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Harry Potter 6: Half-Blood Prince (film) (SPOILERS AHOY!)




If you're new to the thread and you haven't read the books or already been de-flowered regarding the big spoiler in this movie/book then don't read this thread (and probably the rest of the internet for the next 1.5 weeks). Some are marking them as spoilers, and some are not.

I guess it's coming out on the 15th, almost 4 years to the day that the book was released. The same book that sold some 90 million copies in the first 24 hours.

The same book in which [spoiler:mkx2qiyk]Dumbledore dies[/spoiler:mkx2qiyk].

I had forgotten it was coming out, and disappointed that due to transformers it won't be in imax 3d until the 29th. I'll probably watch it on regular screen, and then (if I still have a job) watch it again in imax 3d.

Still, I enjoy the HP series, so I'll be seeing it. I always wish I had time to read the books again before the movies, but never do.

I think this is the book where Snape asserts himself as not only a major character, but a rather powerful one. Of course the books are largely told as though from Harry's perspective, and he marginalizes/pities/etc Snape, but he finally realizes that Snape is not one to be considered lightly. [spoiler:mkx2qiyk]I wonder how much of Dumbledore's faith in Snape they put into the movie, so we can see Harry twisting in the wind trying to reconcile that Dumbledore was stupid to have trusted Snape. Of course he learned differently in the next book, but for the moment there's a huge chasm between what Dumbledore says and who he trusts, and the reality as perceived by Potter.[/spoiler:mkx2qiyk]

Of all the characters created for HP, Snape is particularly interesting not because he changes throughout the series, but because Harry's view and understanding of him changes so much. To be expected as it's simply a 7 book coming of age story, but still.





Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

I will see this movie for one reason and one reason only and therefore I shall ask about it.

How was Bellatrix? Did she have a bigger part in this movie than in the previous?




Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Dude, he said the 15th... so it's still not out.




Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)


Carry on now, nothing to see here.




Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

I might see this movie. If I do, it will be for two reasons. Emma Watson and Bonnie Wright.

(They're both 18 now, it's all right)

As I mentioned when the trailers came out, I thought the actor portraying young Riddle wasn't creepy enough. He seemed to be sleepwalking through his lines. That's based only on the trailer though, the actual movie might turn out differently.

And I hope we see more magical badassery in the battle at Hogwarts. Thus far, in the movie series, I haven't really seen enough magical badassery yet.




Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Wahad said:

Carry on now, nothing to see here.

I had to use a proxy to find that image (flickr blocked at work), then save it to another service just to post it here, but it was worth it so I could use it again.





Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Hah! I'd totally forgotten about that one.

Nice work, stien. :rofl: :thumbsup:




Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Man, I cannot WAIT. We just watched all 5 of the first movies to get ready for it. I'm stoked!


Cuyval Dar

Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

I'm kinda depressed about this, because all of the books are out already.

What other movie/book franchises are worth spoiling for people waiting in the movie theatre lines and Barnes and Noble?

-- Mon Jul 06, 2009 1:45 pm --

Yes, I was one of those 4chan assholes who used a megaphone at bookstores to give away the whole plot.
Yes, I am very proud of that.



Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Cuyval Dar said:
Yes, I was one of those 4chan * who used a megaphone at bookstores to give away the whole plot.
Yes, I am very proud of that.
Can I come over to your house and punch you in the mouth? I could care less about spoiling the book plot honestly, I just like to punch douchebags who put the effort into using a megaphone to do it.


Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Yeah, I think about the douchiest thing you can do is BLATANTLY go out of your way to spoil something for everyone. Some peopel aren't big on spoilers, but some (like myself) like to be actually surprised when I come to a shocking moment in a movie, TV show or book.

I remember some asshole posted a scanned page of the "Snape killed Dumbledore" page, with the spoilery line highlighted. It was posted on a couple of communities that I had frequented on Live Journal and unfortuntely, it was completely unavoidable.


Cuyval Dar

Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Chazwozel said:
Cuyval Dar said:
Yes, I was one of those 4chan * who used a megaphone at bookstores to give away the whole plot.
Yes, I am very proud of that.
Can I come over to your house and punch you in the mouth? I could care less about spoiling the book plot honestly, I just like to punch douchebags who put the effort into using a megaphone to do it.
Just hire Shego to do it. More bang for the buck, so to speak.



Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

ThatNickGuy said:
Yeah, I think about the douchiest thing you can do is BLATANTLY go out of your way to spoil something for everyone. Some peopel aren't big on spoilers, but some (like myself) like to be actually surprised when I come to a shocking moment in a movie, TV show or book.

I remember some * posted a scanned page of the "Snape killed Dumbledore" page, with the spoilery line highlighted. It was posted on a couple of communities that I had frequented on Live Journal and unfortuntely, it was completely unavoidable.

I know what's going to happen in HP6, but if some asshole 4channers are going to walking around the theater screaming spoilers, I'm going to go out of my way to scare the living shit out them.


Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Heh heh. Get it recorded. I wanna see that. :D


Cuyval Dar

Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Chazwozel said:
ThatNickGuy said:
Yeah, I think about the douchiest thing you can do is BLATANTLY go out of your way to spoil something for everyone. Some peopel aren't big on spoilers, but some (like myself) like to be actually surprised when I come to a shocking moment in a movie, TV show or book.

I remember some * posted a scanned page of the "Snape killed Dumbledore" page, with the spoilery line highlighted. It was posted on a couple of communities that I had frequented on Live Journal and unfortuntely, it was completely unavoidable.

I know what's going to happen in HP6, but if some asshole 4channers are going to walking around the theater screaming spoilers, I'm going to go out of my way to scare the living shit out them.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

My girlfriend has no idea what happens in the book. She either avoided it somehow all those years ago or is trolling me IRL. She's seeing all the movies when they came out, and after they're all done, she's gonna go back and read all the books. I've told her to be careful the next couple weeks as far as reading much stuff online about it :whistling:



Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Cuyval Dar said:
Chazwozel said:
ThatNickGuy said:
Yeah, I think about the douchiest thing you can do is BLATANTLY go out of your way to spoil something for everyone. Some peopel aren't big on spoilers, but some (like myself) like to be actually surprised when I come to a shocking moment in a movie, TV show or book.

I remember some * posted a scanned page of the "Snape killed Dumbledore" page, with the spoilery line highlighted. It was posted on a couple of communities that I had frequented on Live Journal and unfortuntely, it was completely unavoidable.

I know what's going to happen in HP6, but if some * 4channers are going to walking around the theater screaming spoilers, I'm going to go out of my way to scare the living poop out them.

Yeah yeah yeah... Internet Weenie with megaphone isn't any better. I bet you tore ass like hell after you made your little spoiler announcement.


Cuyval Dar

Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Charlie Dont Surf said:
My girlfriend has no idea what happens in the book. She either avoided it somehow all those years ago or is trolling me IRL. She's seeing all the movies when they came out, and after they're all done, she's gonna go back and read all the books. I've told her to be careful the next couple weeks as far as reading much stuff online about it :whistling:
I really do not understand people like that. How can they go without reading a book like LOTR or HP, and then see the movies. You lose so much of the context.


Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Charlie Dont Surf said:
My girlfriend has no idea what happens in the book. She either avoided it somehow all those years ago or is trolling me IRL. She's seeing all the movies when they came out, and after they're all done, she's gonna go back and read all the books. I've told her to be careful the next couple weeks as far as reading much stuff online about it :whistling:
I think the biggest surprise about this post is not that she avoided all the information, but that Charlie has a girlfriend in the first place.



Cuyval Dar

Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Chazwozel said:
Cuyval Dar said:
Chazwozel said:
ThatNickGuy said:
Yeah, I think about the douchiest thing you can do is BLATANTLY go out of your way to spoil something for everyone. Some peopel aren't big on spoilers, but some (like myself) like to be actually surprised when I come to a shocking moment in a movie, TV show or book.

I remember some * posted a scanned page of the "Snape killed Dumbledore" page, with the spoilery line highlighted. It was posted on a couple of communities that I had frequented on Live Journal and unfortuntely, it was completely unavoidable.

I know what's going to happen in HP6, but if some * 4channers are going to walking around the theater screaming spoilers, I'm going to go out of my way to scare the living poop out them.

Yeah yeah yeah... Internet Weenie with megaphone isn't any better. I bet you tore ass like hell after you made your little spoiler announcement.
Well, sure, we had to move quick in order to hit every Borders and Barnes and Noble in a 15 mile radius.



Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)





Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Book 6 was easy to avoid spoilers for. only took about a day to read and its pretty much all I did when I got my hands on a copy (Amazon FTW). not expecting spoilers online is retarded. Deliberately spoiling the book as people are waiting in line to buy it; complete and utter douchebaggery.




Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

The WoW forums ruined the book for me. They had that shit posted before the book actually hit the streets.




Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

I don't care to read the Harry Potter books. I read the first few chapters of one, and that was just to appease the people who wouldn't stop bothering me about them. The movies are fun, though. And this one coming up looks way better than the last one was.




Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

I will say this: as much as I hate how people are STILL keeping teh maj0r spoil3r of Harry Potter tagged :pud: , I think that first night spoiling bullshit is fucking annoying as hell. I mean, yeah there's fanatics and blah, but there's also kids too. And it's the first night--give people at least a little time to enjoy something. Two weeks later? Spoiler the fuck out of it, who cares.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Well she saw the first couple movies, then decided to see all the movies, then read all the books, since they're different tellings/stories/etc etc etc.

and Ed :finger:




Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

My wife has no idea what happens. I've told her to be careful with people she talks to. She's gonna freak out when she sees it.

