:18:17 <Wahad>: Oh really
22:18:26 <Wahad>: Is it that bad?
22:18:32 <AmorousEyes>: yeah, right in front of my apartment
22:18:47 <AmorousEyes>: these guys are nuts, they keep ti -all year round-
22:18:47 <Wahad>: They haven't started here yet
22:18:48 <AmorousEyes>: even in summer
22:18:51 <Wahad>: Oh
22:18:52 <Wahad>: I see
22:19:07 <Wahad>: Where you at again?
22:19:14 <AmorousEyes>: next door
22:19:19 <AmorousEyes>: bad joke
22:19:26 <Wahad>: Hurhur
22:19:34 <AmorousEyes>: keukenhof
22:19:45 <Wahad>: Ah.
22:20:11 <AmorousEyes>: weird, haven't been in IRC in over 2 weeks
22:20:18 <Krisken>: I'm having a hell of a time finding habitable islands south of the tropic of cancer
22:20:30 <Wahad>: Doesn't have to be a habitable island
22:20:41 <Krisken>: Most of the other islands don't have tourism either
22:20:42 <Wahad>: As long as it's on googlemaps :)
22:20:59 <Krisken>: So the object isn't necessarily AT the location then
22:21:10 <Calleja>: it's not
22:21:12 <Edrondol>: I've got them running in circles, Ame...
22:21:14 <Calleja>: it's fictional
22:21:17 <Krisken>: Ok.
22:21:23 <AmorousEyes>: lol
22:21:28 <Calleja>: no, if i could ask like.. 4 questions an hour, i'd have guessed by now
22:21:37 <Wahad>: Heh
22:21:52 <AmorousEyes>: Nope, not a clue
22:21:52 <Calleja>: someone needs to ask if its on land or not
22:21:56 <Edrondol>: There's a lot of people who still have questions this hour.
22:22:04 <Wahad>: (don't have a mic ame?)
22:22:05 <AmorousEyes>: I can ask a questio for ya
22:22:16 <AmorousEyes>: I've tried, wahada.. damn thing doesn't work (bluetooth, heh)
22:22:23 <Wahad>: Huh
22:22:30 <Calleja>: ok, so it IS on water
22:22:50 <Calleja>: ...island is LAND T_T
22:23:08 <Krisken>: Is it within the Islas Revillagigedo?
22:23:14 <Calleja>: so that's why i said someone needs to ask if its floating or on an island or something
22:23:19 <Yalborap>: o.o Ame!
22:23:26 <AmorousEyes>: yalbie! *hug*
22:23:28 <Edrondol>: Yal!
22:23:28 * Yalborap hugs the Ame!
22:23:30 <Krisken>: Yup, that is my final question
22:23:32 <Yalborap>: Ed!
22:23:32 <moss>: hows it going ame?
22:23:50 <Edrondol>: No.
22:23:53 <Calleja>: ed, remember, doulbe LL is Y in spanish
22:23:56 <Krisken>: Ok
22:24:12 <Calleja>: re-vee-yah-hee-geh-do
22:24:57 <Calleja>: spanish called me and said it cries when you speak it
22:25:06 <AmorousEyes>: lol
22:25:15 <Krisken>: Nice!
22:25:23 <Wahad>: Hey-oh
22:25:24 <AmorousEyes>: it's going to hell, moss, heh
22:25:33 <Calleja>: actually it said "lloro cuando edrondol me habla", but i translated
22:25:35 <Psyclone>: AME!
22:25:40 * Psyclone hugs Ame
22:25:40 <moss>: :(
22:25:43 <Krisken>: baby jesus (pronounced hezues)
22:25:43 <AmorousEyes>: I might be homeless for christmas
22:25:53 <Wahad>: Aw
22:25:59 <Psyclone>: ...damn
22:26:07 <moss>: :(
22:26:09 <Wahad>: Eviction?
22:26:12 <AmorousEyes>: I don't even know what to ask
22:27:33 <AmorousEyes>: do I evne need to make the joke?
22:27:38 <AmorousEyes>: or is it implied?
22:27:48 <Edrondol>: What joke is that?
22:27:59 <Wahad>: (it's a trap)
22:28:04 <AmorousEyes>: heh
22:29:13 <Psyclone>: No seriously, what joke is it?
22:29:20 <Wahad>: ...
22:29:24 <AmorousEyes>: >.>
22:29:27 <Edrondol>: It's a trap! <--Joke.
22:29:32 <Psyclone>: Oh
22:29:34 <Wahad>: Woooooosh
22:29:38 <Wahad>: Did dyou hear that Spyclone
22:29:59 <Psyclone>: Yes
22:30:09 <Krisken>: damn
22:30:12 <Wahad>: That is the sound a joke makes when it flies over one's head
22:30:24 <Edrondol>: Bumble!!
22:30:32 <Psyclone>: I just didn't get the transition from "Eviction" to "it's a trap"
22:30:38 <Bumble>: I've returned!
22:30:51 <AmorousEyes>: oh .. psy isn't in vent!
22:30:53 <Wahad>: Oh
22:30:56 <Wahad>: yeah
22:30:57 <Wahad>: that
22:31:17 <Psyclone>: Damn it! You guys and your multi level conversations"
22:31:19 <Psyclone>: *!
22:31:30 <AmorousEyes>: someone give me agood question to ask
22:31:33 <Edrondol>: So 1/2 left for this hour's questions...
22:31:41 <Wahad>: Uh
22:31:42 <Psyclone>: You're just as annoying as my brother who insists in IMing in Skype
22:31:55 <Wahad>: Something about the property of the object
22:32:15 <Psyclone>: I use programs that incorporate EVERY IM SYSTEM EVER MADE
22:32:19 <rovewin>: ok does the object contain metal?
22:32:19 <Psyclone>: EXCEPT for Skype
22:32:37 <Psyclone>: Skype is for VOICE! Not frigging IMING!
22:32:46 <Edrondol>: Rove: Hold on. I'm checking.
22:32:50 <AmorousEyes>: <-- trillian astra
22:32:56 <Psyclone>: So anyway, Ame, is there anything we can do?
22:33:21 <AmorousEyes>: send me a briefcase of monies! heh... no thanks..
22:33:25 <Edrondol>: Rove: No.
22:33:49 <Psyclone>: Does the object contain wood?
22:33:53 <Krisken>: Smooth
22:33:59 <AmorousEyes>: sao its not a car
22:34:10 <Edrondol>: Psy: No.
22:34:20 <Krisken>: It's smaller than a bread basket too Ame
22:34:22 <CharlieDontChat>: Man, I am really glad about this Tiger Woods car crash
22:34:24 <Calleja>: tell howdroll to join IRC
22:34:30 <CharlieDontChat>: it's gonna be fuel for jokes for a while
22:36:21 <Krisken>: Being violated by his earphones
22:36:23 <AmorousEyes>: i think the cops are here
22:36:23 <Wahad>: Heh
22:36:24 <Edrondol>: DROLL!
22:36:24 <Calleja>: guapa!
22:36:34 <moss>: hey droll
22:36:35 <HowDroll>: hola guapo :)
22:36:36 <Wahad>: Guapa?
22:36:40 <Calleja>: my mic refuses to work on win7
22:36:41 <Wahad>: Doesn't that mean bat shit
22:36:46 <HowDroll>: :(
22:36:46 <Edrondol>: El Guapo?
22:36:49 <HowDroll>: I miss you! Where have you been?
22:36:53 <AmorousEyes>: guano*
22:37:00 <Wahad>: My bad
22:37:03 <Calleja>: you're the one that stopped connecting on MSN
22:37:13 <Edrondol>: We are the Three Amigo!
22:37:17 <HowDroll>: I don't go on any IMs anymore
22:37:18 <Calleja>: AmigoS
22:37:18 <Edrondol>: *Amigos
22:37:23 <Wahad>: Heh
22:37:27 <Psyclone>: That's the three CABALLEROS, Wahad
22:37:27 <Krisken>: You are sons of motherless dogs
22:37:30 <Wahad>: Oh
22:37:32 <Wahad>: Damn
22:37:37 <Wahad>: I am just going all the wrong ways
22:37:45 <Edrondol>: Tell me we will die like dogs.
22:37:48 <Calleja>: well if you don't go on IM you will certainly miss me T_T
22:38:02 * Wahad goes to sit in a corner, ashamed
22:38:04 <CharlieDontChat>: man I love that movie
22:38:08 <Krisken>: I'd change my name to El Juapo
22:38:18 <HowDroll>: :'(
22:38:20 <AmorousEyes>: it's a good movie
22:38:24 <Edrondol>: NO! We will FIGHT! Like LIONS!
22:38:54 <AmorousEyes>: someone tell em what to ask!
22:38:56 <AmorousEyes>: me*
22:38:56 <Calleja>: not even skype?
22:38:57 <Psyclone>: Heh. Wood
22:39:07 <Psyclone>: ZING!
22:39:12 <Wahad>: Hey-oh!
22:39:21 <Wahad>: Uh
22:39:22 <Wahad>: Ame
22:39:24 <Wahad>: You could ask
22:39:30 <HowDroll>: you and one other friend -- who I talk to on the phone, like, four times a week -- are the only two on Skype
22:39:31 <Krisken>: hehe
22:39:38 <Calleja>: gorram you
22:39:47 <Calleja>: well pop in every now and then for ME
22:39:52 <Calleja>: i'm worth it
22:39:58 <Calleja>: cause i'm awesome
22:40:00 <Calleja>: and sexy
22:40:17 <Wahad>: Is the object one of every-day use
22:40:20 <Krisken>: I'm surprised too
22:40:22 <Wahad>: (ask that question)
22:41:03 <HowDroll>: yes you are
22:41:06 <HowDroll>: <3
22:41:11 <Calleja>: <3
22:41:31 <AmorousEyes>: aruba.. netherland's antilles... probably arud there somewhere if I read the answers right?
22:41:43 <Calleja>: no ame, it's off the coast of mexico
22:41:49 <Calleja>: mexican waters
22:41:59 <AmorousEyes>: cayman islands?
22:42:06 <AmorousEyes>: jamaica?
22:42:07 <Calleja>: no one will ask if it's on an island or not
22:42:11 <Calleja>: cause everyone's stupid
22:42:14 <Krisken>: south of the tropic of cancer too
22:42:17 <Calleja>: ....how is jamaica on mexican waters?
22:42:38 <AmorousEyes>: I dunno much about geograhpyyyyyy
22:42:42 <Krisken>: It's in the pacific ocean too
22:42:44 <Calleja>: lol
22:43:20 <Edrondol>: Was the object hidden by anyone who had been in IRC or Vent today? No.
22:43:25 <AmorousEyes>: DAVE: my question: Is the object on an island? (via @Calleja)
22:43:37 <Edrondol>: Ame: No.
22:43:41 <Wahad>: Alright
22:43:43 <Wahad>: That helps
22:43:44 <Calleja>: OK
22:43:52 <Calleja>: so if it's not on the continet, and its not on an island
22:43:54 <Wahad>: Thanks cayecha and ame
22:43:54 <Calleja>: its in the water
22:43:59 <Calleja>: WATER PEOPLE
22:44:04 <Calleja>: it's a water object
22:44:05 <Wahad>: Mermaids
22:44:08 <Wahad>: It's a dinglehopper
22:44:10 <Krisken>: Oh for crying out loud
22:44:13 <AmorousEyes>: titanic?
