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Halloween decorations




General halloween thread is here.

This one is about decorations.

I always want to do more, but never get around to it (time, money, etc).

So last night I ripped apart a floor stand fan for the motor that moves it side to side, and made a cheap imitation of a flying crank ghost. I might get a video of it later, once I replace the thread with something more durable, but for now, if you don't know what a flying crank ghost is, here's the original:


I didn't spend a penny on it, and it only took a total of 3 hours to build my version. It has limitations, but already I'm thinking of other things I can build cheaply to get a thrill out of the neighbor kids.

I'm now thinking that leaving the garage door open only a few inches, and having screams of torture and woodworking tools running on an audio loop, with fog and perhaps larges pools of fake blood running from under it.

Another thought is a small child's coffin in the front yard with an audio loop of knocking, and then a little kid saying something to the effect of, "mommy? Daddy? Are you there? It's dark in here...."

Let people's imagination fill in the rest...

We're also doing super cheap painted cardboard tombstones for the front yard, with the usual "Kay Davver" or "M. T. Tomb" etc.

What are you doing, and what ideas do you have? Bonus points if the ideas take little in terms of time and money...



General Specific

General Specific

I would be too tempted to write humorous stuff on the tombstones like:
"Here Lies Harry.
He said he could stop a bullet.
He was right."

"John Doe, Atheist
All dressed up
and no where to go."