And yeah, internet tough guy blahblahblah if some ass came into the theater and tried to spoil the movie I don't know if it's worth getting in a fight on but they should watch out for accidental flying cokes. :aaahhh:


Cuyval Dar

Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Espy said:
My wife has no idea what happens. I've told her to be careful with people she talks to. She's gonna freak out when she sees it.

And yeah, internet tough guy blahblahblah if some ass came into the theater and tried to spoil the movie I don't know if it's worth getting in a fight on but they should watch out for accidental flying cokes. :aaahhh:
No, not IN the theatre, just the lifeless idiots who wait in line for hours/days.




Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Cuyval Dar said:
Espy said:
My wife has no idea what happens. I've told her to be careful with people she talks to. She's gonna freak out when she sees it.

And yeah, internet tough guy blahblahblah if some ass came into the theater and tried to spoil the movie I don't know if it's worth getting in a fight on but they should watch out for accidental flying cokes. :aaahhh:
No, not IN the theatre, just the lifeless idiots who wait in line for hours/days.
What about the people who have nothing better to do with their time but go out of their way to spoil things for other people? Are they targeted by anyone?


Cuyval Dar

Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Cajungal said:
Cuyval Dar said:
Espy said:
My wife has no idea what happens. I've told her to be careful with people she talks to. She's gonna freak out when she sees it.

And yeah, internet tough guy blahblahblah if some ass came into the theater and tried to spoil the movie I don't know if it's worth getting in a fight on but they should watch out for accidental flying cokes. :aaahhh:
No, not IN the theatre, just the lifeless idiots who wait in line for hours/days.
What about the people who have nothing better to do with their time but go out of their way to spoil things for other people? Are they targeted by anyone?
The aforementioned internet tough guys.




Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Bowielee said:
The WoW forums ruined the book for me. They had that poop posted before the book actually hit the streets.
If I remember right key plot elements were posted all over the internet. It was next to impossible to avoid them unless you unplugged your computer.


Cuyval Dar

Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

@Espy Why would you throw the $6 movie theatre sodas at someone? Seems like a waste.




Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Some theatres offer free refills on their largest drink. Spoiler shouters seem to be a good target for this. ;)




Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Remember when the little hand-held laser pointers became affordable and popular? For a while, you couldn't go into a movie without some douchebag putting a red dot all over the screen (tee hee!). When I personally got fed up with that crap, I waited til one of those douchebags went to the bathroom, followed him in, and kicked the shit out of him.

I imagine I'd do much the same to someone spoiling my film/book with a megaphone. Call internet tough guy all you like. (shrug)


Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Cuyval Dar said:
I really do not understand people like that. How can they go without reading a book like LOTR or HP, and then see the movies. You lose so much of the context.
Maybe they already had the plot spoiled for them by some asscandy with a megaphone.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Tinwhistler said:
When I personally got fed up with that crap, I waited til one of those douchebags went to the bathroom, followed him in, and kicked the shit out of him.

I imagine I'd do much the same to someone spoiling my film/book with a megaphone. Call internet tough guy all you like. (shrug)
Holy fuck, you are a sociopath.




Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Cuyval Dar said:
@Espy Why would you throw the $6 movie theatre sodas at someone? Seems like a waste.
I never said anything about throwing it. I said "flying". Flying cokes are a rare breed of coke, but generally go after douchebags.
Oh and:
Cuyval Dar said:
just the lifeless idiots who wait in line for hours/days.
Oh... so if I wait in line for a few hours I'M a lifeless idiot as opposed to someone who has to go get a megaphone to try and ruin my reading experience? Am I the only one finding this hilarious? :slywink:




Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Cuyval Dar said:
just the lifeless idiots who wait in line for hours/days.




Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Charlie Dont Surf said:
Tinwhistler said:
When I personally got fed up with that crap, I waited til one of those douchebags went to the bathroom, followed him in, and kicked the shit out of him.

I imagine I'd do much the same to someone spoiling my film/book with a megaphone. Call internet tough guy all you like. (shrug)
Holy fuck, you are a sociopath.
Guess you've never lived in small-town Texas :rofl:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dissocial_ ... y_disorder
1. Callous unconcern for the feelings of others and lack of the capacity for empathy.
2. Gross and persistent attitude of irresponsibility and disregard for social norms, rules, and obligations.

3. Incapacity to maintain enduring relationships, though having no difficulty in establishing them.
4. Very low tolerance to frustration and a low threshold for discharge of aggression, including violence.
5. Incapacity to experience guilt and to profit from experience, particularly punishment.
6. Marked proneness to blame others or to offer plausible rationalizations for the behavior bringing the subject into conflict.
7. Persistent irritability.
I'll mark in blue the symptom I possibly display with my posting (extenuating circumstances aside), and in red the symptoms possibly displayed by the OP(extenuating circumstances aside).



Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Dude, you kicked the shit out of someone for annoying you in a movie theater.




Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Dang, Tin. The most I've ever retaliated on someone was ruining a guy's white sweater with a handful of tomatos when he called me fat.




Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Scrapping's pretty much a way of life in most small towns around here. Consequently, we don't often get internet douchebags outside of bookstores with megaphones, ruining books for people :)




Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

I'd mark 5 and 7 on that list too, if I were you Tin...




Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Tinwhistler said:
Scrapping's pretty much a way of life in most small towns around here. Consequently, we don't often get internet douchebags outside of bookstores with megaphones, ruining books for people :)
The only douchebags that stand outside bookstores here are the ones claiming Harry Potter glorifies Satan and you'll burn in hell for reading them.



Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Cuyval Dar said:
Cajungal said:
[quote="Cuyval Dar":xa5rhn31]
Espy said:
My wife has no idea what happens. I've told her to be careful with people she talks to. She's gonna freak out when she sees it.

And yeah, internet tough guy blahblahblah if some a** came into the theater and tried to spoil the movie I don't know if it's worth getting in a fight on but they should watch out for accidental flying cokes. :aaahhh:
No, not IN the theatre, just the lifeless idiots who wait in line for hours/days.
What about the people who have nothing better to do with their time but go out of their way to spoil things for other people? Are they targeted by anyone?
The aforementioned internet tough guys.[/quote:xa5rhn31]

It's not considered a tough guy bluff if you're not bluffing. Incidentally, do you live near Philly? Come over to the premier of HP6 next week. The Pearl Theatre at Avenue North 1600 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA. I'll be there before the 9:15 show. Bring your megaphone and you'll be using it to amplify your farts. Be sure to bring your idiot 4chan pals too.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Chazwozel said:
It's not considered a tough guy bluff if you're not bluffing. Incidentally, do you live near Philly? Come over to the premier of HP6 next week. The Pearl Theatre at Avenue North 1600 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA. I'll be there before the 9:15 show. Bring your megaphone and you'll be using it to amplify your farts. Be sure to bring your idiot 4chan pals too.




Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)


Steven Soderburgin

Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Edrondol said:
I think the biggest surprise about this post is not that she avoided all the information, but that Charlie has a girlfriend in the first place.

Tinwhistler said:
Remember when the little hand-held laser pointers became affordable and popular? For a while, you couldn't go into a movie without some douchebag putting a red dot all over the screen (tee hee!). When I personally got fed up with that crap, I waited til one of those douchebags went to the bathroom, followed him in, and kicked the shit out of him.

I imagine I'd do much the same to someone spoiling my film/book with a megaphone. Call internet tough guy all you like. (shrug)
What the fuck is wrong with you?

I can understand being frustrated and annoyed with something like that, but fuck, tell a manager or something.


General Fuzzy McBitty

General Fuzzy McBitty

Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

It's extra annoying that they chose to ruin the book for children.
I can see thinking that you're all tough and ruining things for an adult nerd. I still loathe the idea and think that it comes out of a misguided bit of self righteousness, but I understand it. Ruining something like that for children, however, makes me want to physically harm someone. And I'm NOT violent by nature.




Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

AshburnerX said:
I'd mark 5 and 7 on that list too, if I were you Tin...
Nah, I'm not generally irritable, and I've been known to feel guilty about my actions, when it's warranted. Not all displays of aggression warrant guilt, though.




Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Tinwhistler said:
AshburnerX said:
I'd mark 5 and 7 on that list too, if I were you Tin...
Nah, I'm not generally irritable, and I've been known to feel guilty about my actions, when it's warranted. Not all displays of aggression warrant guilt, though.
I think what most people are trying to get across is that you SHOULD feel guilty for beating the crap out of someone for annoying you.




Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Here's to hoping there's more violence in the movie than the bathroom!

(seriously, why are you guys fixated on tin's revenge? For all we know "beat him up in the bathroom" is some sort of euphemism in his locale.... :tongue: )



Le Quack

Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Snape kills Dumbledore?

sorry ed =[

I'm actually really looking forward to this movie; it is my favorite book in the series. I just got done rereading it last night and I had to pick up the 7th one.


Philosopher B.

Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Steve said:
Tinwhistler said:
Scrapping's pretty much a way of life in most small towns around here. Consequently, we don't often get internet douchebags outside of bookstores with megaphones, ruining books for people :)
The only douchebags that stand outside bookstores here are the ones claiming Harry Potter glorifies Satan and you'll burn in hell for reading them.
I'd probably just laugh at those kind of people.

Personally, I stayed (mostly) offline every time I read a new Harry Potter book so it wouldn't be spoiled, but then I can read super-fast when I want to so they never took too long to finish, though 'I-love-subplots' Rowling sure tried to slow me down. :Leyla:

And damn y'all, standing outside of places and yelling spoilers is some cold shit. Not as cold as beating on people though. :bush:




Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (SPOILERS AHOY!)

I have nothing to worry about, the toughest guys are too busy bragging on the internet.


Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Le Quack said:
Snape kills Dumbledore?

sorry ed =[
No worries, Quack. Spoilers are in the thread title. If they got it ruined this time it's their fault.




Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (SPOILERS AHOY!)

Oh snap! Ed just ninja'd himself!



Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (SPOILERS AHOY!)

stienman said:
Oh snap! Ed just ninja'd himself!


What? :whistling:




Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (SPOILERS AHOY!)

Edrondol said:
stienman said:
Oh snap! Ed just ninja'd himself!


What? :whistling:
Tricksy Hobbitses.




Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Cuyval Dar said:
[quote="Charlie Dont Surf":1inbu2ct]My girlfriend has no idea what happens in the book. She either avoided it somehow all those years ago or is trolling me IRL. She's seeing all the movies when they came out, and after they're all done, she's gonna go back and read all the books. I've told her to be careful the next couple weeks as far as reading much stuff online about it :whistling:
I really do not understand people like that. How can they go without reading a book like LOTR or HP, and then see the movies. You lose so much of the context.[/quote:1inbu2ct]

I read about someone (might have been Michael Crichton, can't remember now) who insisted on seeing movie versions of books first before reading the books. His reason was that if you watch the movie second, it's never how you imagine it in your head when you read the book previously, and that lessens the experience.


Mr. Lawface

Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

bhamv2 said:
Cuyval Dar said:
[quote="Charlie Dont Surf":1j36ye4s]My girlfriend has no idea what happens in the book. She either avoided it somehow all those years ago or is trolling me IRL. She's seeing all the movies when they came out, and after they're all done, she's gonna go back and read all the books. I've told her to be careful the next couple weeks as far as reading much stuff online about it :whistling:
I really do not understand people like that. How can they go without reading a book like LOTR or HP, and then see the movies. You lose so much of the context.
I read about someone (might have been Michael Crichton, can't remember now) who insisted on seeing movie versions of books first before reading the books. His reason was that if you watch the movie second, it's never how you imagine it in your head when you read the book previously, and that lessens the experience.[/quote:1j36ye4s]
The way I see it, seeing a movie version first lessens the book reading experience because I now know what is going to happen. The book is the experience I want lessened least out of the two, so I read the book first.




Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Tinwhistler said:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dissocial_ ... y_disorder
1. Callous unconcern for the feelings of others and lack of the capacity for empathy.
2. Gross and persistent attitude of irresponsibility and disregard for social norms, rules, and obligations.

3. Incapacity to maintain enduring relationships, though having no difficulty in establishing them.
4. Very low tolerance to frustration and a low threshold for discharge of aggression, including violence.
5. Incapacity to experience guilt and to profit from experience, particularly punishment.
6. Marked proneness to blame others or to offer plausible rationalizations for the behavior bringing the subject into conflict.
7. Persistent irritability.
Sound like about 90% of people before getting scared of growing old and getting married...




Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (SPOILERS AHOY!)

I had a dream last night that I stole a wind up boat (the kind you put in a bath tub) and used it as a boat to cross the ocean to go to England and I was best friends with Harry and the red headed kid (ron?)then had to steal another wind up boat to get back to America




Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (SPOILERS AHOY!)

CrimsonSoul said:
I had a dream last night that I stole a wind up boat (the kind you put in a bath tub) and used it as a boat to cross the ocean to go to England and I was best friends with Harry and the red headed kid (ron?)then had to steal another wind up boat to get back to America
It's obviously telling you that you wish to kill your father and sleep with your mother.




Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Cuyval Dar said:
@Espy Why would you throw the $6 movie theatre sodas at someone? Seems like a waste.
Fuck, I'd enjoy throwing it a HELL of a lot more than drinking it if some dickwad who got his jollies out of ruining other people's night ended up wearing it..... but maybe that's just me




Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

stienman said:
seriously, why are you guys fixated on tin's revenge?

Mob mentality. Happens here all the time.

My grandparents used to have a farm. Did you know, when chickens are cooped up closely, if you paint a red spot on one, the others will try to peck that chicken to death?


Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (SPOILERS AHOY!)

That explains why chickens hate my birthmark.


Steven Soderburgin

Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Tinwhistler said:
Mob mentality. Happens here all the time.
hahahahahah holy shit




Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Tinwhistler said:
stienman said:
seriously, why are you guys fixated on tin's revenge?

Mob mentality. Happens here all the time.

My grandparents used to have a farm. Did you know, when chickens are cooped up closely, if you paint a red spot on one, the others will try to peck that chicken to death?
Yep. If a chicken gets hurt you have to move it to another cage or otherwise separate them to prevent further damage.

Or, you know, eat it.



Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (SPOILERS AHOY!)

This one time when I was at the movies, this lady brought in her baby. The little fucker cried through the previews, so I sold it to the Taliban.

Don't mess with my movies, man!

I felt bad, though. I went to see that same movie again and this time I got to see the trailers. They sucked. Boy was my face red!




Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (SPOILERS AHOY!)

Planning on going tonight at midnight!

Ought to be fun. Very different experience going to a movie surrounded by [strike:qstz94rx]hardcore crazies[/strike:qstz94rx] fans, vs a day later with regular people and talking teenagers.

Ought to be fun.






Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (SPOILERS AHOY!)

stienman said:
Planning on going tonight at midnight!

Ought to be fun. Very different experience going to a movie surrounded by [strike:kqf7tnjq]hardcore crazies[/strike:kqf7tnjq] fans, vs a day later with regular people and talking teenagers.

Ought to be fun.


Also going to the midnight showing. Can't wait!


I hope to see the midnight showing tonight, but I haven't gotten my tickets yet and won't be able to until at least 6 or so, so I'm hoping it's not sold out.

What time are you guys going to go line up?




I won't be able to make it until Sunday at the soonest. :(




Edrondol said:
I hope to see the midnight showing tonight, but I haven't gotten my tickets yet and won't be able to until at least 6 or so, so I'm hoping it's not sold out.

What time are you guys going to go line up?
Hadn't thought about it. TF2 IMAX had assigned seating, but this is regular theaters, so if they get too full they'll just open up another theater or two (that's happened at a few midnight screenings I've been to before). They're using digital distribution and projection for this film, so duplicating it on several screens won't be an issue (although previously all they did was thread the film from one theater to the next with a small delay).

In the past we've gotten there about 30 minutes early and were happy with our seats. It'll depend on a number of other factors though. I'll be buying tickets about 6pm as well to reduce my own fear of missing it.

Still, it means I'll be up until 3am. I've already had one afternoon nap, and I'm going to try to fit another one in about dinnertime. Staying up won't be a problem, but getting up tomorrow morning is going to be annoying...

Either way, Warner Brothers is going to make a killing tonight.



I'm debating about whether or not to take a nap and miss the D&D game or to tough it out.

I'm leaning towards the nap because I'm going to get off of work, get my paycheck, cash said check, take my son to work, take money to my wife so she can get gas and make it home and then go buy tickets...all starting at 5 pm. And the game starts at...5.

Yeah, as much as I hate to do it I think I'll have to bail on the game tonight. Potter calls. I've taken my daughter to see each of the movies on opening day so I kinda have to.




Snape kills dumbledore! :ninja:


Well, it DID say spoilers ahoy! :tongue:


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

snape kills his male identity and chooses to live life as a woman


Snape kills Dumbledore. On stage. He's been taking up stand-up comedy and his routine had Dumbledore in stitches.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Snape kills Mr. Mustard in the kitchen with piano wire


Bruce Willis drops Snape from a tall building.

-- Tue Jul 14, 2009 1:25 pm --

Snape never gives up - never surrenders.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Snape shot the sheriff


Snape was the second gunman on the grassy knoll.

-- Tue Jul 14, 2009 1:30 pm --

(I've been playing D&D too much. I very nearly put "grassy gnoll.")


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

snape shot first


Snape was the second man to walk on the moon. But don't call him names or he'll punch you in the nose.



Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Cuyval Dar said:
[quote="Charlie Dont Surf":2wfz0ryi]My girlfriend has no idea what happens in the book. She either avoided it somehow all those years ago or is trolling me IRL. She's seeing all the movies when they came out, and after they're all done, she's gonna go back and read all the books. I've told her to be careful the next couple weeks as far as reading much stuff online about it :whistling:
I really do not understand people like that. How can they go without reading a book like LOTR or HP, and then see the movies. You lose so much of the context.[/quote:2wfz0ryi]

I haven't read any of the HP books cause well.... It doesn't really interest me. the movies are ok, but my wife read them all. I figure I'll see the movies to see if it hold up on its own.

I have read LoTR and Hobbit books cause those are actual classics ;)




Edrondol said:
Snape was the second man to walk on the moon. But don't call him names or he'll punch you in the nose.
Snape is a liar and a oof! *gets punched in the nose* :slap:


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Snape found love in the American heartland


Snape had his throat cut by Sweeney Todd.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Snape is his sled




inb4 snape kills trinity with rosebud.



Snape did Dallas.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Snape is pregnant and you're the father


Snape fucked around. I've had a vasectomy.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

I was hoping it would be just you in general, not specifically you, Ed.


In that case:

You are Snape's detached Siamese twin.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Snape is on a boat


Snape's on a plane.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

I'm getting tired of motherfucking Snapes on motherfucking planes


Allen said:
I'm getting tired of motherfucking Snapes on motherfucking planes
Get your own joke, bitch!

Ceiling Snape is watching you masturbate.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet


in france, they call Snape a Royale with Cheese


In Soviet Russia, Dumbledore kills Snape!


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Snape is the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems


Le Quack

Snape can be found in the hive of scum and villiany.


Snape is a leaf on the wind. Watch how he soars.


Le Quack

When Ronald McDonald asked Snape if he believes in magic, Snape said Avadra Kedavra and killed Dumbledore.


