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Heroes Season 4 Spoilers



Straight from Saturday's Comic Con Panel;

Claire will discover she’s kinda famous

Swoosie will be back

Jack coleman looks like henry Rollins

Hiro will get a deadly illness and start a business with ando.

Sylar will be both in nathan's body and matt's head

Peter will allegedly grow a sense of humor (claims Ventimiglia)

Everyone in this room except me seems desperate to bone Milo

I curse the con organizer who failed to seat Hayden next to Madeline Zima (Zima’s character will be hot for Claire).

Hiro's time travel powers will go out of control as he pursues his bucket list.

Nathan gets new powers pasdar can't talk about

Sylar gets to crawl out of a grave this year

Looks like they're gonna spend a lot of fucking time at that carnival this year

I wonder where they got the idea of sticking people with superpowers in a carnival?

Couldn't they have switched it up a little and made them work at six flags?
Hiro..bucket list.. :waah: :waah: :waah: :waah: :waah:

And who is this Swoosie they refer to? Daphne? That vortex creating guy? (aka Bubbles from The Wire).

Can't wait for this fall!




I am so over this show. Reading that list reaffirmed this.


Rob King

Rob King

Heroes ended with the final episode of Season 1 for me.




Rob King said:
Heroes ended with the final episode of Season 1 for me.
Seriously. I usually don't see writers/producers for a show fuck up a sure thing, but they managed to do it.




MindDetective said:
I am so over this show. Reading that list reaffirmed this.
You know my wife and I tried to watch last season. We tried. We were REALLY bored. I'm just watching the countdown to expire on the final episode of the season on Hulu. Our interest is zero. It almost picked up there towards the end but then someone hit the snooze button.




Espy said:
MindDetective said:
It almost picked up there towards the end but then someone hit the snooze button.
Yes! You could say this about every season since the first, actually. That's what's so frustrating about the show for me. It sucks, then it comes close to getting back on track, then it sucks again... I just learned to give up on it.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Heroes still terrible, news @ 11


Rob King

Rob King

The tragic part about it is that I really think success is what ruined this show. I had read back midway through season 1 about how the original plan for season 2 was for it to involve an almost completely new set of characters, with only occasional cameos by the season 1 cast. But the response from the first season was so great, it appears that they canned that idea.

Not to say that it would have been any better, or that using the same characters means by default it has to be worse. But it feels like they had an idea of where to go with it, and then went batshit insane when people actually liked their show.



Rob King said:
The tragic part about it is that I really think success is what ruined this show. I had read back midway through season 1 about how the original plan for season 2 was for it to involve an almost completely new set of characters, with only occasional cameos by the season 1 cast. But the response from the first season was so great, it appears that they canned that idea.

Not to say that it would have been any better, or that using the same characters means by default it has to be worse. But it feels like they had an idea of where to go with it, and then went batshit insane when people actually liked their show.
Ha! We met some of those "new heroes" in season two. It was the fucking racial diversity season!



Hiro will get a deadly illness and start a business with ando.
That is the last straw, man. Hiro was the last character I gave a crap about. I'm out. I ain't tuning in when the show returns.


Steven Soderburgin

heh is the spoiler that it's still completely terrib
Charlie Dont Surf said:
Heroes still terrible, news @ 11




Nathan gets new powers pasdar can't talk about

Sylar gets to crawl out of a grave this year
These comments confuse me.

I thought Nathan was dead, and Sylar took his place?


Apparently, there was something about a video preview with Claire making out with some girl at college, too.

Even that won't get me back into the show. Season 1 was fucking aawesome, Season 2 was mostly bad, but had its moments and Season 3 was just pure garbage. Last episode I watched was Peter getting thrown out a window by Sylar and telling EVERYONE that his dad was evil and that he lost his powers. Seriously, every single person that walked into the room, the first things out of his mouth were 'Don't trust him! He stole my powers!'

You know what I liked about season 1? The exploration about being an actual hero. Hiro started out trying to rescue people, Peter trying to do the right thing, etc. Then it just dwindled into people picking sides and being all about basically gang warfare between groups.

Which is basically X-Men. And I don't mean that in a good way.



That....is completely retarded. Depending on whats available to watch on Mondays, and my own obsessive curiosity I might still watch it but... good grief.

At least they are not doing anything really spontaneous...like suddenly giving the show a plot.




Why the ever loving fuck is Sylar still around? And why the fuck does he seem to be the focus of the entire show?

Sylar should have been the season 1 enemy and then slapped around by the season 2 enemy just to show how great and powerful the new guy is.


Dubyamn said:
Why the ever loving smurf is Sylar still around? And why the smurf does he seem to be the focus of the entire show?

Sylar should have been the season 1 enemy and then slapped around by the season 2 enemy just to show how great and powerful the new guy is.

Sadly, Sylar, like Hiro, became one of the most popular characters on the show. Of course, they're royally fucking over Hiro's character since the beginning, too.

How can such a great show drop beyond the point of no return?




ThatNickGuy said:
You know what I liked about season 1? The exploration about being an actual hero. Hiro started out trying to rescue people, Peter trying to do the right thing, etc. Then it just dwindled into people picking sides and being all about basically gang warfare between groups.
Exactly. What would be interesting would be to have a show that had a constant revolving cast of people learning their powers for the first time. Have a few regular characters whose job it is to help guide their transition and get them accustomed to living with their powers, but that's it. TV doesn't have the budget to have huge displays of super powers.




