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Halforums software upgrade




I'm marking this as solved but it was by no means smooth.

At noon I locked everything down and did a full backup (THANK GOD!!!). Once that was down Ame cracked her knuckles and got down to business. From v4.0.1 -> v4.0.2 the upgrade went silky smooth. From v4.0.2 -> v4.0.3 it was...not.

In fact, the server started spinning out of control and the whole house of cards fell flat on its face. Server was down, the cPanel was locked up tight and we had a temp folder fill up with 18+ gigs of pure crap...and there was nothing we could do but watch.

I immediately opened a ticket with URLJet and got in the super-secret admin panel and did a "gentle" reboot...which did nothing. So I went back in and said, "Fuck you! Hard reboot, fucker!" That seemed to do a little, but it was still down.

Then Adam at URLJet came in on his white steed and said, "I'm here to save the day!" He cleared out the nasty temp files and cleaned up some stuff, then we proceeded to restore and Ame did the update which went swimmingly this time. Apparently it was the server causing the upgrade issues and not the other way around.

Now, you'll see there are some things different but nothing bad right now. Ame is working hard behind the scenes fixing the templates. We felt it was important that we open the boards again and fix as we went instead of making you guys sit in the cold darkness while we worked on it.

Sorry for the additional hour of downtime, but if it weren't for the backups we made before I don't think a recovery would have been possible. Big props to URLJet. I hesitate to think about what would have happened were we still on Arvixe...




Kudos you guys! For your efforts, Dave and Ame, I award you ten thumbs up:


(You may decide how to divide the thumbs between you)


Element 117

you realize that when you said an hour I budgeted three, right?

*hooks the IV back into her arm, shaking a bit*


Philosopher B.

Kudos you guys! For your efforts, Dave and Ame, I award you ten thumbs up:


(You may decide how to divide the thumbs between you)
Three cheers for the awesomeness of D&A!




Thanks for all the work you guys have put into this site :)




You guys have very little idea how much Ame put into this one. I did almost nothing.

In the Board Requests area I have posted what Ame did behind the scenes - or at least the little she posted.

It'll give you some idea of what she went through. I ate lunch and watched.






Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet
