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Hater Mad Libs


Fun Size

Fun Size

I was inspired by a comment over at my beloved Kotaku, and decided that if I'm going to subject myself to stupid people and their comments on the internet, I might as well enjoy it. So, here's the game: I have taken the comment out of context, and removed the specifics about the group he was bitching about. Fill in the blanks with some random subgroup, along with appropriate stereotypes, fictional or otherwise, in an effort to make someone giggle.

TLDR Version: Fill in the blanks, haters.

and oh yeah. FUCKING _______. you fucktards are making it really hard to stomach trips into _______ these days.

your ___________
your ___________
your ___________
your ___________
your ability to be the most ___________ and ___________ mofos out there

your shitty ___________ music written by no-talent hacks who think everything needs to be ___________ and make reference ___________

your ___________ which just consist of a bunch of ___________, sitting around being ___________ and taking ___________ pictures for ___________

yeah, fuck y'all. ___________ is a wasteland now.

---------- Post added at 01:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:14 PM ----------

I'll start:

and oh yeah. FUCKING homosexuals. you fucktards are making it really hard to stomach trips into the bathhouse these days.

your hatred of families
your flagrant disregard for proper moral values
your insistance on equal rights, like sharing the same sauna
your rock hard abs, glistening in the steam
your ability to be the most physically fit and chiseled mofos out there

your shitty disco music written by no-talent hacks who think everything needs to be auto-tuned and make reference to the reckless abandon of allowing yourself to pursue your desires, no matter what your ultra-conservative parents might say

your parties which just consist of a bunch of mixed drinks, sitting around being massaged by younger men and taking half-naked pictures for looking at longingly when you're wife is out of town. I've heard.

yeah, fuck y'all. Westboro is a wasteland now.


Philosopher B.

and oh yeah. FUCKING ESKIMOS. you fucktards are making it really hard to stomach trips into Alaska these days.

your billion words for snow,
your furry hoods,
your whiny-ass dogs,
your pc I'm-an-Innuit-or-Yupik bullshit,
your ability to be the most resourceful and content mofos out there.

your shitty tribal music written by no-talent hacks who think everything needs to be drum-based and make reference to walruses.

your tribe which just consists of a bunch of old farts, sitting around being dull and taking dog-sled pictures for National Geographic.

yeah, fuck y'all. Alaska is a wasteland now.


Fun Size

Fun Size

This...this is the stuff of genius!

---------- Post added at 01:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:45 PM ----------

My turn:

and oh yeah. FUCKING platypuses. you fucktards are making it really hard to stomach trips into Australia these days.

your freaky duck bill
your stupid beaver tail
your laying eggs like a damned chicken
your goofy otter feet
your ability to be the most venemous and mammalian mofos out there

your shitty didgeridoo music written by no-talent hacks who think everything needs to be vibrating bass and make reference to how stupid kangaroos are

your mating season which just consist of a bunch of randy platypuses, sitting around being freaky and taking egg laying pictures for nature magazines and furries

yeah, fuck y'all. Tasmania is a wasteland now.




This...this is the stuff of genius!

---------- Post added at 01:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:45 PM ----------

My turn:

and oh yeah. FUCKING platypuses. you fucktards are making it really hard to stomach trips into Australia these days.

your freaky duck bill
your stupid beaver tail
your laying eggs like a damned chicken
your goofy otter feet
your ability to be the most venemous and mammalian mofos out there

your shitty didgeridoo music written by no-talent hacks who think everything needs to be vibrating bass and make reference to how stupid kangaroos are

your mating season which just consist of a bunch of randy platypuses, sitting around being freaky and taking egg laying pictures for nature magazines and furries

yeah, fuck y'all. Tasmania is a wasteland now.




This is stupid.




This is stupid.
You just hatin'


Fun Size

Fun Size

No no, Null is right. Instead of taking someone's random internet rage and poking a bit of light fun at it, we should instead embrace that rage. What's more, as he does not find any humor in it, we should also cease finding humor in it, as the opinion of one sad, humorless individual is just as important, if not more so, than that of the rest of us.

Thank you, Null, for coming in here and setting us straight. You have done us a great service in preventing our silliness from getting any further out of hand.




I just think it's stupid. Both the initial post, and the response game. But that's just me. What the fuck does that have to do with anything?


Fun Size

Fun Size

Sorry, you've hit upon a pet peeve of mine, the infamous "this isn't funny" post, whereby someone enters a thread where one or more people are enjoying themselves and then posts with no intention beyond expressing disapproval of what's going on there. Essentially, by doing so, you have added nothing to the conversation. All you can possible hope for with such a thing is to take something that others were enjoying and end it. If one person laughed at any of the posts here, just one, then that post brought a single moment of joy into someone's life, which is, in and of itself, an accomplishment.




Looks like you've responded to your own post!

This is stupid.
What the fuck does that have to do with anything?
It's a game. I'm not interested in playing it, but some people are. Ignore the post and move on, instead of demeaning the OT and its subsequent contributors.


Heh, it's such an ironic, yet suitable signature. Too bad I didn't listen to it this time :p