22:44:26 <Krisken>: Does Mexico have one of those jesus statues underwater?
22:44:30 <Wahad>: Hahaha
22:44:32 <Calleja>: if it were mermaids, there'd be lots of wood around them
22:44:44 <Edrondol>: The place it's hidden CAN be seen on Google Earth.
22:44:45 <AmorousEyes>: nuh uh.. they dont have the kower bodies for wood
22:44:49 <moss>: if it was a jesus statue, how would it GET underwater?
22:44:49 <Calleja>: none famous enough that a mexican would know about it, Krisken
22:44:57 <Wahad>: How do YOU know, Ame?
22:44:57 <moss>: poor dude couldn't even go snorkeling
22:44:59 <Krisken>: ah, ok, thanks calleja
22:45:10 <Edrondol>: Charlie should have guessed the place by now.
22:45:11 <AmorousEyes>: dated one, briefly
22:45:23 <CharlieDontChat>: should I?
22:45:27 <Calleja>: it's movie related
22:45:30 <Wahad>: Yes
22:45:32 <Wahad>: damn
22:45:33 <Calleja>: we have one more clue thanks to Edrondol
22:45:34 <CharlieDontChat>: or surfing related
22:45:38 <Wahad>: I guess
22:45:42 <moss>: or vietcong related
22:45:44 <Calleja>: or... vietcong related
22:45:47 <Calleja>: ....damn you moss!
22:45:49 <moss>: ha!
22:45:53 <Wahad>: Vietcong in Mexico?
22:45:55 <Wahad>: O.O
22:45:59 <moss>: charlie is SNEAKY
22:46:10 <Calleja>: veryvery sneaky
22:46:13 <Krisken>: moss- http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/4c/God_Lives_Underwater-Empty.jpg
22:46:31 <moss>: ... its not r'lyeh is it?
22:46:39 <Krisken>: Yes, it is real
22:46:44 <Edrondol>: That picture is mysteriously close to a clue I was going to give.
22:46:49 <Wahad>: ...
22:47:00 <Wahad>: You devious, cunning, utter, utter beast
22:47:03 <Krisken>: That's why i asked about the jesus statues
22:47:04 <Calleja>: someone needs to ask if we'd need scuba gear to get the object
22:47:08 <Wahad>: Heh
22:47:11 <CharlieDontChat>: is the object Willem Dafoe in Platoon
22:47:14 <Wahad>: Just ten more minutes
22:47:16 <Calleja>: lol
22:47:22 <Wahad>: No Chuck
22:47:28 <Wahad>: The object is made of non-natural materials
22:47:51 <Wahad>: (unless William Dafoe is a robot, I guess)
22:47:54 <Calleja>: willem dafoe's face doesn't LOOK made from natural materials
22:47:58 <Wahad>: Heh
22:48:01 <CharlieDontChat>: I was gonna say, he is kind of clayman
22:48:48 <Krisken>: I picked a bad day to stop sniffing glue
22:50:25 <Edrondol>: If you haven't asked a question this hour you still can.
22:50:53 <AmorousEyes>: is the carbiean sea the mexiacn waters?
22:50:53 <HowDroll>: if anyone wants me to ask a question for them, hit me up
22:51:01 <HowDroll>: I don't know my Mexican geography
22:51:03 <Wahad>: Yeah but we already ruled out Caribbean sea
22:51:10 <CharlieDontChat>: Is the location featured in a movie that has grossed more than $100m domestically?
22:51:24 <Wahad>: (You can ask something about the object, Droll))
22:51:26 <AmorousEyes>: Angelina Lauro
22:51:37 <Edrondol>: Let me check the imdb quick, Charlie.
22:51:42 <AmorousEyes>: i'm going with shipwreck
22:51:45 <CharlieDontChat>: www.boxofficemojo.com
22:51:54 <Wahad>: Shipwreck would contain wood
22:51:55 <Wahad>: so no
22:51:56 <Wahad>: that can't be it
22:51:58 <CharlieDontChat>: that's probably faster/more accurate
22:52:06 <AmorousEyes>: what about a submarine?
22:52:12 <CharlieDontChat>: I dunno if IMDB separates out worldwide/domestic
22:52:12 <Calleja>: no metal either
22:52:16 <Wahad>: Yeah, that
22:52:18 <AmorousEyes>: well shit
22:52:20 <AmorousEyes>: it's a ROCK ?
22:52:22 <Calleja>: no metal, no wood
22:52:25 <Wahad>: No
22:52:28 <Wahad>: Non-natural material
22:52:29 <Calleja>: not organic
22:52:33 <Wahad>: It's plastic or something
22:52:34 <Krisken>: Question 31 should probably have a time since the person /could/ show up
22:52:45 <AmorousEyes>: oh one of thos eplastic ringee things that hold 6packs
22:52:59 <Calleja>: and fishes get stuck to
22:53:02 <AmorousEyes>: and fish get cough in
22:53:03 <Calleja>: and ducks
22:53:03 <AmorousEyes>: heh
22:53:08 <Wahad>: and birds choke on
22:53:19 <AmorousEyes>: srsly, what the fuck is the object?
22:53:22 <Edrondol>: I think no, Charlie. Am I not looking in the right place. I would have thought yes.
22:53:26 <Krisken>: clackity clackity
22:53:28 <Wahad>: we still don't know yet :/
22:53:46 <Edrondol>: Charlie: No.
22:53:54 <CharlieDontChat>: just box office mojo, then search for the movie, then it has like domestic and worldwide total. make sure you're not looking at opening weekend
22:53:57 <AmorousEyes>: the person who hid it is not from th Arian persuasion?
22:54:04 <CharlieDontChat>: hmmmmmmmmmmmm
22:54:19 <Calleja>: it's definitely movie related, though
22:54:39 <CharlieDontChat>: augh there are a lot more movies that made under $100m than more than ffffffff
22:54:49 <Krisken>: that
22:54:54 <Krisken>: that'll narrow it down!
22:55:05 <Calleja>: hell, i've made movies that have made under 100m
22:55:31 <Edrondol>: Did the person join withing the first 2 days of Halforums? Yes.
22:55:38 <Wahad>: Awesome awesome awesome
22:55:42 <CharlieDontChat>: most reasonably big movies make $100m or more
22:55:57 <Calleja>: gotta reboot, brb
22:56:14 <Wahad>: Rovewin I love your avatar
22:56:16 <Krisken>: well, not water world
22:56:31 <rovewin>: thanks i loved that show as a kid
22:56:33 <Wahad>: Are you the terror that flaps in the night?
22:56:42 <Wahad>: Are you the pebble that gets stuck in the front end of your shoe?
22:56:44 <Wahad>: Are you....
22:56:48 <Wahad>: DARKWING DUCK?
22:56:50 <rovewin>: that lurks in the night
22:56:52 <CharlieDontChat>: waterworld made a profit actually :3
22:56:57 <Edrondol>: Charlie, according to that site you gave me it did not make $100m domestic.
22:56:59 <Wahad>: ...isn't it flaps?
22:57:04 <Krisken>: 100 mil domestically?
22:57:06 <Wahad>: I thought it was
22:57:11 <Edrondol>: But I hope I was reading it right.
22:57:20 <CharlieDontChat>: that's okay
22:57:20 <Wahad>: But if it isn't it must be in the dutch dub
22:57:24 <rovewin>: yeah but for the forum I lurk
22:57:27 <CharlieDontChat>: that does mean it WAS featured in a movie
22:57:28 <Wahad>: Oh
22:57:30 <Wahad>: Yeah I guess
22:57:51 <Edrondol>: Of course. That's why I said YOU should get it.
22:58:04 <Edrondol>: Extra clue for ya.
22:58:22 <CharlieDontChat>: I haven't been paying too close attention, I guess I will now
22:58:31 <AmorousEyes>: wait
22:58:43 <AmorousEyes>: *checks that movie site*
22:58:44 <Wahad>: Do you want a link to the thread charlie
22:58:59 <Edrondol>: http://www.halforums.com/forum/showthread.php?p=305720#post305720
22:59:06 <Wahad>: I guess that works
22:59:14 <CharlieDontChat>: yeah, I was finding it
22:59:23 <Edrondol>: New hour. More questions!
22:59:36 <Krisken>: Still a good question Psy
23:00:05 <Wahad>: Charlie
23:00:19 <Calleja>: i
23:00:20 <Calleja>: r
23:00:22 <Calleja>: returned
23:00:25 <CharlieDontChat>: So it's in mexican waters
23:00:27 <Edrondol>: i
23:00:30 <Edrondol>: c
23:00:33 <Edrondol>: that
23:00:33 <Krisken>: Yup
23:00:41 <AmorousEyes>: The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou -- does that feature any objects of non arganic origin ? in mexican waters?
23:00:42 <CharlieDontChat>: it's in the pacific ocean
23:00:43 <Wahad>: Does boxofficemojo have a list of movies sortable by box office numbers? Like, could I see a list of movies that would have made less than 100m?
23:00:48 <AmorousEyes>: it only made 24 million
23:00:48 <CharlieDontChat>: yeah
23:00:55 <Calleja>: if I put myself in the bathub, I could be the object
23:00:56 <Wahad>: ...
23:00:59 <Wahad>: Nice, Ame
23:01:00 <Calleja>: cause it'd fill it with mexican water
23:01:14 <Edrondol>: Is that a yes/no question, Ame?
23:01:19 <AmorousEyes>: no no it's not
23:01:21 <AmorousEyes>: i'm asking caht
23:01:24 <AmorousEyes>: chat*
23:01:36 <CharlieDontChat>: I can't recall where all they go in Life Aquatic
23:01:49 <Calleja>: im pretty sure they dont come to mexico, though
23:02:24 <Edrondol>: I feel so evil.
23:02:50 <Edrondol>: Charlie, have you even LOOKED at a map yet?
23:03:01 <CharlieDontChat>: not yet
23:03:05 <Edrondol>: Do it.
23:03:15 <AmorousEyes>: I'm running google earth with teh oacean stuff turned on
23:03:50 <CharlieDontChat>: and it's west of Acapulco, right?
23:03:55 <Edrondol>: Yes.
23:03:59 <Calleja>: south of jalisco
23:04:01 <Wahad>: ...
23:04:02 <Wahad>: Oh lord
23:04:03 <Calleja>: which is mid-mexico
23:04:54 <CharlieDontChat>: I can't find jalisco on Google maps
23:05:01 <Calleja>: its a state
23:05:04 <Edrondol>: It's a state, not a city.
23:05:09 <Calleja>: think guadalajara, puerto vallarta
23:05:14 <Edrondol>: Guadalahara.
23:05:15 <Calleja>: those are jaliscan cities
23:05:20 <Calleja>: no.. not guadalaHara
23:05:21 <Edrondol>: Sorry about the spelling.
