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Hey, Wisconsinites, what's a good real estate company...




... that actually has a decent property search website with a decent amount of details about the properties? My wife and I are looking for a rural property near Madison (the Stoughton, Cambridge, Edgerton, Oregon area) with land in the 10 - 15 acre range and I'm having a devil of a time finding a halfway decent real estate company for searching rural properties in Wisconsin.

Coldwell Banker lets me search all over the place, but seems to think that they only have 1 "farm" property available. Century 21 has a decent listing of rural properties, but can't tell me anything about the lot aside from the square footage of the house. Realtor.com was pretty good, but their overall number of listings is pretty low. Is ReMax big out there?







No idea on the realty places, but my sister lives in sun prairie and really likes it. Good schools and plenty to do.




If you were in SEW, I'd suggest Shorewest Realtors. I don't think they do anything down in the South Central Area, though. You can try them.




Completely irrelevant story:

I once met a woman from Wisconsin via my MUD. She stopped playing and we lost contact and I miss her a lot.

Sorry, seeing Wisconsin in the thread title made me think of her.




...You know how many women there are in Wisconsin, Bhamv?




I dunno, like four or five?








Heh heh, I was just venting, don't worry. I don't expect a Wisconsin forumite to suddenly go "oh, you're describing my sister Annie there, she used to play MUDs all the time!"




My sister's name actually is Annie, oddly enough, and she does live in Wisconsin.




Squeeeeeee! I've found her!

Ahem... Uh, I mean, you wouldn't happen to know if she likes MUDs?




Sorry, I live in the South-East area of the state. All I see are Shore West signs around here.

Maybe try First Weber. That's a big one in Wisconsin as well and it appears they have a decent website, though they don't seem to list the acreage of the properties. I don't know your price range, either, so that puts a damper on the search.
Madison Area map on their site.




My sister's name actually is Annie, oddly enough, and she does live in Wisconsin.
Well.. this is... interesting... My wifes name is Annie and she is from Wisconsin..[DOUBLEPOST=1361650840][/DOUBLEPOST]As long as you're not from like Beaver Dam or something we're probably alright, Bowielee




I do seem to recall First Weber is the largest home sales team in the South Central area.

Watch it if it says anything about the Lake Kengosa or Lake Waubesa area. You can essentially tack an extra zero on to the cost of your home, since lakefront property is expensive - not only for buying, but for taxes (especially if you have lake access, which is taxable by the DNR).




Well.. this is... interesting... My wifes name is Annie and she is from Wisconsin..[DOUBLEPOST=1361650840][/DOUBLEPOST]As long as you're not from like Beaver Dam or something we're probably alright, Bowielee
She's not married, and we're both originally from Michigan.




I'll chip in my $0.02 as I live in Janesville and work in Madison (Janesville is south east of Madison - it's a 40 min drive to where I work by the Madison airport).

I know Bunbury Realtors is fairly large for the area - http://www.bunburyrealtors.com/

The Madison newspapers would probably have more listings and have varied realtors:
You definitely do not want to be in Madison - artificially inflated prices due to land-lock and the tax rate is supposed to be much higher.

Oregon is nice - supposed to have a good school, same with Sun Prairie and Stoughton.




I'll chip in my $0.02 as I live in Janesville and work in Madison (Janesville is south east of Madison - it's a 40 min drive to where I work by the Madison airport).

I know Bunbury Realtors is fairly large for the area - http://www.bunburyrealtors.com/

The Madison newspapers would probably have more listings and have varied realtors:
You definitely do not want to be in Madison - artificially inflated prices due to land-lock and the tax rate is supposed to be much higher.

Oregon is nice - supposed to have a good school, same with Sun Prairie and Stoughton.
Thanks for the suggestions. And yeah, living actually in Madison is definitely out of the question. I really have no desire to move from one city to another, even if Madison does have significantly less people than the Greater Seattle-Tacoma Metroplex - though strangely, the Beltline never seems significantly less traveled than any of the freeways here. The area we're looking at moving to is roughly the area you're describing; Oregon east to Stoughton, northeast to Cambridge, and then back around northwest to Sun Prarie - possibly as far south as Janesville. The biggest issue seems to be the fact that we're looking for a rural property with 10 - 15 acres, or more for the right price ($300k or less, assuming we can get my brother-in-law to buy into our idea).




The only time that the Beltline is really busy is during the morning and evening rush. Otherwise it's "busy" but travelling at it's posted 55 mph. The Interstate typically is fine (other than accidents).




If you know any cops ask them what neighborhood that they would live in at your price range. They are really a good source if you looking to rent.
