Hey Halforums!

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Staff member
I know he wants it to be called a bait box but then the "- tackle" doesn't make any sense. And I've never heard of a Bait Tackle Box.
YES! Supes FTW!

Also... HEY NECRO! Don't go away again, man! I miss your awesome accent.
I never actually go far away Calleja. Sometimes I just feel that if I don't have something relevant to say I shouldn't post in a thread, so I don't. And those threads just come up a lot more often it seems these days. Maybe it's the division of the board (since I really only look at the "general" forums, sometimes the NSFW on a slow day) but I just don't have as much to say. Although I have been going through a slow time lately as far as checking up on the board, I'll admit.

oh, and the accent.... heh, well that's hard to relay in type and I've been shying away from the vent thing for a while so..... Hey. at least you remember it fondly.
Do what I do, instead of checking general for new posts, click on the "What's New" button... I treat the What's New screen as my new "general"... I don't evne know what thread goes in what section, but I seem to participate in most *shrug*
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