23:05:27 <Wahad>: Hehehe
23:05:32 <AmorousEyes>: heh
23:06:00 <CharlieDontChat>: I feel stupid I don't know what I'm supposed to see :(
23:06:17 <Edrondol>: Bolts of lightning will strik you, sir.
23:06:21 <Edrondol>: *strike
23:06:46 <Edrondol>: And that is NOT a clue.
23:06:49 <CharlieDontChat>: hmmm.
23:06:49 <CharlieDontChat>: oh
23:07:39 <AmorousEyes>: a fracture zone ?
23:07:50 <Calleja>: ed, i KNOW that area's map by heart, and I don't know what you mean ¬¬
23:08:08 <Calleja>: and I'd know ANY popular movie that mentioned mexico, cause it usually annoys me how they portray it
23:08:19 <AmorousEyes>: but it made less than 100m
23:08:23 <AmorousEyes>: so it may not be that popular
23:08:26 <CharlieDontChat>: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Films_set_in_Mexico
23:08:36 <Edrondol>: According to Charlie's page.
23:08:45 <Cajungal>: Hi everyone
23:08:56 <AmorousEyes>: hiyas
23:09:00 <Wahad>: Hey it's Ceejay
23:09:06 <Cajungal>: lol
23:09:13 <Cajungal>: it's seejay now
23:09:14 <Edrondol>: New clue - Only a very, VERY small part of the movie is set in Mexico.
23:09:18 <Cajungal>: I get new nicknames all the time :p
23:09:20 <CharlieDontChat>: Ed, is the movie that this locale is in, on that wikipedia page I just linked? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Films_set_in_Mexico
23:09:24 <Wahad>: Oh seejay
23:09:27 <Wahad>: my bad
23:09:33 <Edrondol>: Charlie: No.
23:09:41 <Wahad>: Ughughugh
23:09:41 <Calleja>: damn
23:09:43 <Wahad>: Damn you Ed
23:09:48 <Krisken>: I get a feeling I didn't see the movie
23:09:50 <Cajungal>: So no one's won yet huh?
23:09:50 <Bumble>: Heya Cajungal
23:09:54 <Cajungal>: hi bumble! :)
23:10:03 <Calleja>: hey CJ
23:10:06 <Calleja>: CG
23:10:07 <moss>: hey Cajungal!
23:10:07 <Calleja>: ....
23:10:14 <Cajungal>: hellooooooo all! ^_^
23:10:26 <AmorousEyes>: yoou sure its VISIBLE on gOglle EArth? do I nee to zoom in liek all teh way to the ocean floor?
23:10:30 <Calleja>: ed, is the object UP YOUR BUM!?
23:10:34 <Wahad>: Heh
23:10:39 <Edrondol>: It's visible.
23:10:44 <Calleja>: from your bum?
23:11:03 <Edrondol>: If my bum was there, yes.
23:12:03 <rovewin>: so that means its a nude beach!
23:12:05 <Krisken>: there's nothing nitze couldn't teach me about the raising of the wrist
23:12:14 <Wahad>: Ughughugh
23:12:17 <Wahad>: IT's NIETZSCHE
23:12:23 <Wahad>: (sorry)
23:12:23 <Krisken>: meh
23:12:24 <Cajungal>: Socrates himself was permanently piiiiiisd
23:12:39 <Wahad>: Nietzsche is pretty much the only interesting guy right now
23:12:41 <Krisken>: I has spells with the bad spells
23:12:43 <Edrondol>: Hey, CG!
23:12:52 <Cajungal>: hi, Dave :D
23:13:03 <Edrondol>: I'm causing them all to lose hair!
23:13:06 <Krisken>: Cajungal!
23:13:19 <Cajungal>: Krisken!
23:13:24 <Calleja>: i'm already bald ¬¬
23:13:25 <Cajungal>: y'all havin fun?
23:13:36 <CharlieDontChat>: I would have more fun if Bama would have lost
23:13:40 <Krisken>: yup
23:13:41 <Edrondol>: Is the film from the 1990's decade? Yes.
23:14:05 <HowDroll>: alright guys, I have to run. 10 hours of retail = I'm treating myself to a nice dinner
23:14:07 <Cajungal>: who did they play against?
23:14:13 <HowDroll>: later :)
23:14:13 <CharlieDontChat>: Auburn
23:14:14 <AmorousEyes>: Ciao Droll!
23:14:15 <Calleja>: HowDroll , you ignore my Private Chat
23:14:17 <CharlieDontChat>: bye HD
23:14:20 <Cajungal>: bye droll!
23:14:21 <Calleja>: ¬¬
23:14:33 <HowDroll>: ohhhhhh sorry Cayaya
23:14:34 <AmorousEyes>: she ignores your privates! zing ?
23:14:43 <Wahad>: Hey-oh
23:14:44 <Edrondol>: NOT a disaster movie.
23:14:45 <CharlieDontChat>: ! I think I might know what movie it is
23:14:45 <Wahad>: Heh
23:14:48 <Wahad>: Ugh
23:15:22 <CharlieDontChat>: yes, and it made barely any money domestic
23:15:37 <CharlieDontChat>: the 100m was a shitty question in retrospect, since 90s movies didn'tm ake no kind of money
23:15:47 <Wahad>: Refine the question
23:15:50 <Wahad>: (maybe?)
23:16:05 <Wahad>: Crap
23:16:07 <Wahad>: You already asked one
23:16:14 <Krisken>: better question would probably involve budget
23:17:12 <Wahad>: You still have a question, don't you Krisk?
23:17:43 <Wahad>: DAMNIT CHARLIE
23:17:51 <Calleja>: charlie didn't ask in front of everyone!?
23:17:59 <Calleja>: how un-teamly
23:18:03 <Wahad>: He did
23:18:06 <Wahad>: He just figure it out
23:18:10 <Wahad>: By means of other's questions
23:18:13 <Calleja>: but he asked privately
23:18:35 <AmorousEyes>: ho shit
23:18:42 <Wahad>: Uhguhg
23:18:48 <Wahad>: That is indeed lame
23:18:50 <Wahad>: Then again
23:18:52 <CharlieDontChat>: I didn't ask anything privately
23:18:59 <Krisken>: yeah, but I don't have a god one wahad
23:19:02 <CharlieDontChat>: I'm looking around
23:19:09 <Calleja>: ed says you have the movie
23:19:16 <AmorousEyes>: and location
23:19:17 <Calleja>: if that helps as a clue
23:19:22 <Calleja>: whatever you mentioned, you got it
23:19:59 <CharlieDontChat>: I'm on google maps, not earth
23:20:15 <Edrondol>: Maps is what I'm using.
23:20:21 <AmorousEyes>: but yu said earth...
23:20:26 <AmorousEyes>: I've been runnign Earth
23:20:45 <AmorousEyes>: "To win, you MUST POST a picture of where it is (Google Earth), "
23:20:49 <Wahad>: Maps and Earth work pretty much the same
23:20:51 <Wahad>: AFAIK
23:20:53 <Edrondol>: Shouldn't make a difference to the city but I don't know about the surrounding area and what shows.
23:20:54 <AmorousEyes>: not,... really...
23:21:01 <CharlieDontChat>: I don't know what I'm supposed to be seeing weeh
23:21:05 <AmorousEyes>: wait.. city? I thought it was in teh water
23:21:11 <Wahad>: ....
23:21:11 <AmorousEyes>: and not an island
23:21:15 <Wahad>: Hhuh
23:21:16 <Cajungal>: the lost city of mexicolantis
23:21:19 <Wahad>: Underwater city?
23:21:20 <Wahad>: Hah
23:21:24 <AmorousEyes>: atlantis?
23:21:26 <CharlieDontChat>: there's nothing in the water
23:21:32 <CharlieDontChat>: th water is just blue :(
23:21:42 <CharlieDontChat>: there's no shapes like an :awesome: face or something halforums related
23:21:50 <Wahad>: Yeah I guess
23:22:02 <Edrondol>: Are you on satellite or maps?
23:22:40 <CharlieDontChat>: maps
23:23:42 <CharlieDontChat>: augh, I gotta BRB, I'm sorry
23:25:16 <Calleja>: i haven't asked my question for the hour, have i?
23:26:21 <Edrondol>: No. Is that your question?
23:26:30 <Edrondol>: :-D
23:26:31 <AmorousEyes>: lol
23:26:37 <Calleja>: Evil
23:26:41 <Krisken>: Does the member who hid it have a drawing for an avatar?
23:26:59 <Krisken>: That'll narrow it down a bit either way
23:27:38 <Edrondol>: Krisken: No.
23:27:45 <Krisken>: Ah, ok
23:28:19 <AmorousEyes>: DORK
23:29:02 <CharlieDontChat>: okay, what do we know about the person who hid it
23:29:36 <AmorousEyes>: male, registered withing the first 2 days, not an avatarof a drawing, and they're not here
23:29:55 <AmorousEyes>: roxxorderizorz
23:30:09 <AmorousEyes>: and not a disaster movie
23:30:16 <Edrondol>: Is that your yes/no question?
23:30:20 <AmorousEyes>: Question 38: Was the film a disaster film? No. (Moss)
23:30:24 <CharlieDontChat>: also letter begins with a consonent
23:30:35 <CharlieDontChat>: errr name.
23:30:38 <Calleja>: voyage udner the sea, moss
23:30:44 <Calleja>: under
23:31:20 <Calleja>: sorry
23:31:25 <Calleja>: 20,000 leagues under the sea
23:31:35 <Wahad>: Is that the movie
23:31:38 <Edrondol>: Free clue: NOT under water.
23:31:38 <Wahad>: can we get that confirmed
23:31:43 <AmorousEyes>: 90s movie, right?
23:31:44 <Calleja>: WHAT
23:31:44 <Wahad>: Damnit Ed
23:31:49 <Edrondol>: Yes. 90s movie.
23:31:51 <Calleja>: not UNDER, but not on LAND
23:31:58 <Calleja>: so its ON water?
23:32:02 <AmorousEyes>: it floats
23:32:16 <AmorousEyes>: XD
23:32:42 <Calleja>: Edrondol
23:32:44 <Calleja>: my question
23:32:49 <Edrondol>: Yes?
23:32:53 <CharlieDontChat>: I think the object might be some part of halforums merchandise/something with the logo
23:33:01 <Calleja>: we have established that it is not ON land or UNDER water
23:33:03 <CharlieDontChat>: so it might be someone that won a contest? like Fun Size maybe
23:33:05 <AmorousEyes>: but viewable from google maps?
23:33:05 <Calleja>: so... my question
23:33:11 <Calleja>: is it floating?
23:33:24 <AmorousEyes>: no not "hmmm"
23:33:27 <Wahad>: Funsize is out
23:33:32 <Wahad>: Joindate is too late
23:33:37 <Edrondol>: Well, the object ITSELF is not.
23:33:46 <AmorousEyes>: the user doesn't have an AMA threa either
23:33:46 <Calleja>: what does that even mean?
23:33:59 <Wahad>: The object does not float
23:34:00 <AmorousEyes>: what the,..
23:34:04 <Wahad>: but whatever it is resting on does
23:34:08 <Edrondol>: WHERE it is is viewable.
23:34:11 <AmorousEyes>: so it's not underwater.. so.. it's likea kite?