Steven Soderburgin

So how long would you say I can ignore this thread before I should check to see if there is actual discussion happening again?


Snape kidnapped the Lindbergh baby.

-- Tue Jul 14, 2009 2:33 pm --

Snape stole Kissinger's sense of humor.

(Check back after the movie opens.)


Le Quack

When asked to comment on the Rock band Heart's song Magic Man, Snape said "Avadra Kedavra" and killed Dumbledore.


Snape keeps feeding the same line to Le Quack, only changing the words slightly.

-- Tue Jul 14, 2009 2:36 pm --

Snape killed foot fungus using Tough actin' Tenactin.


Le Quack

When Ed's wife asked Snape if the night was as magical for him as it was for her, Snape said "Avadra Kedavra" and killed Dumbledore.




Snape made a rock too heavy for Dumbledore to lift, and he died of shame.

-- Tue Jul 14, 2009 3:40 pm --

Snape sold Rodimus Prime on the sub-prime market.




Snape has a wand. There are many like it, but that one's his. He used it to kill Dumbledore.




Snape solemnly soliloquizes, "By Grabthar's hammer. By the Sons of Warvan. You shall be avenged!"




Snape carved out Dumbledore's heart...with a spoon

Snape thinks that nothing's funnier than the faces people make mid-coitus.


Snape Snape bo bape banana-fana mo mape fee fi mo mape...Snape!




Snape IS Luke's father!




Snape used to terrorize Boss Hogg with his brother Bo Duke.



Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Snape falls in love with Kevin Costner


Kissinger said:
So how long would you say I can ignore this thread before I should check to see if there is actual discussion happening again?
I'm still waiting for that Terminator 2 thread to get back on topic.

Welcome to Halforum, enjoy your stay.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

http://www.avclub.com/articles/harry-po ... nce,30368/

AV Club said:
The sixth Harry Potter movie is essentially a film in limbo. It begins with a wordless shot of Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) still reeling in emotional agony from the events of the last movie, and ends on a miserable moment with no sense of hope, or of a plan for the future. Those two anguished sequences set the tone for a fantasy-franchise installment that’s more about atmosphere than story; between them, many things happen, but only the last 20 minutes or so have real repercussions. The rest is buildup, backstory, and plot sidebars signifying nothing, but it’s mighty artful nothing, in which beautifully designed and composed shots and a relentlessly ominous mood give a surprising weight to adolescent love affairs and an exceedingly minor mystery.

To the degree that Half-Blood Prince has a plot rather than a series of milestones in the vast, eight-film arc set to conclude in 2011 (the last book will be split into two films), it revolves around teen wizard Harry Potter trying to pry key information about his evil arch-nemesis Voldemort out of meek, self-serving magic teacher Jim Broadbent. Simultaneously, Harry tries to deduce the identity of “the half-blood prince” who used to own his old textbook, and various romantic developments absorb his friends Ron, Hermione, and Ginny. Familiar characters pop in and out for cameos, and the film even finds time for Quidditch, though director David Yates (who helmed the last series installment, and will tackle the last two as well) finds ways to make even a silly made-up sport played on flying broomsticks look grim and melancholy.

But the film’s real focus is on the evolving sense of dread taking over Harry’s world, for reasons barely seen at all in the film. And all this creeps forward at a remarkably unhurried, deliberate pace, the antithesis of the series’ opening films, with their giddy roller-coaster feel and “Whee! Magic!” theme. It takes a significant amount of investment in the Harry Potter world to make Half-Blood Prince relevant, let alone sensible; the film makes no concession to newbies, and thankfully spends virtually no time reiterating points already covered in previous installments. But those already involved will find that the series has matured much as the books did. This is the darkest, saddest, most sophisticated Harry Potter film yet.



Frankie Williamson

So...did she like it?






Sera wins!




Well I'm glad I went and got my tickets at 6pm. They had, at that point, 7 theaters for Harry Potter and 6 were sold out. I'm sure they were opening more as the evening wore on, but unfortunately I'm stuck in one of the smaller theaters.

Which is ok, since I'll likely see it again when it comes out in IMAX.

Still, I'm just now finding out that people were buying their tickets weeks ago.

Given that the theater has 20 screens, and probably half will be showing it, then there's going to be nearly 2,000 Harry Potter fans in the theater, and perhaps many of them are already there.

The other Ann arbor theater has 5 screens of it, and they appear to be sold out.

It's going to be fun!










So how was the movie?!


Here's my HP6 review. It might be shorter than normal because I'm a hurting unit right now. The movie got over at 2:45, I got home at 3:05 and the alarm clock went off at 6:30. Yay, me!

I bought my tickets at 6:00 and found out that they had it playing in 9 theaters, 7 of which were already sold out. Because of this I determined to get there fairly early - 9:00 - and make sure that I could get a fairly decent seat. We got there at 9:00 and were told that the theater was already seating. Fuck. I looked around at the massive lines and just knew that we were going to be in the nosebleeds. As it turns out they'd opened a couple of theaters that did not have lines and we got the best damned seats in the house. Then we had to fight people away from the ones we had saved. Then the freaks showed up. Oi. Some people can SAY they are Harry Potter characters, but Hermione Granger is not a 200 pound Samoan girl.

Anyway, the movie starts right where the last leaves off and goes right into it without bothering to do any exposition about the characters, their motivation or anything like that that had been done in the past. They finally figured out that we probably already know what's going on.

The movie is not that fast paced and is more of a build-up to the last movie(s) than anything, but they managed a few chaotic scenes of conflict that were pretty cool. There are a few differences in the movie, most notably the lack of a Dumbledore funeral. I wish they'd have kept that in because Harry's reactions and confrontation with the Minister of Magic.

In the end it was worth it, but it was much more of a lead in for the next movies than it was a stand-alone tour de force.

As a stand alone movie I give it *** 1/2 out of *****

As the stepping stone to the next movie I give it ***** out of *****




If i wanted a rview that's more then one paragraph i would have googled it... or read the previous posts...

Good / Bad... k 10x.




I'm spoiler marking things that are specific to the movie that you would not know even if you had read the book. If you've read the book you can safely read the non-spoiler marked parts without worrying about seeing something you don't already know. In other words I'll point out things that are in the book that aren't in the movie (or are) but I'll spoiler mark something if it's not in the book, or different.


Pacing was off around some funny parts:

1. Make audience laugh
2. Wait until they stop laughing
3. Make the characters talk again

They skipped step 2 at least two times I recall where some dialogue was missed because we were still laughing over the last little bit of teh funneh.

No funeral for Dumbledore. They may have left it out so they can put it in the beginning of the next one and have a seamless tie-in, like they did between the previous movie and this movie. You literally can watch the previous movie and then this one immediately and feel like it's just "the next scene" of the same work. Either way, the funeral in the book made a big impact for many. [spoiler:3ko0js2b]In the movie we merely see the three of them coming to terms with this loss while they watch the phoenix fly into the sunset.[/spoiler:3ko0js2b]


I recall in the book Snape advising Potter (after soundly beating him, but letting him live) to learn to cast without talking, and that line wasn't in the movie. My wife thought it was a very important line and really disliked that it wasn't there. There wasn't as much fighting at the end as there was in the book - the death eaters clearly had a chance in the movie to carry potter off to their Lord, but they didn't (in the book there were enough other people coming after the fight that they really didn't have time).

They changed the death scene in ways that some would find significant. [spoiler:3ko0js2b]In the book Dumbledore stupefies Harry to prevent him from interfering with his death, and Snape is not aware of Potter's presence. In the movie Dumbledore merely makes Harry promise to hide and do nothing, and Snape passes by Harry knowing that he's there (in fact telling Harry to keep quiet).[/spoiler:3ko0js2b] It changes the feeling of the scene to some degree, but I still place it in the "It's not better or worse than the original telling, just different"


The left the horcruxes in. For some reason earlier reviews led me to believe they left them out, but they're there.

The cave scene was awesome, and serves to remind one of the power of Dumbledore, and the weakness and sometimes poor judgment of Harry. There aren't many scenes in the books or movies where you really get to see just what Dumbledore is capable of.

Lots of laughing. The characters had an interesting emotional range they had to play through that wasn't required in the earlier movies. This movie feels like the calm before the storm. It starts sad and ends sad, and there's important plot moving material in the middle, but largely it's just teenage life and love. They've established the relationships that will carry through the next two movies, shown the strengths and weaknesses of certain characters, and overall it's a good setup for what's to come. In and of itself, the movie is not exceptional, and cannot stand alone. It's a bridge - a good bridge - but at the end it's really just a bridge to set up the next piece.



Steven Soderburgin

stienman said:
1. Make audience laugh
2. Wait until they stop laughing
3. Make the characters talk again

They skipped step 2 at least two times I recall where some dialogue was missed because we were still laughing over the last little bit of teh funneh.
so you want sitcom pacing in your movie?

EDIT: Like, characters just standing around awkwardly while they wait for everyone to stop laughing?




Kissinger said:
stienman said:
1. Make audience laugh
2. Wait until they stop laughing
3. Make the characters talk again

They skipped step 2 at least two times I recall where some dialogue was missed because we were still laughing over the last little bit of teh funneh.
so you want sitcom pacing in your movie?

EDIT: Like, characters just standing around awkwardly while they wait for everyone to stop laughing?
I'm reasonably certain there's a happy medium between "funny scene and more dialogue immediately" and "funny scene ... pause ... more dialogue" There's absolutely never any need to 'stand around awkwardly' - that's just poor scripting/acting. Natural pauses can be built into most work.

But I'm sure you know a lot more about this than I, so perhaps there is no middle ground.