ThatNickGuy said:
Dubyamn said:
Why the ever loving smurf is Sylar still around? And why the smurf does he seem to be the focus of the entire show?

Sylar should have been the season 1 enemy and then slapped around by the season 2 enemy just to show how great and powerful the new guy is.

Sadly, Sylar, like Hiro, became one of the most popular characters on the show. Of course, they're royally fucking over Hiro's character since the beginning, too.

How can such a great show drop beyond the point of no return?
By turning what started out as a more realistic superhero drama into a soap opera that kills the best characters, afraid to kill off popular characters, writes itself into corners, and has characters "conveniently forget" that they have powers which would make each situation they are in much easier.

Not to mention each character has an attention span that doesn't last more than two episodes. Peter's Irish girlfriend? Parkman and his wife and Daphne experience? Sylar's evil/neutral/evil/good/evil? There's also the missing characters who show up for two or three episodes and then disappear for no apparent reason.

Safe to say, I won't be back.


Ehhh, I think that might get tired after awhile. It'd be like a superhero version of The Twilight Zone or the Outer Limts.

...come to think of it, that would be kind of awesome. Never mind.

But one thing I DID like about the later seasons was how everyone's powers were evolving. Claire not feeling pain and healing quicker. Matt being able to mind control, not just read minds. It was the shitty, same-old-shit storyline (oh, no! We've seen the future and have to stop it!) that was the problem.

I would've liked to see at least one person become known in the public eye as some kind of hero. Not necissarily wearing tights and all that, but you'd think there'd be at least one out there who is gung-ho like Hiro who wants to be in the spotlight in some gaudy costume. Admittedly, if I ever had powers, that'd be something I'd be doing. :D



ThatNickGuy said:
Dubyamn said:
Why the ever loving smurf is Sylar still around? And why the smurf does he seem to be the focus of the entire show?

Sylar should have been the season 1 enemy and then slapped around by the season 2 enemy just to show how great and powerful the new guy is.

Sadly, Sylar, like Hiro, became one of the most popular characters on the show. Of course, they're royally smurfing over Hiro's character since the beginning, too.

How can such a great show drop beyond the point of no return?
You know what? I would honestly like to know. This show had such awesome potential. What happened? Its like that kid in your middle school class who could understand advanced nuclear physics but grows up to become a cashier for McDonald's and nothing else. I want to know what happend to the show we were supposed to get.



I think Heroes started going down when they started kowtowing to their audience.

Sylar is a big example of this; not killing him off at the end of the first season was a huge mistake on their part (and not remotely the last they made with the character; or, obviously, the show).

BUt yeah; I figure I'll give the show one more chance (the season premiere) for old times' sake, then chuck it if it doesn't satisfy. There are better ways to spend my time than on this trainwreck of a show.




I realized that I want to Heroes to be canceled and turned in a animated series. >___<


Skinny Santa

Mav said:
Hiro..bucket list.. :waah: :waah: :waah: :waah: :waah:

And who is this Swoosie they refer to? Daphne? That vortex creating guy? (aka Bubbles from The Wire).

Can't wait for this fall!

Swoosie Kurtz I assume, she is the actress who played Sylars mom.

Although the show is not the most amazing program on television I still enjoy it. As long as you don't think about it too hard it can be kind of fun.


Rob King

Rob King

Skinny Santa said:
Although the show is not the most amazing program on television I still enjoy it. As long as you don't think about it [strike:grd81elc]too hard[/strike:grd81elc], it can be kind of fun.




Skinny Santa said:
Although the show is not the most amazing program on television I still enjoy it. As long as you don't think about it too hard it can be kind of fun.
I liked the first season because it was interesting and intellectually stimulating. It wasn't Masterpiece Theatre, but it was smarter than most other shows and it was well written. Now it's dumb, with loose storylines and sloppy writing. I want a show that will make me think, even a little bit. If I want mindless entertainment that requires me to turn my brain off, I'll go watch some crappy reality TV.



Skinny Santa said:
Mav said:
Hiro..bucket list.. :waah: :waah: :waah: :waah: :waah:

And who is this Swoosie they refer to? Daphne? That vortex creating guy? (aka Bubbles from The Wire).
Can't wait for this fall!

Swoosie Kurtz I assume, she is the actress who played Sylars mom.

Although the show is not the most amazing program on television I still enjoy it. As long as you don't think about it too hard it can be kind of fun.

Ellen Greene played Sylar's mom. Swoosie Kurtz played the old woman Mama Petrelli went to when was running from the cops and had to borrow money.

Together, they played the darling Sister Darlings on ABC's Pushing Daisies. Which ABC cancelled. Which made me mad. And sad. And hungry. Then mad some more after I ate, because even though I wasn't hungry anymore, Pushing Daisies was still cancelled.

This concludes tonight's episode of "I didn't get enough sleep so you should probably ignore me."

I'm-a fuck off to bed now.


Skinny Santa

cvgurau said:
Ellen Greene played Sylar's mom. Swoosie Kurtz played the old woman Mama Petrelli went to when was running from the cops and had to borrow money.

My bad, Pushing Daisies was where I knew them both from and I guess I mixed the two up.