23:34:13 <AmorousEyes>: in air ?
23:34:20 <Cajungal>: Ok guys, have fun! Back later. Good luck. :)
23:34:21 <Bumble>: ITS A CLOUD
23:34:21 <AmorousEyes>: held down by a rock?
23:34:24 <Calleja>: how can it be not on land, on water or under water?
23:34:27 <Calleja>: is it flying?
23:34:28 <AmorousEyes>: bumble wins
23:34:45 <Bumble>: :D
23:34:46 <Edrondol>: IT is not floating. But it's ON something that is floating.
23:34:52 <Wahad>: Yeah, see.
23:34:53 <Calleja>: ah
23:34:59 <AmorousEyes>: WILSON!
23:35:01 <Calleja>: i was asking about the location
23:35:01 <moss>: around the world in 80 days
23:35:03 <AmorousEyes>: >.>
23:35:04 <Bumble>: I'm just a little black rainnn clouuud...
23:35:07 <rovewin>: like a dock
23:35:14 <Calleja>: so.. the answer to my question "is the location floating" is "yes"?
23:35:40 <AmorousEyes>: he's trying to cheat
23:35:44 <AmorousEyes>: into 2 questions per our, hehe
23:35:50 <Bumble>: You sneaky mexican..
23:36:03 <Calleja>: no, i dindt ask about the object, i was asking about the location
23:36:20 <Calleja>: the location is not under water or on land
23:36:25 <Calleja>: so i asked if it was floating
23:36:30 <Wahad>: and yes it is
23:36:35 <Calleja>: floating
23:36:36 <Wahad>: Question answered, moving on
23:36:43 <Calleja>: mexico
23:36:49 <Calleja>: ...is it a chalupa?
23:36:55 <Krisken>: too many fuckers joined in the first two days
23:37:17 <Wahad>: No kidding
23:37:27 <Wahad>: But you can rule out everyone with more than 1000 posts, and the girls
23:37:28 <AmorousEyes>: make a list, kill allf females, remove all +1000 posters, remove all vowel names
23:37:35 <Wahad>: Yeah that
23:37:35 <Calleja>: this is the real chalupa: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chalupa_(boat)
23:37:42 <Krisken>: Working on that Ame
23:38:18 <Krisken>: On the 26th
23:38:23 <Krisken>: Oh yes it does
23:38:29 <Wahad>: There is no 26th
23:38:35 <Wahad>: Nobody joined on the 26th
23:38:41 <Wahad>: You mean the 27th
23:38:42 <Edrondol>: Did the person join on the first day? Yes.
23:38:54 <AmorousEyes>: lol, the 26th
23:39:16 <AmorousEyes>: I should edit my join date
23:39:17 <Edrondol>: The 26th.
23:39:20 <Krisken>: No, I don't. Dave through MisterSteve are stated as the 26th
23:39:26 <AmorousEyes>: oh shit
23:39:28 <AmorousEyes>: timezones
23:39:33 <Wahad>: wait what
23:39:35 <AmorousEyes>: member list is inaccurate
23:39:36 <Edrondol>: Aye.
23:39:37 <Wahad>: DAMNIT
23:39:40 <Wahad>: TIMEZOOOOOOONES
23:39:42 <Edrondol>: Nope.
23:39:42 <AmorousEyes>: join dates are inaccurate
23:40:07 <AmorousEyes>: meaning HALF teh people on my list, are nto on Dave's list
23:40:09 <Calleja>: no, if you change teh time zone to central, you'll see the same list as ed
23:40:13 <AmorousEyes>: for peopel who joined on day 1
23:40:14 <Bumble>: Set your timezone to CMT or whatever like daves?
23:40:22 <Wahad>: ughuhg
23:40:30 <AmorousEyes>: mindfuck
23:41:03 <Krisken>: On the plus side, everyone in the first day will have increased visitors to their page
23:41:23 <AmorousEyes>: i killed my profile, I have like 67 visits now, lol
23:41:38 <Krisken>: AotM exploded mine
23:41:51 <CharlieDontChat>: is the object a piece of halforums merchandise?
23:41:56 <Krisken>: I think I had 30 before November
23:42:41 <AmorousEyes>: teh object in question is NOT viewable from google maps?
23:42:50 <AmorousEyes>: wait
23:42:51 <Edrondol>: None of the three are related in any way that I am aware of.
23:43:05 <AmorousEyes>: well shit
23:43:12 <AmorousEyes>: i've been looking for weird objects
23:43:14 <CharlieDontChat>: none of the three what?
23:43:22 <Calleja>: the palce where is AT is viewable, and its floating
23:43:23 <Edrondol>: Person place or thing.
23:43:38 <AmorousEyes>: person place or thing...
23:43:43 <AmorousEyes>: we're never gonan guess this
23:43:43 <Edrondol>: Who hid it, What was hidden or WHere it was hidden. All unrelated.
23:43:50 <Edrondol>: As far as I'm aware.
23:44:03 <AmorousEyes>: 15 minutes.. someone hit me witha good question
23:44:07 <rovewin>: does the poster have a person in their avatar?
23:44:09 <CharlieDontChat>: the question about it being a piece of HF merchandise is my hourly question
23:44:24 <Edrondol>: NO!
23:44:32 <AmorousEyes>: that narrows it down a lot
23:45:09 <Yalborap>: Blarghle, curse my ridiculously specific desires.
23:45:09 <Calleja>: ed, non-hourly question.. do you consider MY avatar to be a "drawing", in relation to the question about whether it was a drawing
23:45:31 <AmorousEyes>: the green thing?
23:45:34 <AmorousEyes>: i'd say yes
23:45:37 <Calleja>: ok, good to know
23:45:43 <Edrondol>: Yes, Calleja.
23:45:46 <Wahad>: But you are out already
23:45:50 <Wahad>: because you have more than 1000 posts
23:45:53 <Calleja>: cause i was thinking only like bumble avatars counted as drawing
23:46:01 <Calleja>: s
23:46:10 <AmorousEyes>: I think Dave took it as a non phtographic picture
23:46:15 <Calleja>: gotcha
23:46:32 <Edrondol>: Another free clue: I HAVE SAID THEIR NAME AT SOME POINT TODAY!
23:46:33 <Krisken>: LOL
23:46:38 <Krisken>: Yes it is
23:46:38 <Calleja>: psshaw
23:46:43 <Krisken>: Say it again
23:46:44 <Krisken>: :D
23:46:46 <Calleja>: i haven't been around
23:46:47 <Wahad>: Heh
23:46:51 <CharlieDontChat>: do you mean said as in verbally or in IRC?
23:46:54 <AmorousEyes>: north ranger ?
23:46:56 <Edrondol>: I have said their name in the last 1/2 hour.
23:46:57 <Krisken>: verbally
23:47:01 <Calleja>: oh
23:47:13 <Calleja>: someone play back the last 30 minutes!
23:47:15 <Edrondol>: Verbally only.
23:47:32 <AmorousEyes>: he got it ?
23:47:36 <Calleja>: what did Krisken nicely do?
23:47:47 <AmorousEyes>: user? or all of it ?
23:48:08 <Krisken>: I guessed the user
23:48:43 <AmorousEyes>: 10 minutes, someone gimme a question to ask, heh
23:49:00 <Krisken>: I might
23:49:06 <CharlieDontChat>: (17:43:58) rovewin: does the poster have a person in their avatar?
23:49:06 <CharlieDontChat>: (17:43:59) CharlieDontChat: the question about it being a piece of HF merchandise is my hourly question
23:49:06 <CharlieDontChat>: (17:44:15) Edrondol: NO!
23:49:12 <CharlieDontChat>: is this to one of the questions or both?
23:49:43 <CharlieDontChat>: n/m, saw the thread
23:49:47 <Edrondol>: I have been updating the thread as I answer them.
23:49:59 <Edrondol>: I've been talking to you voice, Charlie. D'oh!
23:50:00 <CharlieDontChat>: yeah, sorry for bugging you
23:50:01 <Calleja>: your sex is on fiiii-iiiire
23:50:07 <CharlieDontChat>: I can't listen to vent :(
23:50:15 <Edrondol>: I know.
23:50:22 <AmorousEyes>: gimme a question!
23:50:26 <Calleja>: do i have a question this hour'
23:50:37 <AmorousEyes>: you asked one.. floats
23:50:44 <Calleja>: ok
23:50:58 <AmorousEyes>: but I can ask one.. just tell em what to ask I on't have a damn clue
23:51:01 <AmorousEyes>: me*
23:51:02 <Calleja>: it's a floating something off the coast of mexico that appeared in a movie
23:51:13 <Wahad>: nonono
23:51:18 <Wahad>: it's ON a floating something
23:51:18 <Krisken>: Ask him if the object is a game
23:51:23 <AmorousEyes>: the location appeared. nto eh object
23:51:27 <Calleja>: the location i mean
23:51:32 <Wahad>: yes
23:51:35 <Wahad>: hm
23:51:41 <Calleja>: im always talking about the location damn you
23:51:49 <Calleja>: its near me, im supposed to know it
23:51:50 <Wahad>: Yeah well
23:51:52 <CharlieDontChat>: the location is more of a clue to where the object is, if that makes sense
23:52:06 <Wahad>: uhh...isn't that usually how locations work?
23:52:10 <AmorousEyes>: XD
23:52:12 <Wahad>: 'where the object is'?
23:52:14 <Calleja>: i am 10 minutes from giving up, getting a beer and watching Conan
23:52:54 <Calleja>: i can't think of any floating structures near acapulco that would show in google maps
23:53:51 <Krisken>: I did, but I think she's going a different rout
23:53:58 <Wahad>: I see.
23:54:42 <CharlieDontChat>: I am curious about what the thing is
23:54:43 <CharlieDontChat>: we don't know shit about that
23:54:47 <Wahad>: Yea
23:54:53 <Wahad>: except that it is smaller than a breadbox
23:54:54 <AmorousEyes>: Does the object's category have a Halforums subforum dedicated to it? (games/media)
23:55:00 <Wahad>: and it is made of nonorganic material
23:55:09 <Krisken>: :D
23:55:29 <Calleja>: ...why is there a skynet on IRC? ¬¬
23:55:30 <CharlieDontChat>: I thought it was gonna be a halforum mug or something
23:55:33 <Calleja>: i mean, #halforums
23:55:39 <CharlieDontChat>: now my life is a sham
23:55:44 <moss>: Skynet sees all Calleja
23:56:07 <Bumble>: I don't believe it's actually an item Charlie. I thought it was all make-believe lol
23:56:17 <Wahad>: Man I am going to be so mad if I can't win it now
23:56:19 <Bumble>: You know, like Clue
23:56:30 <AmorousEyes>: lol
23:56:35 <Calleja>: Edrondol is making lame matrix jokes
23:56:38 <Calleja>: save me
23:56:46 <Bumble>: -matrix
23:56:54 <DarkAudit>: beyond saving... all of us :p
23:57:30 <Wahad>: hahahaha calleja
23:57:31 <moss>: XD
23:57:47 <moss>: lmao
23:58:04 <CharlieDontChat>: it never was said that it's near acapulco
23:58:29 <Calleja>: ....does Edrondol think islands are floating?