I'd like a laugh track so I know when it's time to feel silly.




Cat said:
I'd like a laugh track so I know when it's time to feel silly.
I tend to add my own.


Steven Soderburgin

stienman said:
I'm reasonably certain there's a happy medium between "funny scene and more dialogue immediately" and "funny scene ... pause ... more dialogue" There's absolutely never any need to 'stand around awkwardly' - that's just poor scripting/acting. Natural pauses can be built into most work.

But I'm sure you know a lot more about this than I, so perhaps there is no middle ground.
Well, I haven't seen the movie yet, so I don't know how they handle it. It could be that the way the comedic scenes were written, directed, acted, and edited made them a bit awkward. When I see it, I'll get back to you on this.




I just read this thread... the Allen/Ed going back and forth of faux spoilers was awesomely hilarious.

Finding out Cuyval Dar went out to spoil with a megaphone didn't surprise me.

Seriously, idiot, remove my name from your signature. I want nothing to do with you.


Steven Soderburgin

Calleja said:
Seriously, idiot, remove my name from my signature.
The ultimate disgrace




Krisken said:
I tend to add my own.
That's disruptive.




...my name from YOUR signature.

Stupid fucked up sleeping schedule.


Steven Soderburgin

i didn't even notice that typo.




Calleja said:
...my name from YOUR signature.




I just don't want to be lumped with people that find pedophilia funny and pretty much go around being sociopathic /b/tards.

sue me.


Hey Calleja, can I add your name to your signature, instead? Quick, give me something quotable!


Snape was the third wandman on the grassy null.

Snape is the Metranon (sp?).


Grassy knoll has been done.




Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Snape hates movies where robots fall in love but can accept movies where robots time travel


Allen said:
Snape hates movies where robots fall in love but can accept movies where robots time travel

Snape is a wise man.


Snape is the one that put the bop in the bop-shoo-bop-shoo-bop.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Snape loves Raymond




ThatNickGuy said:
Hey Calleja, can I add your name to your signature, instead? Quick, give me something quotable!
NO, you ignored my offer to give you my A+ blood when you need it :humph:


That's some A+ Mexican blood, too! Put a lime in it and it takes you away to a beach where you lay in the sun all day long with buxom women.


Le Quack

Snape went out and spoiled the 6th harry potter movie with a megaphone.




Edrondol said:
That's some A+ Mexican blood, too! Put a lime in it and it takes you away to a beach where you lay in the sun all day long with buxom women.
It's A+ in both type AND quality!




Allen said:
Snape loves Raymond
And apparently he's not the only one.




Snape only reads professional webcomics.


TeKeo said:
Snape only reads professional webcomics.
Snape is killing newspapers.




Edrondol said:
TeKeo said:
Snape only reads professional webcomics.
Snape is killing newspapers.
Snape is a hack.




Fuck you guys, Snape is funny.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

This was the first time Snape made me smile in a YEAR




I wish Snape would send me that tshirt I ordered back in February.




Snape has really lost weight, huh?

He's still obese, mind you, but not THAT obese.




Wait... does Snape mean Subway or Quizno's?






Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Snape went the full 15 rounds against Apollo Creed




Snape is Keyser Soze.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

anyone wanna talk about the movie yet.....




Snape enjoyed Transformers 2 despite himself. :heythere:

Then he went home and killed Dumbledore.


Charlie Dont Surf said:
anyone wanna talk about the movie yet.....
I already did. And then was berated for writing more than a couple of paragraphs. :humph:


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Edrondol said:
Charlie Dont Surf said:
anyone wanna talk about the movie yet.....
I already did. And then was berated for writing more than a couple of paragraphs. :humph:
god forbid intelligent discourse we can't upset @lien here!!!!



I actually really enjoyed the movie, I forgot nearly all the little things of the book minus the funeral so I had nearly no clue what exactly the left out.

I agree it felt like a bridge of most parts, but that may have been because there was more focus it seemed on relationship/character developement that overall plot development, whether or not that is a good thing for people is a toss up.

But I did really enjoy it.


Calleja said:
ThatNickGuy said:
Hey Calleja, can I add your name to your signature, instead? Quick, give me something quotable!
NO, you ignored my offer to give you my A+ blood when you need it :humph:
I didn't say I needed it NOW. But you know, there will come a time I'll piss Sheg off and will barely, just BARELY crawl away alive.


The funny part is my review was a total of 6 sentences. The rest was about my movie-going experience.

I am not sure when 6 sentences became tl;dr territory.

In any event, I liked the movie but it just seemed incomplete. It's like they tried to mash things together for the sake of time (which I suppose they may have done.)

They barely touched on the Half Blood Prince and what that meant. It was the name of the movie and it really only showed up a couple of times - when Harry discovered the book's notes and in the end when Snape did the big reveal. Other than that it was like nobody cared too much that he had it when in the book they were strong arming him to get rid of it, including Snape.

There were a few things I liked better, like the part where Dumbledore compliments Malfoy for disarming him, setting up big doings in the final movie. And the cave scene was far better in the movie than the book.

Still, like "Empire Strikes Back" (as you said) this movie is a good one, but even though it stands on its own it's still not much more than a prologue for the next two.




I read your review Ed, and I don't read anything. Too long is JCM's rant on comics.




Snape doesn't read American comics.


Snape's wand glows at the tip.


Le Quack

Snape accidentally frosty susan'd.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

oh... alright then.. I'll just see you later thread.... nice talking....




Charlie Dont Surf said:
oh... alright then.. I'll just see you later thread.... nice talking....
You might just want to wait a couple more days until more folks have definitely seen it.

I won't be seeing it until Saturday.


If you want to talk about it, talk about it. I've done so. Just address stuff and people will comment if they feel like it.




Edrondol said:
If you want to talk about it, talk about it. I've done so. Just address stuff and people will comment if they feel like it.
But then how will he express his disdain for the current post content?


Edrondol said:
Snape's wand glows at the tip.
That's what McGonagall said.




I went and saw it at midnight last night with a couple buddies, it was pretty damn good.

Oh and two things I love about these films, Emma Watson and Bonnie Wright... So hot. I generally do not find gingers attractive but there are a few who are gorgeous and Bonnie Wright is one of them.


Isn't ginger a term of derision?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

HoboNinja said:
Oh and two things I love about these films, Emma Watson and Bonnie Wright... So hot. I generally do not find gingers attractive but there are a few who are gorgeous and Bonnie Wright is one of them.
raise your hand if you're surprised



Frankie Williamson



Whoa, there's a movie?!




Edrondol said:
Isn't ginger a term of derision?
I'd always assumed so, but then HN isn't exactly tactful.




Charlie Dont Surf said:
HoboNinja said:
Oh and two things I love about these films, Emma Watson and Bonnie Wright... So hot. I generally do not find gingers attractive but there are a few who are gorgeous and Bonnie Wright is one of them.
raise your hand if you're surprised
Maybe someday he'll stop objectifying women.


Le Quack

Krisken said:
Charlie Dont Surf said:
HoboNinja said:
Oh and two things I love about these films, Emma Watson and Bonnie Wright... So hot. I generally do not find gingers attractive but there are a few who are gorgeous and Bonnie Wright is one of them.
raise your hand if you're surprised
Maybe someday he'll stop objectifying women.
He loves them for their huge.... minds!


Steven Soderburgin

Krisken said:
Maybe someday he'll stop objectifying women.
WHOA let's not go nuts!




Kissinger said:
Krisken said:
Maybe someday he'll stop objectifying women.
WHOA let's not go nuts!
That's what she said?


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Snape objectified women?


Edrondol said:
Isn't ginger a term of derision?
I've never heard that in my life. In the UK at least, "ginger-haired" is standard terminology for redheads. Maybe in the U.S. it has another connotation?




Charlie Dont Surf said:
HoboNinja said:
Oh and two things I love about these films, Emma Watson and Bonnie Wright... So hot. I generally do not find gingers attractive but there are a few who are gorgeous and Bonnie Wright is one of them.
raise your hand if you're surprised




Chippy is like that beloved sketch on the tonight show or something... he doesn't post that often, but when he does, it's a real crowd pleaser.




Calleja said:
Chippy is like that beloved sketch on the tonight show or something... he doesn't post that often, but when he does, it's a real crowd pleaser.




I love you too, buddy








ZenMonkey said:
Edrondol said:
Isn't ginger a term of derision?
I've never heard that in my life. In the UK at least, "ginger-haired" is standard terminology for redheads. Maybe in the U.S. it has another connotation?
Yeah... in the US it refers to the pasty skinned, freckled-faced redheads that seem to be the anathema of what mainstream white culture defines as "attractive". It's basically an excuse to make fun of people for standing out.

Eric Cartman from South Park has a long standing hatred of Gingers, which is probably why it's become so mainstream.


AshburnerX said:
Eric Cartman from South Park has a long standing hatred of Gingers, which is probably why it's become so mainstream.
Ah, I must have stopped watching before that started up. Also maybe it's a regional thing because I never heard it at all growing up.



AshburnerX said:
ZenMonkey said:
Edrondol said:
Isn't ginger a term of derision?
I've never heard that in my life. In the UK at least, "ginger-haired" is standard terminology for redheads. Maybe in the U.S. it has another connotation?
Yeah... in the US it refers to the pasty skinned, freckled-faced redheads that seem to be the anathema of what mainstream white culture defines as "attractive". It's basically an excuse to make fun of people for standing out.

Eric Cartman from South Park has a long standing hatred of Gingers, which is probably why it's become so mainstream.

Well to be fair, everyone hates the red-headed stepchild...




