Happy Valentine's Day!

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Kitty Sinatra

That looks like a happy panda to me. It's Valentine's Day and everything is wonderful and heart-shaped.

Now I'm a gonna go listen to Nirvana.


Happy Valentine's Day....Even though I'm not a fan of this specific holiday. I'm new to this forum and figured this was a good time to jump in!.....Anyway hope everyone has a wonderful day !

Kitty Sinatra

I met this girl
She was walking through one of my dreams
She kissed my eyes
And everything that she said
Made so much sense to me
That I still feel like I'm half asleep

My dark angel
She gave me diamonds for eyes
She walked by
Now I'm hypnotised
By this dream
That just won't stop
And I feel
Like I've always been lost in this dream

The rumours of heaven
Only speak the truth on earth
My dark angel
Shine your light on my curse
You are the other that I have to find
Until I do
I guess I'll see you 'round my mind
Y'know, I was born with a scheduled cesarean... you would think my mother would think "oh, no, wait, february 14 is the WORST possible day for a child to be born, let's make it 13 or 15" But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooo.
Y'know, I was born with a scheduled cesarean... you would think my mother would think "oh, no, wait, february 14 is the WORST possible day for a child to be born, let's make it 13 or 15" But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooo.
I'm sorry, WHY is Valentine's Day the WORST possible day to have your birthday?


Im spending valentines with my family. I couldn't be happier. Tomorrow is another day of course.
Seej, let me tell you about this burrito. It was really good. The layers of the tortilla were flaky but substantial, so they provided a nice contrast to the softer filling.


Staff member
It was fun. :) I went to see Wolfman with the fella, and right now we're making a frozen pizza and checking out what's on "Watch it Now." Pretty mellow night. Ooh, and I made scones this afternoon for my sister for her bday.
If you really want to be romantic, you should tell him the etymology of the word "petard". It comes from the French word "peter", meaning "to fart".

The petard is essentially a bucket of explosives. When it exploded, the French must have been reminded of the biological action and named it thusly. The phrase "hoisted by his own petard" is a double entendre, meaning that somebody could either have been hoisted into the air by explosives or by their own fart.


What a loving man I have. Yesterday, Tin took me to a studio movie grill and we ate dinner whilst watching Dear John. Yes I cried. LOL

Today, I watched him play the way he used to, with the band...all heart. He also had learned a favorite reel for their band singer. Sort of a surprise. She was so overwhelmed that someone would actually do that for her that she almost cried. What an awesome thing to do for a young, struggling, single mom.

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