23:58:39 <Wahad>: We already ...yeah
23:58:40 <Wahad>: that
23:58:54 <DarkAudit>: i need to rebuild my netflix queue... Big Fish.. yay or nay?
23:58:58 <Calleja>: west of acapulco but still in mexican waters counts as "near acapulco"
23:59:00 <AmorousEyes>: Question 1: Is it in the Northern Hemisphere? Yes. (Wahad) Hour 1 Question 2: Is it in the Western Hemisphere? Yes. (Gusto)
23:59:26 <Wahad>: hahaha
23:59:32 <Wahad>: You never learn Calleja
23:59:37 <DarkAudit>: international law is 12nm, right

00:00:08 <AmorousEyes>: Does your hair always look that awesome? oh... contest qustion... 00:00:09 <Edrondol>: Doesn't matter. It's WELL within 2 miles.
00:00:10 <AmorousEyes>: I got nothing
00:00:16 <Bumble>: David: DOES THE PERSON HAVE AN AVATAR
00:00:34 <Wahad>: (the person has an avatar, bumble)
00:00:36 <bumble>: fuck your caps
00:00:39 <Edrondol>: Hour #7.
00:00:56 <bumble>: thanks wahad
00:01:10 <Edrondol>: Hour 7 Questions!
00:01:17 <Krisken>: Damn thing.
00:01:17 <Edrondol>: Gimme!
00:01:30 <CharlieDontChat>: forget about the location, let's figure out what it is
00:01:32 <Calleja>: i have scanned every inch of the water between jalisco and acapulco that should count as mexican waters
00:01:40 <Calleja>: there are only islands
00:01:50 <Krisken>: heh, trade ya the person for the location :D
00:01:57 <Wahad>: Yeah Charlie
00:01:58 <Calleja>: oh fuck you charlie, you KNOW the location, of course you want to forget it
00:02:00 <Calleja>: ¬¬
00:02:00 <Wahad>: I will do that too
00:02:03 <CharlieDontChat>: :p
00:02:08 <Krisken>: haha
00:02:12 <CharlieDontChat>: there are a lot of good clues for the location though
00:02:19 <CharlieDontChat>: it's not like it's some secret movie I've only seen
00:02:29 <Krisken>: lol
00:02:43 <CharlieDontChat>: I would bet that 75% of ya'll have seen it
00:02:46 <mib_David>: Has anyone asked yet if it can be carried by a swallow?
00:02:49 <Krisken>: Oh yes
00:03:06 <mib_David>: I... I don't know.
00:03:10 <Edrondol>: African or European?
00:04:14 <bumble>: Some people live in boxes
00:04:18 <Calleja>: nothing is floating
00:04:21 <AmorousEyes>: everyone is vague... nto eveyone plays games...
00:04:22 <Calleja>: NOTHING IS FLOATING
00:04:33 <Krisken>: yeah ame
00:04:35 <Wahad>: No but it could be media
00:04:39 <Wahad>: *shrug*
00:04:41 <Edrondol>: We all float down here.
00:04:42 <moss>: they alll float down here
00:04:47 <Wahad>: Heh
00:04:48 <Wahad>: Nice
00:04:48 <moss>: they allll float
00:04:58 <Krisken>: Since we know the object has a dedicated forum...
00:05:00 <Wahad>: Fucking Pennywise
00:05:10 <Calleja>: STOP QUOTING EVIL CLOWNS
00:05:11 <Krisken>: Is the object a game?
00:05:20 <mib_David>: Can the object be found as a prize in a cereal box?
00:05:25 <Krisken>: yessir
00:05:29 <Edrondol>: Krisken: Yes.
00:05:31 <CharlieDontChat>: how do we know the object has dedicated forums
00:05:40 <Wahad>: on halforums, charlie
00:05:40 <AmorousEyes>: could be Bush.. he's non organic
00:05:41 <Calleja>: i know what the object is
00:05:46 <Wahad>: ...
00:05:48 <Wahad>: you do?
00:05:49 <moss>: no ame
00:05:51 <moss>: he's a vegetable
00:05:51 <CharlieDontChat>: huh what
00:05:53 <moss>: thats organic
00:05:56 <Calleja>: now someone tell me the location
00:06:00 <CharlieDontChat>: I asked if it was halforums merch, and it's not
00:06:04 <AmorousEyes>: he's bluffing
00:06:05 <Wahad>: nonono
00:06:10 <AmorousEyes>: he is just irked he doens't know the location
00:06:14 <Wahad>: the object has a dedicated subforum on halforum
00:06:17 <AmorousEyes>: no one knows object
00:06:19 <Calleja>: i know what it is
00:06:22 <Wahad>: So, game
00:06:26 <Edrondol>: IT'S A GAME.
00:06:27 <Wahad>: get it?
00:06:32 <AmorousEyes>: lol
00:06:32 <Calleja>: it's a game, there are only a few games would use
00:06:35 <Edrondol>: That's why I said Yes.
00:06:38 <Calleja>: ed would use*
00:06:43 <Wahad>: ...
00:06:44 <AmorousEyes>: mafia wars?
00:06:45 <AmorousEyes>: lol
00:06:46 <Wahad>: pong?
00:06:59 <Krisken>: lol
00:07:01 <CharlieDontChat>: what games were givn away as prizes
00:07:07 <Wahad>: Uh
00:07:22 <Calleja>: ok, i call bullshit on the whole trivia BECAUSE NOTHING IS FLOATING THERE
00:07:28 <Wahad>: Heh
00:07:41 <Edrondol>: Charlie, is there something floating?
00:07:46 <Edrondol>: Have you seen it?
00:07:55 <CharlieDontChat>: it's not hard to find
00:07:59 <Wahad>: Heh
00:08:01 <CharlieDontChat>: I saw it within a second
00:08:06 <AmorousEyes>: haha, rub it in
00:08:09 <CharlieDontChat>: when I had the clue
00:08:09 <Wahad>: Ughuhguhgughgugh
00:08:26 <Cajungal>: dave's laugh is awesome
00:08:31 <CharlieDontChat>: is guessing at the person or which game considered an hourly question?
00:08:38 <Cajungal>: hehe
00:08:39 <Krisken>: Time joke?
00:08:45 <mib_David>: Is the game a FPS?
00:08:48 <Edrondol>: Generally not, Charlie.
00:09:01 <Edrondol>: But I won't do it very much. I uisually limit it to two.
00:09:41 <AmorousEyes>: dragon age
00:09:45 <Wahad>: Heh
00:09:46 <Edrondol>: David: No.
00:10:02 <Wahad>: (ask if it is a rpg that has come out in the last three weeks)
00:10:07 <CharlieDontChat>: I'm on a timetable, I'm about to start heavily drinking
00:10:22 <Wahad>: Oh
00:10:23 <AmorousEyes>: not an fps, not an rpg
00:10:24 <Wahad>: Nevermind I guess
00:10:28 <Krisken>: hehe, bugger :)
00:10:34 <Wahad>: (ask if it's a board game)
00:10:40 <CharlieDontChat>: does the game feature a superhero?
00:11:00 <Edrondol>: Charlie: No.
00:11:09 <CharlieDontChat>: i hoped it was arkham asylum
00:11:13 <Wahad>: Heh
00:12:10 <Calleja>: ohh, you know what floats near there?
00:12:12 <Calleja>: NOTHING
00:12:14 <Calleja>: NOTHIGN AT ALL
00:12:14 <AmorousEyes>: Okay, I think I got a question that wortks for board and other games
00:12:25 <Wahad>: Go for it
00:12:38 <Wahad>: (cayecha, boats float)
00:12:53 <Calleja>: boats aren't visible on google maps though
00:12:58 <Edrondol>: Some are.
00:12:58 <Wahad>: Yes they are
00:13:01 <Wahad>: If you zoom in enough
00:13:16 <AmorousEyes>: Is it a single player game?
00:13:24 <Krisken>: How the hell do you people find boats? I have trouble finding cities!
00:13:34 <Wahad>: Zooom waaaaaaay in, Krisken
00:13:37 <Wahad>: Go for acapulco
00:13:37 <AmorousEyes>: not a board game then
00:13:47 <Wahad>: then go to like the second closest zoom level
00:13:49 <Krisken>: I'll give it a go, but man
00:13:59 <Wahad>: It's a toughie
00:14:02 <Krisken>: Not one of my strong points
00:14:02 <Wahad>: But it'll have to do
00:15:20 <Krisken>: haha
00:15:38 <Wahad>: Ughuhguhg
00:15:38 <Krisken>: watch, the object is a deck of cards
00:15:40 <Calleja>: i see a jetski near acapulco
00:15:42 <Wahad>: I need to find the location
00:15:44 <Wahad>: Damnit
00:15:45 <Calleja>: is it a jetski
00:15:48 <Calleja>: IS IT A JETSKI
00:15:52 <Calleja>: that is not my question
00:15:54 <Wahad>: Hahaha
00:15:56 <CharlieDontChat>: is the game Jet Moto
00:16:54 <Edrondol>: Psy!
00:17:00 <Calleja>: Ok, that's it
00:17:05 <Calleja>: I'm now going for a beer
00:17:20 <Psyclone>: Can I ask another question?
00:17:22 <AmorousEyes>: he's mexican, that's redundant ?
00:17:36 <Edrondol>: Go ahead, Psy.
00:17:45 <rovewin>: was the game made in the last 2 years
00:17:52 <Edrondol>: Rove: Yes.
00:17:54 * moss np: Tom Waits - Dave the Butcher [02:20m/224Kbps/44KHz]
00:17:57 <moss>: oh the irony
00:18:02 <Wahad>: Heh
00:18:03 <AmorousEyes>: lol
00:18:14 <Psyclone>: Is the game a strategy game?
00:18:16 <AmorousEyes>: maybe it's a console game? those usualyl have both solo and multiplayer
00:18:29 <Wahad>: Could be a strategy game
00:18:34 <Calleja>: Edrondol , my hourly question:
00:18:36 <Edrondol>: Psy: No.
00:18:36 <Wahad>: Oh hey
00:18:38 <Wahad>: Heh
00:18:43 <Edrondol>: Yes?
00:18:47 <Calleja>: is the floating structure something i could legally have sex on?
00:18:55 <Psyclone>: Not FPS, strategy or RPG
00:19:13 <Edrondol>: Calleja: Yes.
00:19:20 <Calleja>: NO!
00:19:21 <Edrondol>: And it happens a LOT.
00:19:21 <AmorousEyes>: how is that helping?
00:19:22 <Calleja>: YOU LIE!
00:19:26 <bumble>: ....What structures would it be ILLEGAL to have sex on in the ocean??
00:19:47 <Krisken>: LOL
00:19:48 <AmorousEyes>: it's illegal to have sex on the water then? lol
00:20:21 <AmorousEyes>: game is like mario kart.
