Halforum's Army Systems.

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It's sadly addicting. And I'll tell you why.
It's the kind of game that makes you want to set an alarm next to your bed in two hour intervals so you can be sure to be the first to pillage your neighbors of their freshly generated gold.
I haven't quite resorted to this yet, as my work schedule pretty much has me awake and at a computer about 16 hours a day anyway.

I'd say, right now, it's myself and Rovewin doing most of the pwning. I think between the two of us I'd say Rove is winning as I haven't been able to successfully attack him in the last few attempts. He has been able to attack me successfully, but luckily I've usually managed to "deposit" my gold by then.

This brings up one of the game's flaws, and that's that saving money is too easy. The dagger is a weapon that costs 2 gold to buy, and the sell back price is also 2 gold. So it's essentially an interest free bank to help you save up your mula. This shouldn't be the intention as it just makes investment into your defenses unnecessary.

Speaking of defenses, and offense as well, I just don't get them. The upgrades don't seem to make hardly any difference. Hopefully we can get an exact percentage amount of how much they help. It seems odd to me that I keep losing to an attacking force when I have a great defense, and more troops in leather armor than Rovewin even has in his army. Granted I don't know exactly what Rovewin's troops are using, but I still think something is amiss. Specially when my heavily armed offense force attacks him and he still beats me. Is he trading his offense and defense back and forth, or does he just have a good amount of more money coming in than I do that he can split it up evenly between the two?

What are your current upgrades, Rove? I send spies, but the numbers are always so weird it's hard to even know for sure if they are accurate. I had you at about 8k in both last time I checked. Which is crazy. I hate you. :finger:

I don't see much of an "end game" to this. Eventually even when we get our armies to a mystical "cap" which I don't even know exists for certain, we're just going to be hitting each other back and forth. We never do enough army damage to knock someone down a notch, so it's mostly just a race to see who can get all the upgrades first and then it's stalemate for the rest of eternity.
What are your current upgrades, Rove? I send spies, but the numbers are always so weird it's hard to even know for sure if they are accurate. I had you at about 8k in both last time I checked. Which is crazy. I hate you. :finger:
Yeah 8k is about right. :D I have most soldiers with shortswords with a force of spearmen leading the charge being backed up by a brigade of archers. For defense I have a bit invested in the heavier up stuff then sell a bunch of shortswords for heavy clothes when I am done attacking and vice versa. Although how did you afford a shark moat? :eek:

I don't see much of an "end game" to this. Eventually even when we get our armies to a mystical "cap" which I don't even know exists for certain, we're just going to be hitting each other back and forth. We never do enough army damage to knock someone down a notch, so it's mostly just a race to see who can get all the upgrades first and then it's stalemate for the rest of eternity.
Eventually we will get to a point where each attack takes as much people as you can recruit. Though I doubt anyone will actually get to own a Spear of Destiny. Plus if just a couple more people actually start playing it will be impossible to get the kind of gold we are getting now. Yes games like these always get me addicted too. Its the having to check in every so often and plus since everyone started at the same time here and in conquest its hard not to do the race for the top.
Yeah 8k is about right. :D I have most soldiers with shortswords with a force of spearmen leading the charge being backed up by a brigade of archers. For defense I have a bit invested in the heavier up stuff then sell a bunch of shortswords for heavy clothes when I am done attacking and vice versa. Although how did you afford a shark moat? :eek:
Do the different weapons have an impact on how the numbers add up percentage wise? I've been upgrading, but it doesn't seem to make a big enough difference to explain how you can still defend against them.
I decided to take a hit on my offense and sell enough of my cheaper weapons to purchase the moat. I figured I needed help in defense more so than I did offense. But still the numbers just don't change much. Unless the moat, stone wall, archers, etc provide a hidden percentage that I'm just not seeing in the total.

Eventually we will get to a point where each attack takes as much people as you can recruit. Though I doubt anyone will actually get to own a Spear of Destiny. Plus if just a couple more people actually start playing it will be impossible to get the kind of gold we are getting now. Yes games like these always get me addicted too. Its the having to check in every so often and plus since everyone started at the same time here and in conquest its hard not to do the race for the top.
This brings up the problem of the five attacks against one target per 24 hour period. I hate and love it. It's great because it doesn't let anyone in particular get pummeled down. It does however suck because with so few players you run out of people to rob.
Is this a beta or something? This game feels somewhat half-baked compared to others I have played before. I find a game like this without morale, attack strategies or any form to protection to newcomers massive MEH.

People... if you have huge armies, don't be a tard and attack people who are starting off the game. Firstly, you'll remove their interest in playing this game and two, it's strategically retarded. I'm sure the poor man's raid of 20 gold helps your army of 300+ greatly. I hope your competitors aren't as dim.

Hmm. Didn't even know you were on the list.
I just kinda go down it and attack everyone one by one. Considering I can only attack folks a limited number of times each day, I'd rather get the 20g. And at the same time, better for you if I waste one of my 5 daily attacks on you for only 20g. But yeah I'd say this game has some flaws. It's harder for people to get started unless they are there at the beginning of each cycle (which is at forty minutes of every even numbered hour by the way)


Staff member
I used to play a game a lot like this... Kings of Chaos. That was really addicting... which is why I'm not participating on the forum. It would dominate me.
I think I'm throwing my hat in. It was a good run but the constant back and forth and repetition just isn't worth it.
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