No, that wouldn't be realistic. No platform. And everyone has to push through a crowd around the brawl anyways.Ooc: so with the pulley system used to lower people into the well. Is it just like a single rope or is there a platform or something? I'm wondering if I could realistically jump to it and go over the well instead of around.
1.) You get movement as well as your dash action, so you should be able to move 60 feet. Combat won't really start until people break through the crowd, once initiative is rolled.Marten sighs, grumbling "I guess this is what Lathander meant," leaving his beer on the bar and rushing towards the conflict.
View attachment 32793
Taking a dash action on my turn, allowing 2x movement. Above location is my intended goal.
- How are you playing diagonal movement? "Same as non-diagonal" or "every other costs 2x"? I only took one diagonal in the chart, not knowing.
- Would the cantrip "Thaumaturgy" be able to be heard above the sounds of the fight? I could either make my voice boom "three times as loud" or cause a sound such as distant thunder.
- I'm portraying my character as a 'regular'...someone who comes in every evening after 'priesting' during the day. Would I recognize Yagra or any of the ruffians? Because my personality is taciturn, I expect that I'm a loner/quiet drinker normally, and probably wouldn't *know* them, even if they were regulars, too. But would I have seen them before?
Ok..then I'd like to take the above stated position as my movement, and use the Thaumaturgy cantrip 3 times in a row for the following effects (at least until the combat breaks out and initiatives must be rolled--let me know if I'm being too free with pre-combat time): first: Voice 3 times as loud, followed by thunder, followed by golden glowing eyes. ("If you cast this spell multiple times, you can have up to three of its 1-minute effects active at a time, and you can dismiss such an effect as an action.")1.) You get movement as well as your dash action, so you should be able to move 60 feet. Combat won't really start until people break through the crowd, once initiative is rolled.
2.) I tend to be forgiving on diagonal movement, but if someone is running only diagonally, I tend to discount them a square or part of one. I don't sweat the details too much, so including one or two diagonals in your movement is fine, especially if the straight line between you and your destination is shorter than the route you took!
3.) Three times as lout would be louder than the din of the brawl, yes.
4.) He would recognize Yagra as a regular for sure, even if he doesn't know much about her.
Yes, you have it exactly.[ooc]
Can you explain the map a bit more. It looks like there are exits above the bandits, and a veranda exit to the side and a main entrance to the south.
Yup! Later today.Side question: Can you mark the prone guys on the map? (Tasha's victim and the grappling victim) so that we can see who's still up and swinging?
The punch lands in the hand of the ruffian who responds with a little "nuh uh" wag of his finger.
Just to be sure?Just asking, but...if the first blow connects and knocks the ruffians out - why would she throw a second one?![]()
[ooc that would be dramatic license in describing the attack, in pure game mechanics if Yaggra was able to attack 2x/round, she would be in no danger and way above our level of characters]Just asking, but...if the first blow connects and knocks the ruffians out - why would she throw a second one?![]()
She definitely gave him a good left jab for good measure as he toppled backwards.Just asking, but...if the first blow connects and knocks the ruffians out - why would she throw a second one?![]()
The ruffian scowls. "I ain't got a momma. But I'll take yours all night long....after I throw you down into Undermountain."Brad sizes up the ruffian in front of him and laughs, "You're ugly, and your momma dresses you funny." He says scornfully. And casts vicious mockery (Wis save 13 or take 3 damage).
(Yes, all are armed.)....does my guy have any weapons on him that I can see?
That shit's hilarious, yoThe remaining stirge falls into a deep melancholy unlike any that a stirge has ever known. The little blood-sucker detaches from Erythro's back and hiss-bleats mournfully. It drops to the ground, probably questioning its place in the universe, and vomits up its bloody meal before giving in to its ennui and dying.
"Just wonderin' what the word is.""You gods damned gangs are..." The city watch officers look over at Ran. "Can we help you?"
They do not.Do the humans being arrested have the same tattoos as the ones who started the fight in the Yawning Portal? If so, Ty will mention to the guards that there are some more people who could maybe do with some questioning.
"No story here, bard. Just more senseless violence between the gangs. Now shove off!""Just wonderin' what the word is."
Ran gestures to his instrument.
