Happy Birthday!

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Forum law demands storm troopers!! Happy Birthdays!

When I turned 30 my sister sent me an email: "Holy crap how did this happen? When did you get old?"

My response was "The obvious answer is about 6 years after you did"

.... I've never been very good about that thinking before speaking thing.
30 to me feels like that magic number where I have to grow up and stop acting like an overgrown man-child.

I don't wanna. I know, I know, I don't have to stop being a manchild, it's just how it feels, y'know?

Philosopher B.

Looks a little short for a stormtrooper, to me.

And sexy.

Oh, yeah, and happy birthday, y'all.
30 to me feels like that magic number where I have to grow up and stop acting like an overgrown man-child.

I don't wanna. I know, I know, I don't have to stop being a manchild, it's just how it feels, y'know?
Pffft! I just turned 32 today, and my manchild is still as stubborn as ever! Fuck adulthood, it's for squares! :biggrin:
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