Happy Birthday, FigmentPez!!

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Yes, I know that his birthday was in September, but this thread is for another reason.

Last year, when North_Ranger was in dire need of a pick-me-up, the board came together and gave him a Christmas to remember. It made us feel so good that we decided to do it again. The question was, who and when? Well, we talked about it and decided that figmentPez has had a pretty crappy year and could stand to know that there's a bunch of people out there pulling for him.

But we didn't want to wait until Christmas. So his birthday was in September and we shot for that...and missed. Mainly because we needed to know where to send the stuff. Now he's settled in. And arriving any time now should be a package - or packages - from us to him. I won't say what the gifts are because I don't want to ruin the surprise, but....

Happy Birthday, FigmentPez! I can honestly say that you are one of the most important people on the boards. The sheer number of useful and continuous threads you provided brought in more content and new eyes than anything I've tried to do in the almost 4 years I've run this madhouse. I know that sometimes you've been down and I've always wished I could do something to help you out. Now I and the rest of the boards are showing you that we care. Happy birthday, my friend!


Staff member
No packages have shown up yet, but thanks so much guys. My year started out pretty crappy, and I know I've been a jerk at several points. Thanks for sticking with me through all my lows, through all my time away, and through these newly improving times. You all mean a lot to me, and I'm thankful just to know you. Whatever gifts you've sent are icing on the cake.
The gift will be Dave jumping half naked out of a box with his flappy hooties..

..I'm just guessing. Whatever it is, Happy Belated Birthday and be sure to rock next year!


Staff member
Which half is naked? I always get this confused.

Thanks for the hidden joke, Stieny!
Hip hip hurray! I think I speak for everyone when I say that we're all glad you pulled through, buddy. So enjoy! You deserve it.
No packages have shown up yet, but thanks so much guys. My year started out pretty crappy, and I know I've been a jerk at several points. Thanks for sticking with me through all my lows, through all my time away, and through these newly improving times. You all mean a lot to me, and I'm thankful just to know you. Whatever gifts you've sent are icing on the cake.
If you can't count on random internet people to have your back then who can you count on?


Staff member
Good news: A package, presumably the one in question, has arrived.

Bad news: It's in the leasing offices for the apartments, and they closed before I checked the mail today. I'll stop by and get it from them tomorrow.


Staff member
Sweet! Not sure if package or packages, but I think you'll be happy with the contents!


Staff member
*grumble* You guys, making me carry that big heavy box all the way up to my third-floor apartment. All for this? What a crock... pot!


The kitchenware: a really nice Crock Pot, cutting mats, a nylon turner, nylon coated tongs, a set of spatulas, measuring spoons, dry measuring cups, a 4-cup Pyrex measuring cup, and a box grater.


The books and tech:
- HD webcam (Logitech c920)
- "Out from Boneville" and "The Great Cow Race" by Jeff Smith
- "Mouse Guard: Fall 1152" by David Petersen
- ".hack // Legend of the Twilight" vol 1 & 2
- "After the Golden Age" by Carrie Vaughn

I'm looking forward to reading all of these, especially the Bone books. I have fond memories of reading those in my little sister's Disney Adventures magazine when I was a teen. Also, I was pleasantly surprised to find an inscription from Ashburner inside the cover of Mouse Guard. That's so awesome.

The Crock Pot is most likely going to be used for making chili first, but I'm not sure. There are so many tasty things to make.

Thanks so much for all of this. It means a lot to know how much you guys care.
Yeah, I handled the books because I was the only one who had ANY clue what you might like in reading material :D Hope you enjoy them!

Mouse Guard is kind of like Redwall, if it was a comic book. If you enjoy it, it's got another collection out (Winter 1152) and is currently in it's third "book" (Black Axe) of issues. Look for it at your comic shop! Also has a pen and paper game!


Staff member
We found out you didn't have a lot of kitchen stuff and wanted a webcam. So we did all that! Happy birthday again, my friend! Glad we were able to make your day a little brighter. Harder for zombies to hide that way.


Staff member
Nice! We made sure we got you a top o' the line one. In fact, it's better than the one I have!


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You need to work on the audio sensitivity. Since you are so far back from the microphone, you aren't exactly in the "sweet spot". I don't bother so I use a headset mic.
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