"Part of my Bardic duties to keep the people informed of what's going on. Lots of rumors bound to be running around. Might be good to set the record straight"
"You're right. We aren't getting anywhere here. Lead the way""Come on fellow bard, let's go find our friend."
Yes, some of them, at least. The Zhentarim are likely to be involved, you are fairly sure."You're right. We aren't getting anywhere here. Lead the way"
[Ran has a criminal/spy background. Would he have knowledge of the criminal organizations in the area?]
"Friends lets be on our way shall we? No need to distract the city guard from their duties. " Erythro states plainly, "Or let them study our faces." he adds with a whisper. Collecting the others as best he can direct them onward, the slender man starts plucking some wool fluff off his coat "This way, this way.... tús a chur le mionléasadh, yes this way."
Then behind the backs of the band of bar room brawlers, across the crowd booms out a voice heard earlier in the night "Ya pig! Like killin' me mates do ya?!" A quick turn of the head to look for the source of the voice as he walks away from the scene greatly concerned for his safety and respecting the guards authority as any law abiding citizen should.
Cast minor illusion in the voice of the guy from the bar, watch the 3 guys in hand cuffs to judge their reaction and continue on our way to the bar
"Aw yeah. Everything's coming up Ran. Looks like this halflings luck is about to change for the better"Meanwhile, Ran earns 7 coppers for his trouble from a few of the bar patrons on their way out.
As Ran begins to play, there are some groans and a "Shaddup!" from the back somewhere. But someone else gives a "Woop!" at about the same time in recognition of the tune. The grumbling stops quickly and soon the tavern is singing along with the chorus in perhaps the rowdiest rendition of the song that Ran has ever seen."Aw yeah. Everything's coming up Ran. Looks like this halflings luck is about to change for the better"
Ran feels confident enough that enough time has passed that he could enter the tavern without it looking like he's with the others.
"Evenin' gents! Rumblefoots the name and song is the game!"
Ran plays a raunchy tune while scoping the place out and keeping his distance from the others.
[Performance 1, halfling luck reroll 21]
"Fine wit' me.""Perhaps we should meet back at the first tavern to compare notes and plan our next step"
No, she is no longer here.OOC: So we suspect a gang with a serpent tattoo to be responsible for mugging the guy? And Yagra also has one of these tattoos? Should we talk to her? Is she still here?
Ran recklessly leaves the safety of the group!I think we agreed to do that, walk by and then bed?
Brad cannot really get there, with the barrels and boxes serving as difficult terrain. Is Kenku1 okay?Brad runs to kenku4 and stabs it with his rapier (20 to hit) for 7 damage. "Have at you, foul beast!"
Sheep is back and bigger than everI know it's supposed to be fog, but it's like you've got a Popeye/Bluto fraças going on in there.
I like the idea of Ran being too quick on the draw and end up not helping.Ran, since Charity knocked out the fleeing kenku, you can alter your turn, since that happened before you moved
- You didn't miss a turn. Your last turn (hitting the dead Kenku with the natural 1) was your last opportunity.Didn't get a chance to post...was playing music after 9
Since one's unconscious and the rest appear to be fleeing (and there are folks better positioned to take out #1 when he exits the fog and heads out the side door to the gate), I'll do my best to assist Charity in securing the prisoner.'re right- You didn't miss a turn. Your last turn (hitting the dead Kenku with the natural 1) was your last opportunity.
- Charity had an Attack of Opportunity on Kenku #1 as it fled into the fog and knocked it out. Only #3 remains standing, ready to flee the yard.
Their feathers make it difficult to tattoo their bodies, so they do not appear to have any.Are the Kenku sporting any gang signs?
"Oh, bless Volo," Renaer Neverember says. "He found some worthy rescuers. I hope you will see things through to find Floon.""Ha ha a fine jest, remember that by taking Volos money, you're actually working for him, and he gets the first cut off any treasure you find."
name dropping so this dude this thinks we're cool. I'll study him for a reaction
"I'm afraid not," Renaer says, rubbing his chafed wrists.Charity
"Sir, I apologize for pressing you in such a time of need," Charity begins, crouching at Renaer's side and handing him her waterskin, "but did you hear anything about where they might've taken Floon? Anything at all? We had hoped to find him here, but it seems time is of the essence, now."
No gloves. He has no tattoo. He claims to have escaped his bonds when questioned about it.Ooc: Is Renaer wearing gloves? Can I see the palm of his hand?
