Halforums Charity Drive?

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I dunno if anyone ever mentioned a similar idea here, but as someone with an insane amount of nothing-better-to-do on my hands, I was thinking it would be cool to start some kind of Halforums holiday charity drive thing for Child's Play or whatever charity is voted for... I certainly wouldn't mind driving out to meet other southern-californian halforumites to do some kind of 24-hour long webcast Ustream thing, maybe I could like draw/doodle whatever each donator requests. I could even chip in around $30 myself... I dunno, just a random thought.


Hells, I'd be game if you could get some people. We could call it 'Two Davids One Webcast'!

Can't host it in my tiny-assed apartment, though.
My place isn't ideal for hosting either... I've got my tiny bedroom of my parent's tiny house, and I don't think "Hey, I'm inviting strangers over from the internet for charity!" would fly well by them :p


*shrug* I gave at Real World Heroes for a gold title in my vid game. Also started a topic about it but it dropped off the page like a baby rock taking a swimming lesson.


Staff member
Well, Dusty, there's 5 of us within 2 hours of each other in NC... might be able to get something going.
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