Happy Memorial Day!

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I know that some people may no celebrate Memorial Day, but it is a Holiday in the U.S. I talk with a friend of mine who is Jehovah witness that they don't celebrate it cause they are not "loyal" to the U.S. but loyal to the land of god so they don't celebrate it.

I don't understand but I celebrate because U.S. is my home. I born here as first generation American Asian from my family. It is BECAUSE of the service men and women in the past and present that allow me to have my freedom today. While there are many who would take advantage of the country but that is what freedom allows us to do. I have been in other country where such freedom are not allow.

I just want to give thanks to many of service people who are with us in the forum and many other who are not. Because of you, I can have a life that I will never have if I was in my home country.

Thank you.


I am doing what I can to honor veterans in my shop by offering a significant discount to them.

I was talking about this yesterday with some friends and they said America has two memorial days.

Is this true? Or is it, as I thought, that there is one Memorial day and one Veteran's Day?

Wasabi Poptart

Yes, Memorial Day is supposed to honor those who died in service of the country. Veterans' Day is supposed to honor all military veterans.

Element 117

Spectators Injured As Military Helicopter Lands In SI Park
minor thankfully, but this sentence below is bugging me...


Wasabi Poptart

They fly twice as fast, carry three times the payload and has five times the range of a CH-46 helicopter.
Yeah that bugs me, too.
I make it a point to listen to this every Memorial Day:

"The tree of liberty must from time to time be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants." -Thomas Jefferson

Thank you, to all the nameless people who shed their blood so thousands more would not have to. I hope we can one day accomplish far more from your sacrifice.
They fly twice as fast, carry three times the payload and has five times the range of a CH-46 helicopter.
Yeah that bugs me, too.
not the whole vertical helicopter part?[/QUOTE] The Osprey is capable of using a runway like a plane so it doesn't always use vertical take offs and landings.

---------- Post added at 08:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:26 PM ----------

This video makes me tear up
On this day, I've always paid tribute to those military who've given all that they had to give during the course of their duty.

More recently, I've started paying more attention to those of my brothers and sisters in blue who've sacrificed of themselves, either through someone not paying attention to how they were driving while the officers were on a traffic stop, or through the deliberate actions of someone who targeted them because they had a badge.

In the academy, we were shown dash-cam footage from several incidents, both to highlight the dangers we face, and to let those who don't have the stomach for the job know that they really shouldn't be out there. The one that sticks the most in my mind is Trooper Mark Coates.

Here is his Officer Down page.

The video of his incident is very, VERY disturbing. They showed it to us at the end of the day, to give us something to mull over before going home. Trooper Coates had his recorder going during the entire incident. From what we saw, the ONLY thing he didn't do right was to notify of his location, and call for a backup when he made the decision to attempt to search the vehicle. After he is shot, you can hear him hollering over the radio... it's not something you forget.

The official Peace Officer Memorial Day is May 15th. I managed to miss it this year. I'm going to to catch it next year, but this is something to mull over, as well.
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