Edrondol said:
Isn't ginger a term of derision?
I guess, I had actually never heard it as an insult until like a year or two ago. At least in my area it isn't really an insult, my buddy Evan is a red head and he refers to himself as a ginger

I don't mean it as an insult, I meant it just as red heads...




ZenMonkey said:
AshburnerX said:
Eric Cartman from South Park has a long standing hatred of Gingers, which is probably why it's become so mainstream.
Ah, I must have stopped watching before that started up. Also maybe it's a regional thing because I never heard it at all growing up.




AshburnerX said:
Yeah... in the US it refers to the pasty skinned, freckled-faced redheads that seem to be the anathema of what mainstream white culture defines as "attractive".
How is being ginger sufficient to be an anathema?

There are some VERY, VERY attractive redheads. There are some VERY, VERY attractive EVERYTHINGS.




Calleja said:
AshburnerX said:
Yeah... in the US it refers to the pasty skinned, freckled-faced redheads that seem to be the anathema of what mainstream white culture defines as "attractive".
How is being ginger sufficient to be an anathema?

There are some VERY, VERY attractive redheads. There are some VERY, VERY attractive EVERYTHINGS.
Ok, I understand this. I was simply pointing out how it was being used, not that I thought it was correct.




Visual lesson




Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

A girl with red hair, freckles and pale skin can be incredibly hot too...


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Silver Jelly said:
A girl with red hair, freckles and pale skin can be incredibly hot too...
pics or it didn't happen


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Potter's opening day fell $4m short of Transformers 2, noooooooooooo

it will probably have better longevity and weekend numbers maybe and more repeat viewings but nooooooooooooo





Charlie Dont Surf said:
Potter's opening day fell $4m short of Transformers 2, noooooooooooo

it will probably have better longevity and weekend numbers maybe and more repeat viewings but nooooooooooooo

You can console yourself with the argument that Transformers opened with IMAX (higher profit) but HP can't since transformers still has the IMAX contract.

If HP opened with IMAX I bet that gap would have closed to become statistically insignificant, or HP would have beaten transformers.





Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Cajungal said:
I don't care to read the Harry Potter books. I read the first few chapters of one, and that was just to appease the people who wouldn't stop bothering me about them. The movies are fun, though. And this one coming up looks way better than the last one was.
No kidding. I got books shoved at me when I told friends that I haven't read them. They're kids books for Pete's sake!!! What's the big flippin' deal?! I read the first, and it was a book for kids. Poor writing. Lame story. Bad dialogue. I don't understand all these adults that are crazy for these books. If you grew up reading them that's one thing, but otherwise go beyond the kid's section next time you're in Barnes and Noble.

I agree that the movies are fun, but they're not all that great either.

I will be seeing this w/ my gf, who is an avid fan. :facepalm:




I'm in the same boat, never read the books, not worried about it. I think the movies are great so far, though, and will hopefully see this one sometime next week.




Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

drawn_inward said:
Cajungal said:
I don't care to read the Harry Potter books. I read the first few chapters of one, and that was just to appease the people who wouldn't stop bothering me about them. The movies are fun, though. And this one coming up looks way better than the last one was.
No kidding. I got books shoved at me when I told friends that I haven't read them. They're kids books for Pete's sake!!! What's the big flippin' deal?! I read the first, and it was a book for kids. Poor writing. Lame story. Bad dialogue. I don't understand all these adults that are crazy for these books. If you grew up reading them that's one thing, but otherwise go beyond the kid's section next time you're in Barnes and Noble.

I agree that the movies are fun, but they're not all that great either.

I will be seeing this w/ my gf, who is an avid fan. :facepalm:
Yeah that last movie was no fun for me at all. Maybe if I had been into the books I would have liked it more?

I don't know how to say this without coming off as a snob, so I just will: I love watching dumb movies. I listen to music that's probably not artful. But when it comes to what I read, there are so many interesting books out there that have changed the world of literature and how people think about it. I know I'll never read ALL of them... but I'd prefer to read those (and the simpler things that I just adore for personal reasons) than read Harry Potter. It just feels like a waste of time. I'm sure they're not horrible, but I'm not interested at all.

Like I said in the TF2 thread (if anyone remembers) almost everyone is picky about at least one entertainment/art medium, and I'm picky about what I spend my free time reading.




Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Cajungal said:
Like I said in the TF2 thread (if anyone remembers) almost everyone is picky about at least one entertainment/art medium, and I'm picky about what I spend my free time reading.
CG, I am picky about EVERYTHING. Food, movies, tv, books, etc. I have an opinion on just about everything. My gf calls me, "Your highness" when I say something picky. I can't help it. :D


Le Quack

Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

drawn_inward said:
Cajungal said:
I don't care to read the Harry Potter books. I read the first few chapters of one, and that was just to appease the people who wouldn't stop bothering me about them. The movies are fun, though. And this one coming up looks way better than the last one was.
No kidding. I got books shoved at me when I told friends that I haven't read them. They're kids books for Pete's sake!!! What's the big flippin' deal?! I read the first, and it was a book for kids. Poor writing. Lame story. Bad dialogue. I don't understand all these adults that are crazy for these books. If you grew up reading them that's one thing, but otherwise go beyond the kid's section next time you're in Barnes and Noble.

I agree that the movies are fun, but they're not all that great either.

I will be seeing this w/ my gf, who is an avid fan. :facepalm:

I still watch cartoons that I didn't grow up with.








Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Le Quack said:
I still watch cartoons that I didn't grow up with.
I grew up on the Flintstones yet love to watch Chaotic. :tongue:




Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince (film, SPOILERS MARKED)

Le Quack said:
Cajungal said:
I don't care to read the Harry Potter books. I read the first few chapters of one, and that was just to appease the people who wouldn't stop bothering me about them. The movies are fun, though. And this one coming up looks way better than the last one was.
No kidding. I got books shoved at me when I told friends that I haven't read them. They're kids books for Pete's sake!!! What's the big flippin' deal?! I read the first, and it was a book for kids. Poor writing. Lame story. Bad dialogue. I don't understand all these adults that are crazy for these books. If you grew up reading them that's one thing, but otherwise go beyond the kid's section next time you're in Barnes and Noble.

I agree that the movies are fun, but they're not all that great either.

I will be seeing this w/ my gf, who is an avid fan. :facepalm:
I don't know why Harry Potter is different for me. I just don't like it. I like all kinds of other fantasy books, but not those. Maybe b/c of all the hype.

I still watch cartoons that I didn't grow up with.[/quote:3soqfgur]

Weird. My post was missing or something.

Anyway, what I wrote was that I also watch some "kid stuff." I still like comic books. I don't know why Harry Potter is different. I just don't like the writing. Maybe b/c of all the hype.




Transformers didn't open in the middle of the week either, did it? I mean.. if you want to break an opening day record opening on a friggin Wednesday isn't the way to do it.




I wondered why they did that.


To make my dumb ass tired.




Calleja said:
Transformers didn't open in the middle of the week either, did it? I mean.. if you want to break an opening day record opening on a friggin Wednesday isn't the way to do it.
It did. At least in the States.




Yeah, they opened on wed.

The reason Potter came in a few million behind?
It was missing the ever so thoughtful dollars of the Frat crowd. Had it displayed more tits or less story it could have filled the parking lot with jeeps and hummers.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Espy said:
Yeah, they opened on wed.

The reason Potter came in a few million behind?
It was missing the ever so thoughtful dollars of the Frat crowd. Had it displayed more tits or less story it could have filled the parking lot with jeeps and hummers.
Actually I think it's because it wasn't in IMAX which ads a few bucks per ticket. I'm still fairly confident it'll outdo Transformers long-term. There is really nothing in the horizon that's gonna take out a big chunk.




Charlie Dont Surf said:
Espy said:
Yeah, they opened on wed.

The reason Potter came in a few million behind?
It was missing the ever so thoughtful dollars of the Frat crowd. Had it displayed more * or less story it could have filled the parking lot with jeeps and hummers.
Actually I think it's because it wasn't in IMAX which ads a few bucks per ticket. I'm still fairly confident it'll outdo Transformers long-term. There is really nothing in the horizon that's gonna take out a big chunk.
No, no. It's the "Bro" demographic. When confronted with story and lack of explosions they retreat into their apartments to play Halo and high five each other.



I'm back from watching the movie. I think I may be the complete opposite of people here, I read all the books but stayed away from the movies until now. It was great. Yep everything's slimmed down to a handful key events and yet all of them weave together so those who haven't read the books will still enjoy it. Everything's darker than I imagined, still the atmosphere's great.

Just a question. For some reason they sold the tickets as if the movie was in imax/3d... Is the movie really in either of those formats?




Ok: Quick review.

I really liked it. I can't wait to see it again. Mainly because it was a spectacle on opening night, and I want to be able to just take it as it is, in the flow of the other movies and with the anticipation of the finale.

So: I thought it was a strong entry into the series, not the strongest, it's a middle movie in many ways. It needs the previous movies and it desperately needs the final 2 movies to give it the context it needs. It's a so-so stand alone film, the cared not for those who haven't been keeping up with the series, which I think was a good call.
I had one problem: The end lacked impact (maybe I will feel differently upon the second viewing, we shall see) in some ways. It didn't give us the emotional impact I expected. Although on reflection the film was hilarious, everyone was laughing and just kind of riding this roller-coaster... and then the end happened and everyone kind of just got up and left, quietly. Almost stunned. Which I guess... was kind of where the kids where at in the movie so... maybe it was a good move.



Frankie Williamson

Potter may not have taken the 1 day record in the states, but it sure took it worldwide. 104 million on Wednesday.



Ok, not really a spoiler, but with the slow motion falling, did anyone else sort of think "Hans Gruber's revenge!" when Snape did his thing near the end?