00:20:30 <moss>: ... while i'm discussing Calleja going insane, guess what comes on shuffle
00:20:30 <Wahad>: Could be yeah
00:20:33 <Wahad>: A racing game
00:20:33 * moss np: The Ramones - I Wanna Be Sedated [02:31m/204Kbps/44KHz]
00:20:50 <bumble>: Maybe its like that new mario game
00:20:50 <moss>: i swear somethings gone right with winamp
00:20:53 <bumble>: nahmean? 1-4 players
00:21:00 <AmorousEyes>: yeah
00:21:02 <AmorousEyes>: could be
00:21:02 <Wahad>: NSMBW?
00:21:07 <Wahad>: Could be, I guess
00:21:24 <Calleja>: i'm not as dumb as you think, ame, if the structire can have legal sex on it, it's not a public place
00:21:28 <bumble>: But then it could be something like Beatles Rock Band yo
00:21:29 <Calleja>: it's not government owned
00:21:40 <Wahad>: We didn't rule out either platforming, adventure(point&click) or racing
00:21:45 <Calleja>: and it has to be privately owned
00:21:46 <Wahad>: So it could be either one of those
00:21:47 <Wahad>: I guess
00:21:51 <AmorousEyes>: adventure can't be multiplayer really
00:21:51 <Psyclone>: Well, I just came in to ask the question
00:21:53 <Psyclone>: Gotta go
00:21:55 <Psyclone>: Later
00:21:56 <Wahad>: Oh yeah
00:21:58 <Wahad>: True
00:22:04 <AmorousEyes>: latler psy
00:22:06 <AmorousEyes>: later*
00:22:43 <Calleja>: i hope ed realizes that his answer means his mythical NONEXISTING floating structure has to be privately owned or not have an owner and not be a public place
00:22:57 <Wahad>: Ugh
00:23:00 <AmorousEyes>: air mattress
00:23:00 <Calleja>: cuase that's the sex question's implication... see? sex can be useful
00:23:01 <bumble>: Is the game available on more than one console?
00:23:26 <Calleja>: if its a public place, i can't have sex on it legally
00:23:32 <AmorousEyes>: dumb? no. temper? yes.
00:23:34 <Calleja>: no i can't
00:23:45 <Calleja>: LEGALLY
00:23:51 <Calleja>: the question was LEGALLY
00:23:56 <AmorousEyes>: XD
00:24:07 <Calleja>: i can have sex on top of an elderly couple
00:24:10 <Calleja>: it doesn't mean its legal
00:24:11 <Wahad>: Heh
00:24:13 <bumble>: DAVE! Is the game available on more than one console?
00:24:13 <Wahad>: What
00:24:15 <moss>: a shagtus. haha
00:24:18 <CharlieDontChat>: it's legal if they consent
00:24:32 <bumble>: so much for nintendo only games..
00:24:33 <Wahad>: So NSMBW is out
00:24:34 <Krisken>: Ah, so it is a video game
00:24:34 <AmorousEyes>: not nintendo then
00:24:36 <Wahad>: Yeah
00:24:38 <moss>: 'desert plants can't say no?'
00:24:39 <Edrondol>: Yes.
00:24:43 <Wahad>: Uhhhh
00:24:48 <AmorousEyes>: dessert*
00:24:48 <Krisken>: I knew you knew
00:24:53 <AmorousEyes>: lol
00:24:57 <Wahad>: Something like need for speed maybe
00:24:59 <AmorousEyes>: theyr'e more fun
00:25:04 <Krisken>: I'm not a putz going for a "gotcha!"
00:25:07 <Wahad>: Has there been a need for speed in the last two years?
00:25:07 <AmorousEyes>: yeah I still think racing game
00:25:11 <Wahad>: or something equivalent
00:25:14 <AmorousEyes>: or.. wait
00:25:16 <AmorousEyes>: l4d?
00:25:17 <bumble>: Could be a Third Person shooter.... like gears of war or resident evil..
00:25:22 <CharlieDontChat>: gran turismo, forza, or something.
00:25:22 <AmorousEyes>: no,, no FPS
00:25:25 <Wahad>: L4d is FPS, ame
00:25:25 <CharlieDontChat>: gears is xbox only and FPS
00:25:27 <Wahad>: yeah
00:25:29 <Cajungal>: I have a question: Why do stolen oreos taste better than ones I've purchased?
00:25:30 <AmorousEyes>: damn
00:25:33 <Calleja>: you know what could be floating near acapulco that i haven't considered?
00:25:39 <AmorousEyes>: lol CG
00:25:43 <Calleja>: NOTHING
00:26:02 <Cajungal>: hahaha
00:26:07 <AmorousEyes>: (He's like our Fez, comic relief)
00:26:20 <CharlieDontChat>: dave never said "near acapulco"
00:26:20 <Cajungal>: No if it was Calleja it would be... "Has anyone ever had sex while eating oreos? Is it legal to have sex with oreos?
00:26:23 <CharlieDontChat>: just east of it
00:26:30 <Wahad>: Heyoh
00:26:34 <bumble>: I'm gonna go for a walk, I'll be back and RAGE at the tought that someone got the answer while I was gone
00:26:36 <Calleja>: its legal to have sex with oreos, they're inanimate objects
00:26:39 <AmorousEyes>: west of it
00:26:40 <bumble>: Farewell and Goodluck, friends!
00:26:42 <Calleja>: you can fuck your TV, the govt doesnt care
00:26:44 <CharlieDontChat>: err
00:26:44 <Cajungal>: O ok cool.
00:26:46 <CharlieDontChat>: west
00:26:46 <AmorousEyes>: ciao bumble
00:26:50 <Cajungal>: See you turkeys later, I've got a date with a cookie.
00:26:52 <Wahad>: Bye bumble
00:26:56 <Wahad>: Bye seejay
00:27:10 <Cajungal>: No just joking. I'm not going to do anythign with the cookie.
00:27:13 <AmorousEyes>: ciao CG
00:27:17 <Calleja>: not even eat it?
00:27:20 <Wahad>: Oh
00:27:27 <CharlieDontChat>: I'm gonna go find something to drink, maybe it will jog my mind.
00:27:29 <Cajungal>: o that sucker's gone
00:27:30 <Cajungal>: ALWAYS
00:27:50 <Krisken>: I could give him a clue dave
00:27:57 <Wahad>: Charlie will you give us a quote from the movie
00:27:57 <Calleja>: ok, im getting at this through another angle
00:28:06 <Calleja>: movies with brief scenes of floating stuff near mexico
00:28:09 <Calleja>: let's see
00:28:14 <Calleja>: NONE
00:28:37 <Cajungal>: Calleja you're being so negative.
00:28:42 <Cajungal>: Take a breath!
00:28:45 <Calleja>: ok, i'll be positive
00:28:45 <Cajungal>: :p
00:28:47 <Cajungal>: Smile!
00:28:48 <Cajungal>: :D
00:29:05 <Cajungal>: are you POSITIVE about that???
00:29:13 <Wahad>: Niiice
00:29:50 <AmorousEyes>: hash!
00:29:58 <Wahad>: ...
00:30:11 <Edrondol>: # = pound sign.
00:30:11 <Wahad>: So all along
00:30:15 <Wahad>: when everyone has been saying
00:30:16 <Calleja>: yes, well, i'm eating cheap, organic, delicious tangerines
00:30:17 <Edrondol>: NOT hash.
00:30:21 <Wahad>: they want to eat hash brownies
00:30:25 <AmorousEyes>: In most English-speaking countries outside North America, the symbol is usually called the hash mark, hash sign, or hash symbol
00:30:28 <Calleja>: that were not flaoting near acapulco
00:30:43 <AmorousEyes>: they coudl nto have been, Calleja, they're organic
00:30:44 <Wahad>: they haven't been talking about the brownies with drugs?
00:31:04 <AmorousEyes>: I had pizza at my mom's, so tursday ws nice
00:31:11 <Calleja>: ed, you know what's awesome about the cowboys?
00:31:24 <AmorousEyes>: THEY DON'T FLOAT!
00:31:31 <Cajungal>: lol!
00:31:53 <moss>: damnit. i might have to go before then D:
00:31:58 <Edrondol>: :-D
00:32:04 <Calleja>: ok, just tell me like, the actor of the movie
00:32:05 <Wahad>: Moss
00:32:10 <Wahad>: Yes
00:32:14 <Calleja>: the year of the movie
00:32:14 <Wahad>: I will go for that
00:32:19 <Calleja>: the genre
00:32:21 <Wahad>: Moss
00:32:23 <Wahad>: tell you what
00:32:27 <Calleja>: that's 10 years
00:32:28 <Wahad>: IF I win
00:32:31 <Calleja>: that doesn't help me
00:32:31 <Wahad>: You can have the Y
00:32:39 <Calleja>: I WANT THE Y
00:32:45 <moss>: Calleja can have the Y
00:32:50 <Wahad>: Oh
00:32:50 <moss>: the poor bastards suffered enough
00:32:53 <Wahad>: Nevermind then
00:32:56 <Krisken>: lol
00:33:06 <Calleja>: T_T
00:33:12 <Krisken>: I want Rockband for the Wii, but that's not happening
00:33:20 <Wahad>: ooooh
00:33:21 <Wahad>: damnit
00:33:22 <Wahad>: I could be rockband
00:33:27 <Wahad>: It could be rockband
00:33:28 <AmorousEyes>: you could be
00:33:33 <Wahad>: Or something like it
00:33:37 <Wahad>: Ugh damnit
00:33:40 <Cajungal>: hey calleja I'm glad you liked the song ^_^
00:33:42 <CharlieDontChat>: I am sippin on some whiskey and some water
00:33:44 <Calleja>: is the mythical floating structure made of wood?
00:33:45 <Cajungal>: Are you feeling better these days?
00:33:55 <AmorousEyes>: >.>
00:33:57 <Krisken>: Yes, it could be. I'm waiting to ask if it's a music game
00:34:07 <Calleja>: yes CG, the song was awesome!
00:34:14 <Wahad>: who didn't ask a question yet...
00:34:15 <Calleja>: and yeah, im alright now, got 6 shots of antibiotic
00:34:20 <Cajungal>: dang
00:34:22 <Wahad>: Damn, I think everyone did
00:34:26 <Calleja>: get this, the shots I got? you had to mix in a powder thing with a liquid thing
00:34:30 <Cajungal>: Lol!
00:34:35 <Calleja>: and THEN you got that injected in an ass cheeck
00:34:38 <moss>: XD
00:34:38 <Calleja>: and fuck you Edrondol
00:34:39 <Wahad>: Except Yalborap but he's not even playing
00:34:40 <Calleja>: fuck
00:34:41 <Calleja>: you!
00:34:49 <Wahad>: Zing!
00:35:03 <AmorousEyes>: DarkAudit ?
00:35:24 <Wahad>: Is he even there
00:35:32 * Wahad pokes at DA
00:35:33 <Wahad>: Oh
00:35:35 <Wahad>: I guess that works
00:35:36 <AmorousEyes>: is anyone even really here, man.
00:35:53 <Edrondol>: There is no spoon.
00:36:20 <AmorousEyes>: kittens?
00:36:24 <Calleja>: ok
00:36:30 <Calleja>: there is no floating structure
00:36:37 <Calleja>: on whcih i could legally have sex on
00:36:40 <Wahad>: Spoons float
00:36:41 <Calleja>: without it sinking
00:36:42 <Wahad>: ?
