Help my mom not have a heart attack

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Staff member
So, I'm about to leave Mom and Dad's for a couple of days, but first I went to Mom's computer to check my mail. I saw that some updates had installed; when I turned it on it did that percentage thing where it said that it was loading up all the new stuff.

Now it says I'm logged into a temporary profile even though I logged into hers. I used her password and everything. None of her files or documents are here. Her background picture has been replaced with the default, and Firefox isn't even on the desktop anymore.

When she sees this she's going to freak out. I don't have time to fiddle with it all morning, and I want to try and help her out over the phone if I can. Can anyone tell me what to do? She has Windows 7 if that helps.


Staff member
Woop. Yep. The first time didn't work, but the second time did. I was just about to come in and say never mind. Thanks! :)
Pay the Geek Squad 800 dollars and give them 3 weeks and they will have it totally fixed up for you.


And by fixed, we mean bloated with so much unnessesary ware that it'll slow to a crawl.
Cause! Computers have no hearts! They are heartless killing machines waiting for the day they have limbs! To kill heartlessly!
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