SeraRelm said:
Ok, not really a spoiler, but with the slow motion falling, did anyone else sort of think "Hans Gruber's revenge!" when Snape did his thing near the end?
OMG THANK YOU!!! It was almost shot for shot! The only thing missing was the gun and the watch! I said something at the theater and almost had a nerd revolt.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Edrondol said:
I said something at the theater and almost had a nerd revolt.
Like during the scene/movie?


I'd like to say no, Charlie, but I did blurt something out. When it was happening I think I said something like, "Hey! That's the fall from Die Hard!"



Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

That's not nerd rage, man, that's common decency rage :facepalm: during the emotional climax of the movie? Yeah, uh. I'll take the nerd rage side here :blue:


Charlie Dont Surf said:
That's not nerd rage, man, that's common decency rage :facepalm: during the emotional climax of the movie? Yeah, uh. I'll take the nerd rage side here :blue:
I almost feel bad. Almost. I'm not going to justify and say that they were talking during the movie - they weren't. But they'd both read the books and knew what was happening so I didn't "ruin the moment" per se. And I didn't yell it out - I turned to my son & said it.

But yeah, I did blurt it out.




Ah well, what's done is done. The hardcore Potter fans are going to see the movie 3-8 times in theaters anyway.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Not everyone has read the books at all(this guy)! I mean, I don't think you're a terrible person for it, I'm just kind of a stickler against talking in the movies period.



Espy said:
Charlie Dont Surf said:
Espy said:
Yeah, they opened on wed.

The reason Potter came in a few million behind?
It was missing the ever so thoughtful dollars of the Frat crowd. Had it displayed more * or less story it could have filled the parking lot with jeeps and hummers.
Actually I think it's because it wasn't in IMAX which ads a few bucks per ticket. I'm still fairly confident it'll outdo Transformers long-term. There is really nothing in the horizon that's gonna take out a big chunk.
No, no. It's the "Bro" demographic. When confronted with story and lack of explosions they retreat into their apartments to play Halo and high five each other.

Dude, did a Frat house kill your mom or something?




A frat house barked at me once. :bush:




Cajungal said:
A frat house barked at me once. :bush:
Don't worry Cajungal, they're more afraid of you than you are of them. Just throw a little red meat at them and they'll love you forever.




Krisken said:
Cajungal said:
A frat house barked at me once. :bush:
Don't worry Cajungal, they're more afraid of you than you are of them. Just throw a little red meat at them and they'll love you forever.
Sit boy. SIT! See that philosophy professor with the bald head and the ponytail? SIC EM!


Charlie Dont Surf said:
Not everyone has read the books at all(this guy)! I mean, I don't think you're a terrible person for it, I'm just kind of a stickler against talking in the movies period.
I'd been talking with these guys for three hours while we were waiting for the movie to start. Before it all began we'd discussed a lot of stuff.




I went to see it about 10 minutes before start and got a nice mostly empty theater. I do not envy your theater location.


SeraRelm said:

I went to see it about 10 minutes before start and got a nice mostly empty theater. I do not envy your theater location.
I did the midnight movie thing. There were 9 sold out screens showing it.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

SeraRelm said:

I went to see it about 10 minutes before start and got a nice mostly empty theater. I do not envy your theater location.
It was a midnight showing, and the theater let them in hella early.



I just saw it to day.

It was a big meh.

Kinda boring really. Only good parts were of Ron being king pimp.



Chazwozel said:
I just saw it to day.

It was a big meh.

Kinda boring really. Only good parts were of Ron being king pimp.
Think we can all be suprised by your review :D


Skinny Santa

Was I the only one who thought this one had a lot more similarities to the LOTR movies then the other ones? Gand- sorry Dumbledore's death and the Gollum-Inferi creatures stood out the most to me.



Oh Dumbledore's death = totally Hans Gruber.



I just saw it today and enjoyed it a hell of a lot more then both the previous movies and the book its based off of. I think the major appeal of the Harry Potter books isn't so much the books themselves, but the universe that they represent. I dislike the books more and more as I grow older and recognize that they are really pure rubbish, but the concept of the books is fun to delve into.

Its kinda like the Star Wars universe. Episodes 1-3 are complete garbage, but we still love the ideas behind them.




I like the epic battle that played out at hogwarts like in the boo... oh wait that wasn't even in the movie they just killed Dumble and left that diappointed me, I wanted to see them tear Hogwarts up like a losing lottery ticket


Eh, I can understand why they didn't want to do the big battle at Hogwarts. The director himself said that it would be redundant, since there's a huge attack on the school again in the final book. I can't say I can argue with that logic.




As long as I get to see it torn up like a prostitutes pussy I don't care!



ThatNickGuy said:
Eh, I can understand why they didn't want to do the big battle at Hogwarts. The director himself said that it would be redundant, since there's a huge attack on the school again in the final book. I can't say I can argue with that logic.

I can't.

There was the battle of Helms Deep in LotR TT and was topped by the Pelnor Fields one in the final movie.

The whole ending sucked big time. We didn't even get a Dumbledore funeral.


There's talk that the funeral will kick off the next movie.




ThatNickGuy said:
There's talk that the funeral will kick off the next movie.
This is what I figure. Kinda like how they start Two Towers with Boromir's send-off, which actually happened at the end of Fellowship.

Actually it might be the other way around, I don't have the books with me to check. But still.


I think it might be the other way around, too, but it's been ages since I read the books. Another example would be using the giant spider in Return of the King, rather than Two Towers. But Jackson defended that by stating that, in the timeline sequence in some of Tolkein's notes, that part actually takes place during the final siege on the doors of Mordor.




ThatNickGuy said:
I think it might be the other way around, too, but it's been ages since I read the books. Another example would be using the giant spider in Return of the King, rather than Two Towers. But Jackson defended that by stating that, in the timeline sequence in some of Tolkein's notes, that part actually takes place during the final siege on the doors of Mordor.
Well my point was that it's not always a bad thing to break it up a bit differently. But yeah, I see what you're saying. I mean, the boat send-off for Boromir is a great emotional moment, and I'm sure the Dumbledore funeral will be too, making it a very strong jumping-off point for the next movie.




Pfft... LotR is just one book, so your arguments lack credibility....



Am I the only one who thought this was better then the book? They took liberties with some plot points, and with a lot of the social interactions between the characters, but I think its for the better.

I swear to science that when I was reading the 6th book I was reading a fan-fiction.




Here's my nitpicks...

1.) They didn't show Ron as being particularly BAD at being Keeper... so it didn't really show a need for Harry to [spoiler:b6hor2vs]fake him out with the potion.[/spoiler:b6hor2vs] Also, no "Weasley is our King".

2.) The whole scene at the Weasley Cottage [spoiler:b6hor2vs]where it burns down.[/spoiler:b6hor2vs] I don't remember it happening in the book... I think they are just cutting corners so they don't need to show [spoiler:b6hor2vs]Bill and Fleur getting married.[/spoiler:b6hor2vs] I suppose it was supposed to make up for the big fight scene at the end of the book when [spoiler:b6hor2vs]the Order and the Death Eaters duke it out in Hogwarts[/spoiler:b6hor2vs] that got cut.

3.) Dumbledore teleporting on school grounds. I'm calling bullshit on this one... even in the book he had to move off school grounds to do it. I can understand the need to cut down on the effects budget, but after having it hammered into our heads for 5 movies that people can't do that at Hogwarts, it seems cheap to go "Except Dumbledore. He's just too awesome to contain."

4.) THEY CUT OUT [spoiler:b6hor2vs]DUMBLEDORE'S FUNERAL![/spoiler:b6hor2vs] WTF!?

That being said, I thought the rest of it was pretty good.




I saw it. Loved it except for the ending. But, I'll see it again.

And, for the record, the first two books are extremely childish and written in a pretty dumbed down way. But, compare the size of the 2nd book to the third, and then the fourth. The story/universe got much deeper, much darker, and moved beyond being a kids book. Anyone that reads a handful of chapters from the beginning of the series that was, in the beginning, aimed at kids and dismisses the rest of the books because of it is pretty fucking ignorant. You don't have to like it...I couldn't care less if you did...but give it a little more credit. Also, Harry Potter, for better or worse, HAS impacted literature...in a HUGE way. Call it dumbing it down or whatever, but it got a lot of kids interested in reading. That's one hell of an achievement.




The further I get from it the more I liked it. In fact, even though I was left a little confused by how they ended it I think the death scene and the rather quick move on was perfect for the flow of the films, especially since we will probably get the funeral in the next one.
I do however think the part at the very end where the 3 of them stood around and talked felt rushed and tacked on.


Steven Soderburgin

I enjoyed it. Some very nice camera work, and Yates seems to have learned a bit from some of his mistakes in the last one. Michael Gambon is fantastic, and I really liked Jim Broadbent, but then I usually do. However, the big surprise of the movie for me was Tom Felton. I'm surprised no one has made much of a mention of him because he really impressed me. In the movies, Malfoy has never been more than an incidental character who must make an appearance but is largely unimportant. Because of this, Felton has never really been able to show us what he's got, and so I was a bit worried how he'd do with the meatier part in this film, which I think is arguably the most complicated role in the movie. I think he did a very nice job.

The pacing with these films has always been a problem. There is just so much to pack in that even when they cut out certain elements, there's just not enough time to establish time and place very well. The writers and directors have had to be very economical with each scene, getting the job done in as little time as possible. This film is no exception. They waste no time and throw us right into each scene, though I question how necessary some of the scenes in the movie are. As a result, it's hard to follow how much time has passed since the last scene and many of the scenes blur together. When Lavender (or whoever) says that she and Ron have been together for three months, it certainly didn't feel that way. It felt like everything was happening in the space of a couple weeks.