00:36:50 <AmorousEyes>: lucy in the skyyyy with diiiaamoons
00:36:59 <AmorousEyes>: youc an have sex with lucy
00:37:00 <CharlieDontChat>: it's only illegal to have sex if someone is watching
00:37:03 <Calleja>: i can make that sound too
00:37:04 <CharlieDontChat>: if it is public
00:37:17 <moss>: :confused:
00:37:17 <Calleja>: i cant talk like kermit though
00:37:23 <CharlieDontChat>: if no one sees you
00:37:26 <moss>: holy shit thats awesome
00:37:29 <Calleja>: FUCK YOU KERMIT
00:37:30 <AmorousEyes>: wtf?
00:37:43 <Krisken>: LOL
00:37:45 <CharlieDontChat>: it's like schrodinger's boner
00:37:48 <Wahad>: Hahahahaha
00:37:52 <Calleja>: you know why it's not easy being green?
00:38:01 <Wahad>: Because you're not floating
00:38:03 <Wahad>: ?
00:38:10 <AmorousEyes>: kermit is made of inorganic material, and floats
00:38:24 <Krisken>: Here I thought he had it
00:38:39 <moss>: damn
00:38:39 <Cajungal>: Wahad where are you from again?
00:38:43 <Cajungal>: Sorry i forgot...
00:38:54 <AmorousEyes>: wahad is my neighbor
00:38:55 <Krisken>: We're running out of possible games
00:39:05 <Cajungal>: :)
00:39:06 <Wahad>: In holland, everyone is eachother's neighbor
00:39:18 <AmorousEyes>: true, heh *shoves people aside to be able to type*
00:39:21 <Calleja>: stuff could float in holland
00:39:22 <AmorousEyes>: damn crowded country
00:39:28 <Wahad>: Yup
00:39:29 <Wahad>: It sure could
00:39:35 <Wahad>: Especially off the coast
00:39:42 <Calleja>: you know where it DOESN'T float, though?
00:39:45 <Calleja>: WEST OF ACAPULCO
00:40:08 <moss>: ...this is going to be another meme isn't it
00:40:18 <Wahad>: Yes
00:40:25 <Wahad>: We should put it on the halwiki
00:40:29 <Edrondol>: NOT a music game, by the way.
00:40:31 <Krisken>: I'm surprised it isn't already on the wiki
00:41:40 <Edrondol>: Any more questions?
00:41:52 <Wahad>: I thinke veryone has made their question for the hour
00:41:53 <Calleja>: yes i have a question: why must you be so cruel?
00:41:58 <Cajungal>: hahaha
00:42:04 <Cajungal>: can you make other animal noises?
00:42:09 <Edrondol>: Because I'm evil. EEEEEEEVIIIIIL!
00:42:25 <Calleja>: that's how her mom sounds like
00:42:31 <CharlieDontChat>: don't worry guys
00:42:36 <moss>: D:
00:42:42 <moss>: eds laugh freaks me out
00:42:42 <CharlieDontChat>: I will get drunk
00:42:48 <CharlieDontChat>: and just tell the location soon enough
00:42:50 <Calleja>: i'm beering right now
00:42:53 <Wahad>: Yes yes yes
00:42:55 <Wahad>: Do it charlie
00:43:04 <Calleja>: just tell me like.. a quote from the movie
00:43:06 <CharlieDontChat>: I have more whisky
00:43:12 <Calleja>: and ill down this beer
00:43:21 <Calleja>: its fair cause it's a 5.7% beer
00:43:38 <Calleja>: im talking to charlie, ed
00:43:43 <Calleja>: i don't like you anymore
00:44:00 <AmorousEyes>: nope
00:44:06 <Krisken>: I got 2 turntables and a microphone
00:44:31 <moss>: any chance i can get op status in here?
00:45:29 <AmorousEyes>: want itto be.. topical
00:45:31 <Calleja>: you know what we need to do instead of trying to find mythical floating structures west of acapulco?
00:45:43 <Wahad>: Know what the object is
00:45:47 <moss>: :D
00:45:48 <Wahad>: Hehehehe
00:45:55 <Calleja>: no, overthrow Ed's tyranical reign of terror
00:46:02 <Calleja>: tyrannical
00:46:08 <CharlieDontChat>: wahad, do you know the object and the user?
00:46:13 <Wahad>: I know the user
00:46:25 <moss>: i'm so glad i asked that question hours ago
00:46:29 <moss>: its made the whole evening worth it
00:46:32 <CharlieDontChat>: does someone know the user, someone know the object, and someone(me) know the location?
00:46:44 <Wahad>: Nobody knows the object yet
00:46:55 <AmorousEyes>: sports game
00:46:57 <Wahad>: Except for Dave of course
00:47:12 <CharlieDontChat>: is it a sports game?
00:47:17 <AmorousEyes>: idunno
00:47:18 <CharlieDontChat>: err, tha'ts not a question
00:47:30 <Wahad>: Agh damnit
00:47:36 <AmorousEyes>: but it's more liekly to be mutliplatform
00:47:41 <AmorousEyes>: and solo/multiplayer
00:47:42 <Wahad>: Yeah
00:47:44 <Calleja>: why does it have a question mark at the end if it's not a question?
00:47:47 <AmorousEyes>: and dave likes sports
00:47:48 <Wahad>: We already established that...
00:47:50 <Wahad>: Hmmm
00:47:54 <Edrondol>: I do?
00:47:57 <Wahad>: He likes football
00:48:05 <Edrondol>: REAL football!
00:48:05 <AmorousEyes>: tomato tomato
00:48:06 <Wahad>: So I guess it could be something like Madden NFL 09
00:48:08 <Wahad>: or whatever
00:48:08 <Calleja>: he likes football, kermit, and torturing mexicans
00:48:36 <CharlieDontChat>: Madden 10
00:48:37 <Calleja>: google maps
00:48:43 <Calleja>: NO
00:48:43 <Wahad>: Is madden 10 out yet
00:49:07 <CharlieDontChat>: the way madden works is the 2010 comes out in 2009
00:49:15 <AmorousEyes>: wtf? lol
00:49:17 <Wahad>: I see.
00:49:19 <moss>: slashunban
00:49:25 <moss>: i think
00:49:37 <CharlieDontChat>: since it's teh 09-10 season now
00:49:41 <AmorousEyes>: was an autoban of 10 minutes
00:49:44 <Calleja>: cough
00:49:46 <Wahad>: Yeah, that makes sense I guess
00:49:47 <Calleja>: as i was saying
00:50:06 <Calleja>: i am seeing FINE WHAT THERE IS THERE TO SEE which is NOTHING
00:50:17 <AmorousEyes>: oh hey I found it!
00:50:19 <Calleja>: i am seeing water
00:50:24 <Calleja>: and islands
00:50:24 <Wahad>: wait what ame
00:50:33 <Calleja>: and, if you zoom in enough, jetskis
00:50:36 <Calleja>: and boats
00:50:38 <Krisken>: that should scare anyone
00:50:39 <Calleja>: which float
00:50:41 <Wahad>: also boats
00:50:45 <Wahad>: which also float
00:51:03 <Krisken>: HAHAHA
00:51:06 <AmorousEyes>: no one asked what the location was made off.. just the object
00:51:11 <Krisken>: See? You should have dealt, fucker
00:51:19 <Wahad>: Damnit
00:51:28 <Wahad>: Well
00:51:30 <Wahad>: There goes my headache I guess
00:51:34 <Wahad>: All for nothing
00:51:46 <Calleja>: is the mythical floating structure made of wood, someone ask that
00:51:48 <Calleja>: someone ask that
00:51:53 <Wahad>: Well played Charlie, you magnificent bastard
00:51:54 <Calleja>: SOMEONE ASK THAT
00:52:21 <AmorousEyes>: charlie's got it ?
00:52:29 <Wahad>: He's got the object and the location
00:52:35 <CharlieDontChat>: :3
00:52:37 <Edrondol>: ;-)
00:52:38 <Wahad>: he will most likely figure out the user before I figure out the location
00:52:42 <CharlieDontChat>: I am going to drink until I figure it out
00:53:48 <AmorousEyes>: LOL
00:54:03 <Wahad>: Damnit charlie
00:54:23 <Wahad>: Give me the location
00:54:27 <Wahad>: And I will give you the user
00:54:31 <Wahad>: and we will split the pot
00:54:42 <Calleja>: if you gicve me the location, i'll be like very near to where charlie is cause i think i kow the user and almost the object
00:54:48 <Calleja>: but i dont care about the game
00:54:53 <Calleja>: cause it's a MADE UP GAME
00:54:56 <Calleja>: NOTHING FLOATS THERE
00:55:00 <Wahad>: Hahahaha
00:55:12 <moss>: ho-kay, Callejas gone bye bye. anyone else?
00:55:14 <CharlieDontChat>: I have information that you don't actually have the user
00:55:21 <Edrondol>: GHOSTBUSTERS!
00:55:30 <Wahad>: I did not have it when I asked Ed for confirmation
00:55:35 * moss collects spores molds and fungi
00:55:35 <Krisken>: He has the user Charlie
00:55:37 <Wahad>: But that eliminated everyone else but one
00:55:41 <Wahad>: So yes, I have the user
00:55:54 <Edrondol>: He THINKS he has the user. I have not confirmed anything.
00:56:00 <Wahad>: That is true
00:56:05 <Krisken>: No, he asked me
00:56:10 <Edrondol>: Ah!
00:56:15 <Wahad>: ^^
00:56:20 <moss>: right
00:56:22 <Wahad>: And as I said
00:56:23 <moss>: who wants to make a deal
00:56:24 <Wahad>: Charlie
00:56:25 <moss>: i have user name
00:56:27 <moss>: who wants in
00:56:32 <Krisken>: A dope deal?
00:56:32 <Wahad>: I will split the pot with you if you give me the location
00:56:34 <moss>: offer is limited to the next four minutes
00:56:36 <Wahad>: and I will give you the user
00:56:37 <Edrondol>: All parts are now known. But who gets all 3?
00:56:42 * moss sets fire to Wahad
00:56:47 <Wahad>: go away moss
00:56:50 <AmorousEyes>: http://www.rightfieldbleachers.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/lets-make-a-deal.jpg
00:56:51 <Wahad>: grownups are trying to talk
00:56:53 <Cajungal>: hope?
00:56:55 <Calleja>: screw you guys, i'm going home
00:57:08 <Wahad>: Bye mexican
00:57:11 <Wahad>: You should take a boat
00:57:13 <AmorousEyes>: XD Wahad
00:57:18 <AmorousEyes>: those float
00:57:20 <Wahad>: and go to acapulco
00:57:24 <Wahad>: and find the location
00:57:25 <AmorousEyes>: even off teh coast of Acapulco
00:57:29 <Calleja>: no, i hate you all and i want you all to go down to acapulco and DROWN
00:57:29 <Wahad>: and be all like 'aww, damnit'
00:57:32 <Wahad>: Heh
00:57:32 <Calleja>: cause you can't float there
00:57:42 <moss>: you guys are gonna have to tell me how it turns out, i'm about to head off :(
00:57:52 <moss>: yep
00:57:58 <AmorousEyes>: later moss
00:57:59 <Calleja>: i'm gonna put Conan on
00:58:02 <AmorousEyes>: 3 minutes to next question
00:58:02 <moss>: :(
00:58:04 <Krisken>: Later mossinator
00:58:04 <moss>: nah, its ok
00:58:06 <AmorousEyes>: wait 3 minutes
00:58:08 <moss>: its been awesome
00:58:08 <Cajungal>: the barbarian or the redhead?
