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Help me with a price check.




I'm going to be selling my D&D 4e books on ebay. All of them. Here's a list.

Adventurer's Vault
Adventurer's vault 2
Arcane Power
Divine Power
Draconomicon - Chromatic Dragons
Dungeon Delve
Dungeon Master's Guide
Eberron Player's Guide
Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide
Forgotten Realms Player's Guide
Martial Power
Monster Manual
Monster Manual 2
Open Grave: Secrets of the Undead
Player's Handbook
Player's Handbook 2

And I'm going to throw in a GM Screen.

All of them are slightly used and in great condition. The only issue is about half of them have my name written in the inside cover. They each sell individually on eBay for about $20-25 so I could set it from $320 - 400. But would anyone pay that much? And how much do you think shipping would be?

I'd take it to my local gaming shop but I know I wouldn't get shit for them unless it was store credit. I also don't want to give them out as prizes.

How much would YOU ask for them?




I would try for about $300 I guess, but I have nothing to base that on just estimating their worth.

If I had the money I would totally buy them from you but I r broke college student.




Most people expect a big discount when buying something as a 'package' so if individual books are selling for 20-25, then the set will probably sell for less, perhaps 16-20 per book ($250-$300).

You'll get more money if you sell them individually, but it'll also be more hassle for you, so it's a tradeoff.

I don't know how hot the market is for a set though - most D&D players are likely to have one or two pieces already. You'll be looking for that rare player that wants to have a full set, has next to nothing, and has a lot of cash to get it all at once. Still, price it low enough and it will sell - either to someone with the time and patience to part it out, or to the aforementioned rare player...

Good luck!





I agree... if your hoping for more money, your going to need to sell them individually.




I suggest doing what I did here, look for some old RPGer whoo started working and having a family, then offer 2 hundred for his entire WOD collection which he hadnt touched for years.


Kitty Sinatra

Giving up on 4th edition? I'm glad I only ever bought the PH.

Also, Wow! I didn't realize there were that many 4e books.




Adventurer's Vault
Adventurer's vault 2
Arcane Power
Divine Power
Marital Power
Draconomicon - Chromatic Dragons
Dungeon Delve
Dungeon Master's Guide
Eberron Player's Guide
Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide
Forgotten Realms Player's Guide
Monster Manual
Monster Manual 2
Open Grave: Secrets of the Undead
Player's Handbook
Player's Handbook 2
I'd say maybe pair them up like so (or to some extent) to sell them if nothing else, steinman's point about most only needing a couple books is a solid one.




20 bucks and I'll mow your lawn.

This offer is only good for 24 hours.



Sick of 4e, or just no one to play with?

To actually contribute, yeah - cyn's suggestion of pairing them up as listed is probably a better idea. It seems more unlikely that you'll find someone who's going to just drop a big bundle on the whole set, as opposed to several guys just buying what they need.

On a side note, I'd be semi-interested in buying a few of those. I have everything you've listed except:

Draconomicon - Chromatic Dragons
Dungeon Delve
Eberron Player's Guide
Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide
Forgotten Realms Player's Guide

(Though, I think a friend of mine has 2-3 of the books, and if they do they're the forgotten realms stuff and the eberron guide.)




Sell them all for $250. You can get the books new for $22 or less.

Would you consider throwing in the pdf's if you had them?



Take a look at the prices for the book at Amazon and try to undercut them as a batch deal. The pairing idea may work out better though. 4e isn't too old to just grab new books for much cheaper then standard retail.




Sell them all for $250. You can get the books new for $22 or less.

Would you consider throwing in the pdf's if you had them?
I have MOST of the pdfs and a few pdfs where I didn't bother buying the book.




Yep, good info has been given but one obvious angle has been ignored: Shipping!

Books weigh quite a bit and mailing them is expensive compared to light items such as CDs & DVDs so if you split up your lot, you need to take into account the higher P&P price than if you were to mail it all in one big lot and people might be put off if you value a book at $15 and P&P is another $5. Most bidders add the P&P to their desired price so if the book is worth $20, you still will only get $15.

On the other hand, a bundle has the disadvantage of running the risk that buyers either don't want that many books or already own half of them.

Maybe the best result would be to pair them up in two or three lots - best of both worlds. P&P will be lower, not that much extra hassle and you should get some good money for it.



the buyer usually pays for shipping so Dave don't have to worry about that BUT it does factor in if a single person wants to get them all.





Dude, lap dances finish every 5 minutes, D&D is forever.




Dave has come to a point in his life where he just prefers playing dominos with the guys and eating tapioca pudding.




Dave has come to a point in his life where he just prefers playing dominos with the guys and eating tapioca pudding.
Don't knock tapioca, bitch!




If you undercut and sell them all as a large bundle someone will buy them, if for no other reason then to resell the ones they don't need for a profit.