I'm finding it kind is suspicious that he wasn't really tied up or that the room he was in wasn't locked. I also feel like as a freed hostage he would be begging us to take him home. As a freed noble hostage he would be demanding we take him home.
Upstairs, Marten and possibly Charity mostly find junk in the crates and boxes littered about on the balcony overlooking the warehouse floor. They find moth-eaten bolts of cloth, bottles of spoiled olive oil, and hundreds of pairs of wooden-soled sandals that were all the rage last summer but are now out of fashion. None of this junk is valuable. Adjacent to the balcony are a suite of offices. Opening the door rings a bell loudly, causing everyone to freeze for a moment. But nobody is inside the offices. The rooms have desks, chairs, and bare shelves covered with dust and draped in cobwebs. Harmless rats skitter about. The offices seem little used, actually, although the duo do find a single unused paper bird.Marten figures that if there were more bad guys in the warehouse, they would have attacked by now. I'll go ahead and actively search upstairs, and cast a Detect Magic for good measure.
Fixed and good to know, so fixed.I'm downstairs watching the outside. And your link takes me to a chance to buy the pdf.
Try this?I'm downstairs watching the outside. And your link takes me to a chance to buy the pdf.
That's the one I changed it to.Try this?
Paper bird
Paper birds were magically enchanted pieces of parchment that conveyed small written messages by flying from the message's sender to its recipient.[1] After writing a small message (of 50 words or less) onto a paper bird, the sender whispered the name of the intended recipient. This caused
That is why it is single-use.That's a nice simple magic item that is hugely powerful.
I mean from the stuff that happens in the background. It's able to devine the location of anyone anywhere and fly to them. Cast glyph of warding on it and it's a homing letter bomb.
Yeah but...think of the rewardI think that may break the spirit of the module. We need to find a clue and proceed into a crawl or raid.
After finding the daggers, Ty finds that the two gangs most certainly killed each other in a wide-ranging battle. Investigating the closet is more difficult, but he does find ropes inside that possibly bound Renaer's wrists and ankles.Ty spent the first period of time after the fight doing the following:
First, he reclaimed his own thrown dagger, along with any that his allies tossed, and returned them to their owners.
Second, he checked the bodies of both gang members to see what killed them (it seems awfully convenient that they would each kill the entire group of their enemies with no survivors, and survivors presumably would have tried to loot and/or remove the bodies!). Primarily he wants to determine whether the Kenku were involved in the fighting here, or opportunists coming in after the fact to loot the place.
Third, he checked the closet where the prisoner was, looking to confirm the claim that he was bound and managed to escape.
Once he's done those things he'll move to question whichever of the prisoners seems more likely to have useful information.
"I...don't think they did want Floon," Renaer says, a flash of guilt on his face. "I think they mistook him for me. The Zhentarim thinks that my father embezzled a large amount of gold while he was Open Lord here in Waterdeep, and that he hid the dragons somewhere in the city. They think they can find it by using an artifact called the Stone of Golorr, which was in the hands of the Xanathar Guild until recently. Apparently, someone stole it. The Zhents thought I knew something about all of this, but I don’t. My father and I haven’t spoken in years.”Having collected his gear and what information he can, Ty speaks to whichever members of the group are within earshot.
"As far as I can tell, it seems that our friends with the dragon tattoo are the ones who kidnapped Floon and Renaer here, though judging by their treatment of him, and the fact that he was left here after the fight, it seems that Floon was the target. They brought the two back here , Gods know why, and before they could take their next step they were attacked by this other gang, probably in larger numbers than we see here, and Floon was taken somewhere else."
He pauses to consider for a moment before continuing, "These Zentarim must be good fighters to bring down as many as they did while outnumbered so heavily. Something to keep in mind."
He takes a breath, turning to Renaer. "I know you couldn't have seen anything from where you were, but if you heard anything at all that might tell us why they wanted Floon, where they were taking him, or even who they were, it might be important. Either way," and he turns to include his group in the conversation, "I think we can offer an escort to your home, or to a guard station, if you don't mind waiting while we wrap this up?"
Not waiting for an answer, he shifts his attention again, this time to the Kenku bound and being questioned by Marten. "These birds are harder to explain. Are they scavengers who happened to hear the fighting and saw an opportunity to loot the fallen? Were they sent here by someone to clean up the mess and dispose of evidence?"