00:58:09 <Krisken>: sorry it didn't work for ya
00:58:15 <Calleja>: whoever wins, I get Y the last man
00:58:16 <Wahad>: Ughughugh
00:58:21 <Calleja>: cause.. i deserve it
00:58:26 <Wahad>: No you don't
00:58:27 <Cajungal>: byebye, moss :)
00:58:28 <Calleja>: this has caused me mental distress
00:58:28 <Wahad>: I have been in here
00:58:31 <Wahad>: From the very beginning
00:58:32 <moss>: two minutes
00:58:41 <Calleja>: MENTAL DISTRESS
00:58:44 <Wahad>: I have the biggest headache I have ever had
00:58:54 <Calleja>: take a couple of aspirins
00:58:57 <Cajungal>: Aspirin floats,doesn't it?
00:58:58 <Edrondol>: Free for all time. Nobody gets it in 30 minutes I start lobbing clues.
00:58:58 <Wahad>: And I am on the edge of seeing someone walk away with the prize while I am so close
00:58:59 <Calleja>: i still can't cure my distress
00:59:00 <Wahad>: Hehehehe
00:59:01 <Krisken>: I don't think I was in here quite at the beginning, but it was awful close
00:59:02 <AmorousEyes>: yeah, from watching Calleja's chat
00:59:19 <AmorousEyes>: ICH BIN MAROON!
00:59:24 <AmorousEyes>: aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! You're a SOFA!
00:59:29 <moss>: i might be able to get on on my ds however...
00:59:36 <moss>: closin the pc down though
00:59:37 <AmorousEyes>: sorry,, zappa quote... >.>
00:59:38 <moss>: awaaaaaay!
00:59:43 <Edrondol>: Ask away, folks.
00:59:44 <Wahad>: Oh
00:59:54 <Calleja>: Edrondol , is the floating structure made of wood
00:59:59 <Edrondol>: No.
01:00:06 <Calleja>: metal?
01:00:11 <AmorousEyes>: wsted question...
01:00:13 <moss>: wheee
01:00:18 <Edrondol>: Metal. Yes.
01:00:26 <Calleja>: it's METAL and it FLOATS!?
01:00:31 <Wahad>: Wait
01:00:32 <AmorousEyes>: BOATS FLOAT
01:00:33 <Wahad>: what
01:00:36 <Wahad>: It had metal
01:00:38 <Cajungal>: bahahaha
01:00:52 <Calleja>: it can't be a boat
01:00:57 <Wahad>: It is a boat
01:00:57 <CharlieDontChat>: guys, I'm making a spreadsheet
01:01:00 <Calleja>: boats are permanently off the coast of acapulco
01:01:00 <CharlieDontChat>: I'm going to figure this out
01:01:01 <Wahad>: It's on a boat
01:01:02 <Calleja>: aren't
01:01:04 <Wahad>: Charlie damnit
01:01:09 <Wahad>: You magnificent bastard you
01:01:17 <Calleja>: .. is the floating structure a boat?
01:01:19 <Wahad>: You are not going to win urhgghuerhguhgerugh
01:01:29 <AmorousEyes>: ugh
01:01:30 <AmorousEyes>: okay
01:01:35 <AmorousEyes>: my question
01:01:39 <Calleja>: A BOAT!?
01:01:41 <CharlieDontChat>: Does the user have over 200 posts?
01:01:42 <Wahad>: Hahahaha
01:01:45 <Cajungal>: hahahahahahaha
01:01:49 <Krisken>: lol
01:01:50 <Calleja>: how can it be a BOAT!?
01:01:57 <Wahad>: The object
01:01:58 <Wahad>: is on a boat
01:02:00 <Krisken>: LOL, hahahahahahahahaha
01:02:01 <Wahad>: which is
01:02:03 <AmorousEyes>: How much longer until Calleja becomes completely deranged?
01:02:04 <Wahad>: west from acapulco
01:02:09 <CharlieDontChat>: never thought I'd be on a boat. it's a big blue watery road
01:02:12 <Calleja>: is the boat permanently there?
01:02:27 <Calleja>: cause boats usually, y'know, move
01:02:35 <AmorousEyes>: they do't on google maps
01:03:03 <Calleja>: .... that is cheating
01:03:22 <Edrondol>: If you post in the thread be sure you say something here so I know it.
01:03:49 <CharlieDontChat>: dave - when we get it, do we still need the pictures and stuff, or do we just need the three things in text form?
01:03:57 <Wahad>: You need pictures
01:04:12 <Edrondol>: Pictures.
01:04:24 <Calleja>: the boat was in a movie?
01:04:26 <AmorousEyes>: picture of location, or the user, AND the object?
01:04:32 <Edrondol>: All 3.
01:04:33 <Calleja>: let me get this straight
01:04:38 <Calleja>: there's a boat off the west coast of acapulco
01:04:39 <Cajungal>: Don't give up! You can do it!
01:04:40 <Wahad>: WHORARGAGHAR
01:04:42 <Cajungal>: Fight fight!
01:04:46 <AmorousEyes>: location is the easier one? lol
01:04:46 <Calleja>: that's in a movie AND in google maps?
01:04:47 <Edrondol>: No, Calleja. The boat was NOT in the movie.
01:04:49 <AmorousEyes>: easiset*
01:04:51 <AmorousEyes>: heh
01:05:07 <Calleja>: ...how is it movie related then?
01:05:23 <AmorousEyes>: Calleja - noen of teh 3 thigns are related
01:05:29 <Calleja>: no, the boat
01:05:33 <Calleja>: is the location
01:05:34 <AmorousEyes>: the loction appeared in teh movie
01:05:36 <Calleja>: which is movie related
01:05:38 <Edrondol>: The movie was made in 1994.
01:06:09 <Cajungal>: man
01:06:14 <AmorousEyes>: flintstones
01:06:15 <Wahad>: Ughughgugh
01:06:25 <AmorousEyes>: bedrock
01:06:25 <Cajungal>: So what are we doing for our NEXT anniversary, Forumdad?
01:06:25 <AmorousEyes>: lol
01:06:39 <Cajungal>: :D
01:06:44 <Bumble>: DISNEYLANDDD
01:06:46 <Cajungal>: YES
01:06:48 <Wahad>: Yessss
01:06:50 <Cajungal>: we can all meet there
01:07:01 <AmorousEyes>: Yanni Live at the Acropolis
01:07:05 <Cajungal>: hahahahaha
01:07:06 <Calleja>: that's right
01:07:17 <Calleja>: boats don't count
01:07:20 <Calleja>: T_T
01:07:32 <AmorousEyes>: less than 200
01:07:46 <Calleja>: I've learned something today
01:07:55 <Wahad>: I am so damn close
01:07:56 <Calleja>: there were a SHIT TON of movies made in 1994
01:07:57 <Wahad>: Why, universe
01:07:59 <Wahad>: whyyyy
01:08:24 <Krisken>: :D
01:08:30 <AmorousEyes>: it is exactly 200 posts?
01:08:31 <CharlieDontChat>: give a hint for the uuuuuuuuuuuuuser
01:08:39 <Edrondol>: Just gave it away.
01:08:41 <Krisken>: That'll give it to Charlie
01:08:51 <Wahad>: Damnit
01:08:55 <Edrondol>: Charlie is not on the Vent.
01:08:58 <Krisken>: You guys better hurry up and post it
01:09:03 <Wahad>: UGHUGHUGH
01:09:05 <AmorousEyes>: got it
01:09:17 <CharlieDontChat>: under 200?
01:09:17 <AmorousEyes>: conga rats
01:09:19 <Krisken>: Congrats!
01:09:19 <Cajungal>: *applause*
01:09:20 <Edrondol>: DRIFTER IS THE WINNER!!
01:09:26 <CharlieDontChat>: aughhh
01:09:26 <Krisken>: what was the movie?
01:09:32 <Cajungal>: So did Calleja have a heart attack?
01:09:33 <Krisken>: That's what I had thought
01:09:35 <CharlieDontChat>: Shawshank
01:09:47 <AmorousEyes>: I was actualyl at shawshankredemption .com
01:10:05 <Calleja>: NO, IT IS NORTHWEST
01:10:05 <CharlieDontChat>: haha
01:10:16 <Calleja>: west of acapulco you have water and only water
01:10:21 <Wahad>: Ughughugh
01:10:25 <CharlieDontChat>: Question 19: Is it EAST of Acapulco? No. (Moss)
01:10:25 <Krisken>: that's still WEST
01:10:37 <CharlieDontChat>: it is not east of acapulco!
01:10:42 <Calleja>: but that is NOT west
01:10:46 <Wahad>: No
01:10:55 <Cajungal>: good job :) Calleja, better luck next time *pat pat*
01:10:56 <Wahad>: But not east does not explicit west
01:10:58 <CharlieDontChat>: you assumed not east = west
01:11:05 <Wahad>: what charlie said
01:11:12 <Krisken>: haha, I love that joke
01:11:22 <CharlieDontChat>: oh well, kiss has like 3/4 o Y the last man anyways
01:11:29 <Wahad>: Goddamnit
01:11:54 <AmorousEyes>: good one
01:12:35 <Krisken>: Very cool!
01:12:37 <Cajungal>: aw, that's very nice, drifter.
01:12:42 <Krisken>: :D
01:12:47 <AmorousEyes>: sweet
01:12:49 <Cajungal>: Good for you
01:13:12 <Calleja>: zihuatanejo
01:13:13 <CharlieDontChat>: what's drifter doing
01:13:21 <CharlieDontChat>: the beach where Red and Andy met up :)
01:13:27 <Cajungal>: He's donating madden.
01:13:29 <Bumble>: Charlie: "rule with an iron fist"
01:13:30 <Calleja>: no one calls it that anyway
01:13:33 <Wahad>: WHOARARGAGHAR
01:13:37 <Calleja>: we call it Ixtapa
01:13:51 <Wahad>: That's semantics, Cayecha
01:13:58 <AmorousEyes>: still west of acapulco
01:14:03 <AmorousEyes>: by any name
01:14:08 <Wahad>: It's called zihuatanejo on google maps so yeah
01:14:09 <CharlieDontChat>: and still on the wiki for Shawshank Redemption
01:14:16 <Krisken>: Good times :)
01:14:37 <Krisken>: Thanks Ed!
01:14:39 <AmorousEyes>: very nice, it was fun
01:14:41 <Calleja>: it's not west!!
01:14:45 <CharlieDontChat>: that was cool
01:14:47 <AmorousEyes>: gonan make somethgn to eat and NOT burn my wrist
01:14:50 <CharlieDontChat>: did Klew go on a cruise or something?
01:14:52 <Krisken>: Good job Ed, good job
