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Hello Everbody. (Apologies to Some)


Kitty Sinatra

Hello. I'm Troy McGruebeard. You might remember me from such forums as the singular Halforum and the deceased Halfpixel.

Life is great. Car crashes suck, however, and I wasn't even involved. It was the freaking aftermath that took up all my time. I lost my smurfing summer, although the weather rather sucked anyway so I don't mind that so much.

What I do mind is my D&D game's failure to launch (that's 2 points for referencing a shitty movie, right?) I heartily apologize to Dave, Doom, Shawnacy, and the rest. It feels so much worse after I had made a joke about pulling a Kurtz with the game, too. I smurfing jinxed that thing.

When I saw the new forum, the first thing that came to mind was the line of a song no one else would know: "I started pluralizing my sentences, I guess I missed a verse." (Dude commits himself to a relationship before she does, heartbreak ensues.) So it's kinda like the forum's committed itself to me, but I've not committed to it. That is, I plan not to be around much.

So hello again for now if not forever.


Kitty Sinatra

Yeah, I can see how the OP could be a little confusing. My post clarified:

Real life dragged me away from the net for the past couple months.

Getting dragged away from the net also meant getting dragged away from the D&D game I had started with some of the forumites. And as I never explained why to them at the time, I apologize to them.

And now back, I don't really plan on hanging around.




Fuck you, you're staying.

Also, hi!




Hey guy.





Philosopher B.

Hey, guy.




Hey Bu-ddy!

Don't you dare run off!




Hey Bu-ddy!

Don't you dare run off!
I've already put ever-lasting torches surrounding his cozy darkness spot, he's not going anywhere :3




Oh Captain, my captain! Welcome back!

now stay!





Hiiiiiiiiiiii guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuy





Sit! Stay!

Good grue.

