Heavy Rain Demo out on the PSN Store

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For those of you who own a PS3 the Heavy Rain demo just came out. Installing it now.


Hm I don't think so. Just played the demo. It was pretty amazing how the graphics were.
The user interface is a bit getting used too but not many timed events like in most games.

Well except when your in a fight but thats about it. In the demo you play as the asthmatic gumshoe and as the fbi with the funky detective glasses that look similar to the vision mode that was prevelant in Arkham Asylum
To find clues you pressed one of the trigger buttons and released a sort of echoe that highlighted the area around you in order to find clues.
Given that it's by the same team that did Indigo Prophecy, I'm optimistic. Cautiously optimistic, though, because the second half of IP was off-the-wall crazy-go-nuts. For the most part, though, I really enjoyed IP.

This looks a lot more grounded, so I'm in the midst of downloading it right now.
Given that it's by the same team that did Indigo Prophecy, I'm optimistic. Cautiously optimistic, though, because the second half of IP was off-the-wall crazy-go-nuts. For the most part, though, I really enjoyed IP.

This looks a lot more grounded, so I'm in the midst of downloading it right now.
They ran out of money and had to cut out a HUGE part of the game. They didn't run out this time, so I'm more optimistic.
IP was a great game, despite it's odd 1/4 of the game but whatever. The fact you had mini games going when you were getting laid was absolutely special. I have to replay it sometime... and now I have to look at finally buying a PS3 to try this game. I wonder how long the game will be.


Dude it is totally worth getting one seeing how cheap the current PS3 is. We've got some nice exclusives: Heavy Rain, God of War, Mag, Uncharted, Little Big Planet, upcoming Modnation Racers and many more.
You've got a built in blu ray player, wireless internet connectivity, free PSN network except if you want to get games, movies, or tv shows and music. Most games you can play in standard 720p or 1080 and up.
I would recommend the PS3. Its a better investment than owning a 360 although not biased against a 360.
I was pretty pleased with my XBox, and I still am. Only problem is that they just keep breaking on me. I've got a lot of gear for my 360, and the only reason I haven't replaced it by now is that I don't know if I'm going to be around long enough to justify plunking down about $200. The PS3 is really tempting me, but it IS more money, and I'll be using it for a few months at most before I move again, so ... I'm not sure.

We'll see what happens. I might rent one long enough to play Heavy Rain though.
Well, if all goes according to plan, when I move I'm going to keep moving for nearly half a year. As a result, I'm trying to downsize the footprint of my personal belongings, and only spend money on things that are useful/I can take with me.

Besides. If all goes well, I could end up living in something akin to a mud hut.

Although, I realize I said none of that in my earlier post, so I can understand your incredulity.


I'd have posted photos of the demo but I didn't know how to take in shot photos and then upload them to Halforum
That blonde gave me serious wood.

shit at the end was that the VA for that mary character from an earlier trailer? yumm,
Has anyone gotten around to playing it?

I loved IP, but like most of the rest of the folks who did, the second half makes me purchase-cautious...
The early reviews are saying it delivers on all the promises made my Quantic Dream, so I'm chomping at the bit to get the money for this.


Staff member
Benzaie's Let's Play of Heavy Rain makes it look awful. He's either faking bad controls for a laugh, or the game has a very clunky interface.

Alex B.

Played the demo last night and really dug it. The controls are actually pretty simple. It flashes a button, you push it. It a very reaction-based game, with the player primarily choosing dialogue options to affect the game. If you're more of a action-oriented kind of player you'll probably be annoyed that you're essentially just directing a movie.

It reminds me of Shenmue, from the Dreamcast, but more focused, if that makes sense. Not so sandboxy.

The second half of the demo, where you're playing the FBI agent inspecting the crime scene, had me drooling to play the full game. I guess in a couple years when the price drops I'll have to get it.
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