Halforums ventrilo server - Do we still use it?

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Staff member
Just wondering because it's coming up for renewal and I need to know whether or not to do so.

If you use it let me know. If you used to but don't because you don't know how to connect to it then let me know that, too. I'm trying to find an easy way of connecting.
me and callistarya's son used to use it for ddo, but since she didn't have ventrilo we've since switched to the internal ddo voice controls.


Staff member
I think the D&D groups may still use it for their games. If they do then I'll certainly keep it going.
We definitely use it every Thursday night.

What would be nice is if there were a HF Vent plugin at the bottom that we used to have, was nice to have on the spot chats. Remember those Vent nights? We used to chat like all night with 7-8 HFers.


we have a vent server? ;) I thought that was disconnected a while back.


Staff member
Okay. I've paid for the next year. See you next January.

And I'm working on a Vent button or something.


Staff member
Getting there. I added a widget to the sidebar. Thta thing you can expand/collapse when you are at the forum main page. It's not perfect but it's a start.


Staff member
  1. Download the Ventrilo program from here.
  2. Use Server IP: chi4.ugt-servers.com and Port: 21169
  3. Remember to push Alt to talk.
That's it!


Staff member
And if you don't want to voice chat you can always come in the IRC Chat by clicking the "Chatroom" button above on the main navbar.
Personally, I think it might be better to just leave it on the front page and not add it to every page like before. It can sometimes take a while to load.
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