He bends, making eye contact with the Kenku and addressing it directly.
"Answer our questions and we'll let you run off after your friends."
[17 for persuasion]
They were kicked out of the tavern.Question, do we know what happened to the Xanathar thugs from the bar brawl? Are they alive? Thinking about using disguise self as the one the started the fight or I could go with one of the corpses from the hideout.
Oop, so you did. Everyone can see what Ty sees.That's why I lit a torch. Mamma said learn the light ca trip, but I was cool, I learned illusions.
I assumed he came with us, because he was invited. But I looked back and couldn't find whether or not he actually said he'd come. And here, I waved him in with an "after you" gesture.Raenar isn't with us? He stayed with the city watch
Haha ok. I think etherio took the weapons because he wanted to sell them right? I didn't take any but can give him my dagger if he needs it.Renaer sloshes up behind Marten. "I'm here, I'm here," he says. "I don't suppose you could spare a couple of daggers and a rapier from those gang members. I saw one of you stash them away. Preparing to outfit an army?"
From what I'm reading on DnDBeyond, you have advantage (unconscious beings are 'prone'), and any attack from within 5 feet (ie: melee) is an automatic critical (double damage dice). Also, they auto-fail saves against STR and DEX--which would make my Sacred Flame automatically hit. But since it requires a dex save and not an attack roll, it's not an "attack" and wouldn't crit. You get more bang for the buck hitting them with melee in this state.Haha ok. I think etherio took the weapons because he wanted to sell them right? I didn't take any but can give him my dagger if he needs it.
As for the goblins, is there still like the old coup de Grace or do I just have advantage of I attack them?
Nobody has given him any weapons yet, but he's ready to punch something if necessary!And Renaer?![]()
As long as whomever took them subtracts them! I just want the accounting done properly.Lol, after this fight, can we assume he either gets rapiers and daggers from whichever of us took them, or picks up a weapon off the dead goblins? Someone offered him their dagger a couple pages back.
Ran accepts your wise and infallible judgement and will add the loot to his inventory. So sayeth the DM, so sayeth we all. Ahmen.Ah, it may not be clear who picked the rapiers and daggers up? This prompted the collection of weapons, though. So I assumed Ran had them. If he didn't pick them up, Renaer would pick them up from the ground himself.
How Ran looks now:Ran accepts your wise and infallible judgement and will add the loot to his inventory. So sayeth the DM, so sayeth we all. Ahmen.
He also, immediately following this encounter, will give a dagger to everyone in the group. He also gives Ranaer (who is definitely with us) a dagger, rapier and leather armor if he wants it.
Hey..I snuck successfully!I'm tempted to say Ty should get a chance at kiling the git in his sleep, I also like the idea of chastising unsneaky people in chainmail.
Charity knocks the goblin senseless and he slumps to the floor, soundly back asleep.Charity
Watching the others move into action, Charity mutters a quiet prayer under her breath. "Great Mother, forgive me for this violence I'm about to inflict." As she does so, however, she already is hoisting a sizeable club from her belt, and whacks the remaining goblin in the noggin with a fierce strength.
Hitting remaining goblin with 24 for 17 damage, or 11 damage if it's not a crit.
Done..also slinging my shield to my back and switching to my crossbow.everyone add a dagger to your inventory
Is Raenar actually with us?
Did I find any secret doors?
I cast disguise self and turn myself into the goon from the bar that Yagra fought
Erythro grabs a hold of Marten, silently urging him to stop. Then slowly the image of the slender wizard is replaced by that of a boorish thug with eyeball tattoos on his head.
a mind flayer?! Now serving fresh wizard brains!Seated on a raised platform to the south is a nightmarish figure wearing black robes. It has large white eyes and rubbery purple skin, with four tentacles encircling its inhuman mouth. It cradles and gently caresses what looks like a disembodied brain with feet.
(I will roll initiative only as needed.)
Yes. Roll deception.Can we back up the icons a bit. I would like to go up the stairs super sneaky and slowly. Then when I crest the stairs still disguised as the thug (but now with his scimitar.)
Upon seeing the new room, I slump against the wall to the entrance and cry as if hurt badly "Zhentarim, right behind me!" then ready "my" scimitar as if to sneak attack the "Zhents" as they enter the room.
a mind flayer?! Now serving fresh wizard brains!
Oh yeah, he can have it if he wants it. Otherwise Ran slips it to whomever might make use of it.Renaer shakes his head at the scale but handing off the shield is fine.
Brad runs to the top of the stairs and whips a dagger all the way across the hall. It is a spectacular throw, piercing the little brain-monster's hind leg.Brad takes aim at the brain thing with a dagger and the dagger hits (23) with a squish for 3 damage.
Floon stands up and hobbles back towards the stairs down with Ran.Ran rushes to the injured man and helps him to his feet if possible. If he can't seem to walk, Ran will start to drag him to Marten if possible.
"Hiya Floons, the names Ran, head of Ran's Rangers heroes for hire. We're here to rescue you. We're here with your friend Renaer. Blink twice if we shouldn't trust him by the way. Anyways, let's try to run away from the thing that's going to haunt my nightmares for the next month"
He also gives Charity a thumbs up gesture which inspires here to be the best person she can be [and eats up my last Bardic Inspiration]
[I was thinking of going through the crates a bit more thorough but if we want to write that off as worthless that's fine too. ]OOC: you don't know about that loot...never got to RP it. We went straight into Renaer then the city watch. Didn't make sense to talk about it then "Sorry do mind if we pause this rescue to loot the place." I thought my corpse collection angle moght have goven us the chance, but oh well.
I assume there is a neighbourhood info dump if we are supposed to live here.
So this building sucks. 5 doors for the first floor, but we have to outside to go upstairs? Nope gonna renovate that! Hence the builders. And ther does not appear to be a toilet on the ground floor? Do pubs not have toilets in Waterdeep.
So I will go sign the paperwork and see if I can grab the loot on the way back.
Are we level 2 yet?
Mainly I detected some hesitance about it from Charity so I wanted to give her a chance to have a say about it.OOC: I can sign for everyone. Just my name and 5 X's. But now I'm getting an infernal contract vibe.....either way as our most prominent writer I am gonna Hancock this thing.
Shopping is coming up!Done. Rolled 7 (greater than average of 5) for hp. I'll also spend a gp to get 20 more crossbow bolts.
Not a problem.I will update tonight! I am going Divination and taking the average 4 points for HP.
New feature Portent Rolls! Every long rest I roll 2d20 and can use the results for anything I want. So for this format of play by post if I choose to use a roll for some one else it may result in some do overs. IE I am asleep at home when Charity attacks and misses. I wake up and go, naw that miss was actually a hit and spend one of my dice.
Rolls for today: 13, 15
[Ran has 9! Take his!]Done. Rolled 7 (greater than average of 5) for hp. I'll also spend a gp to get 20 more crossbow bolts.
We will do it today. Post to come.Is Ran able to sell off the extra loot, or should we RP that with the shopping tomorrow?
d12 result | Common | Uncommon | Rare |
1 | Will take 3 days + 100% cost | Unavailable | Unavailable |
2 | Will take 2 days + 75% cost | Unavailable | Unavailable |
3 | Will take 1 day + 50% cost | Will take 5 days + 125% cost | Unavailable |
4 | Available +50% cost | Will take 3 days + 100% cost | Unavailable |
5 | Available +25% cost | Will take 1 day + 75% cost | Will take 10 days + 150% cost |
6 | Available | Available +75% cost | Will take 5 days + 125% cost |
7 | Available | Available +50% cost | Will take 3 days + 100% cost |
8 | Available | Available +25% cost | Will take 1 day + 75% cost |
9 | Available | Available | Available +75% cost |
10 | Available | Available | Available +50% cost |
11 | Available - 25% cost | Available | Available +25% cost |
12 | Available - 50% cost | Available - 25% cost | Available |
d12 result | Offer |
1 | Not interested |
2 | Offers 30% of value |
3 | Offers 40% of value |
4 | Offers 50% of value |
5 | Offers 50% of value |
6 | Offers 50% of value |
7 | Offers 60% of value |
8 | Offers 70% of value |
9 | Offers 80% of value |
10 | Offers 90% of value |
11 | Offers 100% of value |
12 | Offers 110% of value |
13 | Offers 120% of value |
I like it. We can do the 2nd floor as an inn for passive income, if we can make a small edit to make the flow a little better.