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Hey guys




What's that right there?




Well, it was above the beltline. Dumbass. Like the cop didn't know it was a penis.




In the cops defense.... um... homie was fly?


Philosopher B.

The penis is a deadly weapon. He's lucky it didn't go off.




Whenever we have training, it's customary to show a few funny videos after the break, to help keep things light. That's one that usually makes the rounds. *grins* Ands yes, it DOES happen








Whenever we have training, it's customary to show a few funny videos after the break, to help keep things light. That's one that usually makes the rounds. *grins* Ands yes, it DOES happen
just to make things clear, I'm NEVER visiting your city lest you detain me for "suspicion" that I'm about to commit a crime and frisk me for my "weapon" (hint it's usually on my right hip unless I'm using a smartcarry which I only use on a motorcycle in which case it's happy fun time for you (for those who don't know a smartcarry is a somehow comfortable deep concealment holster that goes under your pants in the front))




That guy seemed not put out at all by being frisked. I couldn't see his face well, but his voice was all pleasant.




CS: It's only an issue with the thuglets who sag their trousers (I WISH more of them knew why that actually became a fad. They'd all start picking 'em up in a hurry As it is, it's hilarious to watch them try and run away whilst grabbing at their belt loops. *BIG grin*)




According to Snopes that's not actually why it became a fad, but I can tell you that ALL of the black population in all of the Texas prisons I've worked in (Read: two) had their pants sagging and had to be told to pull them up, the whites and hispanics didn't have the same problem nearly as much.

---------- Post added at 12:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:14 AM ----------

This made me remember LMFAO I was working B row one day giving breaks when this extremely effeminate black offender was in the dayroom asked if he could get some coffee from his cell I was in a good mood opened the door and told him to run down there and make it quick. This guy.. I swear to God did the stereotypical gay run arms up by his head wrist flapping with each step I was laughing my ass off watching this guy. That's my story, weird thing is he was dating a white guy, weird because usually they only date within their race for specific/gang reasons
