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Help with dual monitors




I currently have a dual monitor setup using win7 64bit. It works well for my needs, but there are a few things I need.

First, I need to find a way to extend the taskbar across the second monitor. Having only one on the primary monitor is kinda crappy, as it requires going back to the main screen to open a program.

Second, I need a way to keep the mouse from clipping over into the second screen while playing a game (the only game it does this in is SW:TOR). There's nothing worse than being in a hectic pvp match and accidently clicking in the second monitor, returning me to desktop. I could always run the game in windowed mode to keep it from minimizing, but I really don't want to do that.




Can't help you with the first one. The taskbar is picky about where it can be placed - AMD just figured a way to put the taskbar on an arbitrary monitor, but dunno if that's in the current released drivers or not.

For the second, though, try arranging your monitors (in the control panel) so they only touch at the point of a corner. Doesn't eliminate it, but does make it a lot harder.





first problem, get a program called ultramon, second problem, ultramon may help as well.




Ultramon for the taskbar issue.

For the game issue, disable the second monitor. Most video cards recognize when the monitor is truned off, so you don't have to fiddle with display settings - just turnt he monitor off and windows will adjust. Turn it back on and it'll come back up. Try it out - if not, then disable the monitor by right clicking a blank spot on the desktop, choosing "Screen Resolution", And under "Multiple Displays" choose "Show desktop only on 1" (or 2 if that's the monitor you want to use).




$40? Not worth it in my estimation.




first problem, get a program called ultramon, second problem, ultramon may help as well.
This looks like exactly what I...


... I mean, maybe I'll look for "alternatives." :ninja:




This looks like exactly what I...


... I mean, maybe I'll look for "alternatives." :ninja:
look, you asked for a solution, you never told me it had to be free...




I haven't had an issue with my setup and I'm running the same OS as you. Maybe check on the SW:ToR forum and see if anybody there has a fix.
As for the taskbar, I can't help you. I just use my second monitor as a shortcut dump leaving the main almost blank.




I haven't had an issue with my setup and I'm running the same OS as you. Maybe check on the SW:ToR forum and see if anybody there has a fix.
As for the taskbar, I can't help you. I just use my second monitor as a shortcut dump leaving the main almost blank.
Same here. My main monitor is my TV, my secondary monitor is for programming and games that require a keyboard and mouse.




I found a few answers. No one seems to know why TOR isn't stopping mouse clipping when in fullscreen, but I decided to just start running the game in fullscreen windowed mode. This way, I can mouse over to the other screen without the game minimizing.