In addition to that, I never really got a sense of what was happening outside of Hogwarts. I know in the book, there was a fairly strong sense of paranoia that I simply didn't feel here. The best of the previous movies also did a better job of conveying the mood and larger world of the school itself outside of the central characters, with the other students having their own lives. I didn't quite get that sense with this one either, but this can be easily forgiven since, at this point, we've already spent five movies getting to know Hogwarts.

Overall, though, the film does an admirable job of showing Harry's journey as he prepares for what he must do. It's a very good entry into the series. The performances were as good as ever, and I'm glad that Yates is returning yet again for the final two movies.



Frankie Williamson

In fewer words than Kissinger, I enjoyed it.

What I did not enjoy was the child two rows back having to shout the names of each character as they appeared and be seemingly praised for it by his equally loud father. Fuck, right the fuck, off. Theatre etiquette needs to be fucking taught in schools or something. Also, it still baffles me that people are allowed to bring babies into a theatre. Truly baffling. There isn't a baby alive that's going to sit through a loud, bright movie without some sort of screaming fit and luckily, the baby in our crowd, decided that the best time for screaming was any quiet moment in the movie. It's soul crushingly maddening.




We had a girl talking on her phone when Dumbledore was killed. Jake threw M+M's at her until she stopped... well, not at her, just AROUND her to get her attention.




Cajungal said:
We had a girl talking on her phone when Dumbledore was killed. Jake threw M+M's at her until she stopped... well, not at her, just AROUND her to get her attention.
I wish to say this without any sarcasm or misundersanding...

That man is a keeper :D




That's what I thought. His best friend came with us, and when he saw what Jake was doing, he held his hand up as if to say, "don't do it." I reached over, lowered the hand, and nodded at my boyfriend. When we left the theater, the girl was still outside talking with her friends. I thought she might come over and confront him, because she and her friends gave us looks on the way out. But nothing came of it.

And the best part... as we're leaving he says:

"This just gives me further proof that M+Ms can solve any problem."




The only real gripe I had was when Snape said [spoiler:26wxdf34]I'm the Half Blood Prince[/spoiler:26wxdf34]. I mean, really? There was any solid focus on that through the whole movie? It should have been called Harry Potter and the Vanishing Cabinets.

Also, not a large gripe, but curiosity, why didn't Harry get in trouble when he [spoiler:26wxdf34]blasted the shit out of another student with dark wizardry[/spoiler:26wxdf34]?

-- Mon Jul 20, 2009 10:44 am --

(also) CG, ya breakin' mah heart! I thought we had a future! :waah:





I agree with you about the "half blood prince" angle. I almost forgot about that whole aspect of the movie. But I guess the "goblet of fire" from that other movie didn't play as huge a part as the title implied either. Maybe it should be called "Harry Potter and the Misleading Titles."


Cajungal said:

I agree with you about the "half blood prince" angle. I almost forgot about that whole aspect of the movie. But I guess the "goblet of fire" from that other movie didn't play as huge a part as the title implied either. Maybe it should be called "Harry Potter and the Misleading Titles."
All of the titles have had impact and import in the books, but these have been neutered in the movies.



Maybe, but at least when it came up again you weren't all "What? Oh, that? I forgot about that thing..."

I did like the movie, it was much better than the last one, but still not as good as the third.


Steven Soderburgin

Edrondol said:
All of the titles have had impact and import in the books, but these have been neutered in the movies.
I disagree. I mean, even in the book The Half-Blood Prince thing is pretty much just a plot-device. I was never really invested in finding out who the Half-Blood Prince was and when Snape announces it at the end, it wasn't some big shocking revelation. The book isn't really about the Half-Blood Prince's book. Similarly, the fourth book isn't really about the Goblet of Fire. Contrast this with, for example, the third book, in which the "Prisoner of Azkaban" plays a major role and is much more than simply a plot device.

EDIT: What I'm saying is that these issues you are talking about are issues in the books as well.


Kissinger said:
Edrondol said:
All of the titles have had impact and import in the books, but these have been neutered in the movies.
I disagree. I mean, even in the book The Half-Blood Prince thing is pretty much just a plot-device. I was never really invested in finding out who the Half-Blood Prince was and when Snape announces it at the end, it wasn't some big shocking revelation. The book isn't really about the Half-Blood Prince's book. Similarly, the fourth book isn't really about the Goblet of Fire. Contrast this with, for example, the third book, in which the "Prisoner of Azkaban" plays a major role and is much more than simply a plot device.
Good point. But at least in the book they mentioned the HBP several times and even postulated that if it were evil magics it could very well have negative consequences (such as the book that took over Ginny). It's like they didn't even care what the name was.



But at least the goblet was something they were all trying to attain. In the Half Blood Prince (book) there was a sense of connection growing between Harry and the Half Blood Prince just through everything that was written. That's why the revelation was surprising. In the movie version you're just surprised they brought it up again.



SeraRelm said:
But at least the goblet was something they were all trying to attain. In the Half Blood Prince (book) there was a sense of connection growing between Harry and the Half Blood Prince just through everything that was written. That's why the revelation was surprising. In the movie version you're just surprised they brought it up again.
I agree. The book actually does make a big point of the history of the Half Blood Prince.




Yeah, I don't get why people say it wasn't important in the book... every time he had a spare moment Harry would spend hours pruning through that book, and Hermione was obsessed with finding out who the Prince was, and Ginny was all worried Harry was getting corrupted by a book like she had been in book 2, while Ron played the whole temptation side with the "I WISH I had gotten that book! Keep it, Harry!". It was a pretty well done dynamic.

And we do see the book grabbing Harry a bit too much, specially after casting Sectumsempra and trying to still keep the book by attaching brand new covers to it so he didn't get caught with it, knowing he had just done pretty much dark magic. He was beginning to get corrupted by the thing.

Hell, I find the whole Prince thing the first step in the whole "Snape's redemption" thing in Harry's eyes. He also fell victim to the temptations of having a bit of an unfair, sometimes even dark, edge.



Calleja said:
*, I find the whole Prince thing the first step in the whole "Snape's redemption" thing in Harry's eyes. He also fell victim to the temptations of having a bit of an unfair, sometimes even dark, edge.

Not only that but it vilifies Snape even more after he kills Dumbledore and announces that he was the Half-Blood Prince. The reader supposed to feel like Snape has been twisted by the dark arts since his early childhood. In fact, it' probably his love for Lilly Potter that kept Snape from turning into another Voldemort (as we find out in the 7th book).




Well, yes...The trio Voldemort-Snape-Potter is pretty much the hole point of the sixth book. Hermione says more than once that the HBP might be Voldemort, and it's eeevil and all that. Harry, on the other hand, fantasizes about who it could be, his father, or whoever, and really forms a bond with the HBP - which is really important fo the Snape character story arc, imho.

Also, haven't seen the movie yet, but, Hermione's hot, but Ginny? Really? Eww. :-P



Bubble181 said:
Well, yes...The trio Voldemort-Snape-Potter is pretty much the hole point of the sixth book. Hermione says more than once that the HBP might be Voldemort, and it's eeevil and all that. Harry, on the other hand, fantasizes about who it could be, his father, or whoever, and really forms a bond with the HBP - which is really important fo the Snape character story arc, imho.

Also, haven't seen the movie yet, but, Hermione's hot, but Ginny? Really? Eww. :-P

British girls: :puke:




Chazwozel said:
British girls: :puke:
Oh, really?

And that's just off the top of my head.




Have you seen Liz Hurley lately? :zoid:




Yes. I would do her in ways the ancient [hr:3eibp01f][/hr:3eibp01f]Indian people would have not been able to even PICTURE while creating the Kama Sutra.




Gotta say I'm a little surprised by people's reactions by now. The books seem to get longer and more complex with every addition to the story. And they have roughly the same amount of time to fit the story in for each one. So more and more has to be removed. I could have done with less Hermione/Ron stuff, but whatever, I'm sure that helps it appeal to the younger crowd. I'm gonna say what either CdS or Kissinger has said over and over--but instead of applying it to sequels/remakes I'm going to apply it to film interpretations of movies: It doesn't mean you don't have to stop enjoying the book(s). They're still there, intact. So read and enjoy.

(Sorry my coworker's been going on about it since I got here.)

-- Mon Jul 20, 2009 5:54 pm --

Ok, surprised is not the right word.... but it's definitely some emotion.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I have had countless friends and not-friends write comments and blogs about how there are so many plot holes in this movie. I had no idea what they were talking about, since it seemed pretty fine as a movie to me. But they're talking about plot holes that only people that read the book would ever know existed. This is inane to me. The movies and the books are separate.




Of course they are. The only situation where this plotholes can be relevant is when they conflict with some important point of the las book, i.e. the next two movies.



what suprised me (having never read the book) was that there where so many getting 'high' moments in the movie

I really didn't like the movie much at first, right after I saw it, but thinking back about it, it did have a good mood to it and some interesting choises in Cinematography




My opinion is that the movie works as a movie, but not if you've read the book.

Also, am I the only one who thinks the death of Dumbledore would make a good "OWNED" .gif?




Holy fucking moon people!



Good find, Jake, but that girl is a FREAK! She smelled Rupert's eyelashes?!?




The whole plots of MANY of the HP books/movies is either a Chekhov's Gun, or a straight-out MacGuffin. And the entire SERIES suffers from the Checkhov's Armoury problem of "if anything is named, mentioned, or whatever, it MUST have massive significance, somehow, later."

Yes I've been spending WAY too much time over at TVTropes.org. Damn you xkcd and mentioning it!
