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Hitler killed ..... by mountain goat. was (HiKer, but fuck it)


Element 117

Hiker died while warning others of aggressive mountain goat

Peninsula Daily News

PORT ANGELES -- Bob Boardman died as a hero, warning off other hikers as an aggressive mountain goat closed in on him, according to a witness.

With two pointed horns, the ram fatally gored Boardman in the thigh, then stood over the man as he lay bleeding, staring at people trying to help.

Boardman's death on Saturday was the first human death caused by an animal in the 72-year-old history of Olympic National Park, park spokeswoman Barb Maynes said.

The ram was well-known for its aggressive behavior, including challenging hikers on the trails around the national park's Klahhane Ridge, near where the attack occurred.

Margaret Bangs was hiking nearby when she spotted Boardman, a 63-year-old registered nurse.

The mountain goat -- almost four feet tall and weighing almost 300 pounds -- was chasing him, she said.

Boardman shouted to her and other hikers in the area to get away.

"He spent his last minutes putting himself between the goat and everyone else," said Bangs, a Port Angeles private-practice physician.

In an e-mail, she added:

"Boardman was clearly and knowingly taking on risk to protect others.

"Please let people know that Boardman's last act on this earth was to protect others even though he knew he was in grave danger."

Park rangers later found the goat, observed blood on it and shot the animal.

A necropsy was conducted on the goat Sunday night by certified veterinary pathologists.

Park officials are awaiting test results of blood and tissue samples, which may take a couple weeks, Maynes said.

"We're looking for anything to indicate any presence of diseases, which might shed light on the animal's extremely strange and unusual behavior," she said.

Rangers have been tracking the ram and other mountain goats for the past four years because they have followed people or approached hikers without backing down, said Maynes.

Rangers had shot nonlethal firecrackers and beanbag rounds at the animals to discourage them from approaching people, Maynes said.

"It has shown aggressive behavior; however, nothing led us to believe us it was appropriate to take the next level, of removal," she said.

"This is highly unusual.

"There's no record of anything similar in this park.

"It's a tragedy. We are taking it extremely seriously and doing our best to learn as much as we can."

Park officials had posted signs at trailheads warning hikers to be watchful of all mountain goats and to stay at least 100 feet from the animals.

Hikers are also warned not to urinate on or near the trail, because goats are attracted to the salt.

Funeral arrangements for Boardman are being handled by Harper-Ridgeview Funeral Chapel in Port Angeles,

Services have not yet been set.

Boardman was hiking on Saturday with his wife, Susan Chadd, and their friend, Pat Willits, on the Switchback Trail to Klahhane Ridge, about 17 miles south of Port Angeles.

The three had stopped for lunch at an overlook when the mountain goat began moving toward them shortly after 1 p.m.

When it began acting aggressively, Boardman urged Chadd and Willits to go on while he attempted to shoo away the animal and then leave himself.

The two heard him yell and ran back. No one -- including Bangs, who had left to find a park ranger -- saw the actual attack.

Other hikers radioed for help.

The mountain goat stood over Boardman as he lay motionless on the ground, bleeding.

"The mountain goat was terribly aggressive," Jessica Baccus, who was hiking with her family.

"It wouldn't move. It stared us down."

She and her husband, Bill Baccus, a park scientist, tried to lure the goat away by pelting the animal with rocks, shouting at it and using a silver reflective blanket to distract it.

It finally moved away, and Jessica Baccus began to give Boardman CPR while her husband sought to keep the goat from coming closer again.

A Coast Guard helicopter lowered an emergency medical technician who tried to revive Boardman.

Boardman was airlifted him out of the park, landing at Olympic Medical Center in Port Angeles at 2:47 p.m., where further resuscitation attempts were unsuccessful.

About 300 mountain goats now graze the park's alpine meadows and roam its rocky peaks.

The animals are not native to the park.

They were introduced into the Olympic Mountains in the 1920s, before the park was established, so they could be pursued by hunters as game.

By the early 1980s they had multiplied to more than 1,000 animals.

The park began a two-year live capture program to remove hundreds of goats by helicopter because of the damage the animals wrecked on the park's fragile alpine areas.

The animals were taken to the Cascade Range and other wilderness areas around the Northwest.

About 400 were moved before the agency concluded the remaining goats were living on higher slopes and too dangerous to capture.

In the mid-1990s, a draft report recommended the goats be shot from helicopters.

But the prospect triggered a petition drive among animal-rights supporters, and the proposal was dropped.


The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Last modified: October 19. 2010 12:38AM




Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.

Well, come along! I've got two spears,
And I'll poke your eyeballs out at your ears;
I've got besides two curling-stones,
And I'll crush you to bits, body and bones.
Goats don't take shit from no one.




Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.

Poor guy! He'll be forever known as the guy who was killed by a goat.




Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.

I guess now we know why sheep go to heaven and goats go to hell.


Element 117

Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.

I guess now we know why sheep go to heaven and goats go to hell.
oh god, i lol'd hard




Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.

Poor guy! He'll be forever known as the guy who was killed by a goat.
Still better than being known as a guy that fucked a goat.




Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.

Poor guy! He'll be forever known as the guy who was killed by a goat.
Still better than being known as a guy that fucked a goat.[/QUOTE]

You can feed the hungry and spend your entire life doing good deeds and acting unselfishly. But you fuck ONE GOAT...!



Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.

that's horribly baaaaaaaad.



Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.

I'm terrible, I couldn't help but laugh every time I pictured this scenario in my mind. Of all the dumb-luck ways to die. I feel bad for the guy, but at the same time...



Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.

Initially I misread the post as "hitler killed.. by mountain goat". I was intrigued.




Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.

Every now and then Mother Nature likes to remind us who's in charge. Sad to hear it cost this man his life.


Element 117

Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.




Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.

They don't mention that Bob Boardman was a licensed Troll, and the billy goat was gruff...




Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.

Initially I misread the post as "hitler killed.. by mountain goat". I was intrigued.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one.




Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.

Initially I misread the post as "hitler killed.. by mountain goat". I was intrigued.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one.[/QUOTE]





Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.

Poor guy and his family :( I thought it would be hilarious, but gored to death? Yikes.




Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.

Poor guy and his family :( I thought it would be hilarious, but gored to death? Yikes.
Worse, he was gored in the leg and bled to death while people watched helplessly...





Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.

Poor guy and his family :( I thought it would be hilarious, but gored to death? Yikes.
Worse, he was gored in the leg and bled to death while people watched helplessly...


Easy to say, difficult to do. Also, I hope your suggestion is a joke, because it would be downright stupid to hit a goat on the head.




Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.

Poor guy and his family :( I thought it would be hilarious, but gored to death? Yikes.
Worse, he was gored in the leg and bled to death while people watched helplessly...


Easy to say, difficult to do. Also, I hope your suggestion is a joke, because it would be downright stupid to hit a goat on the head.[/QUOTE]

So it is smart to watch a man bleed to death and not try to drive off the attacker? I don't want to kill the damn critter, but a bonk on the head will get it's attention.

I would not shoo it away by flapping my hands around...




Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.

Poor guy and his family :( I thought it would be hilarious, but gored to death? Yikes.
Worse, he was gored in the leg and bled to death while people watched helplessly...


Easy to say, difficult to do. Also, I hope your suggestion is a joke, because it would be downright stupid to hit a goat on the head.[/QUOTE]

So it is smart to watch a man bleed to death and not try to drive off the attacker? I don't want to kill the damn critter, but a bonk on the head will get it's attention.

I would not shoo it away by flapping my hands around...[/QUOTE]

I don't think it was the critter's health he was referring to.




Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.

No, really?




Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.

Poor guy and his family :( I thought it would be hilarious, but gored to death? Yikes.
Agreed. Being gored to death isn't a very goat way to go.

I am so sorry


Element 117

Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.

Poor guy and his family :( I thought it would be hilarious, but gored to death? Yikes.
Agreed. Being gored to death isn't a very goat way to go.

I am so sorry[/QUOTE]

fucking wahad, It took me a second reading to catch it, and then spray coffee on the screen. lol




Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.

I'm pretty sure trying to whap a goat (with horns) on the head would not only fail to drive it off, in this case it would most likely have caused another death.




Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.

He tried to Do the Dew.




Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.

Possibly some Christians will come in and say it was an act of Goat.

what is wrong with me



Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.

Possibly some Christians will come in and say it was an act of Goat.

what is wrong with me
That really gets my...sheep.



Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.

Initially I misread the post as "hitler killed.. by mountain goat". I was intrigued.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one.[/QUOTE]


Same here.




Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.

No, really?
I say it's stupid to strike a goat on the head for the most obvious reason, it has very hard head. Those horns are it's primary means of defending itself. They also use them in displays of dominance over rival male goats.
Hit the goat's head as hard as you like, you may as well be petting it for the all the good it will do for you.




Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.

Initially I misread the post as "hitler killed.. by mountain goat". I was intrigued.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one.[/QUOTE]


Same here.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, me too.

I don't blame the others for not trying to help him. He had just gotten gored after telling them to run, after all...


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.

I'm pretty sure trying to whap a goat (with horns) on the head would not only fail to drive it off, in this case it would most likely have caused another death.
Sixpack's been developing a run of bad ideas on the board in the past couple months.




Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.

At first I thought this was going to be almost comical, like, the guy was annoying the goat too close to an cliff edge and *wham* gets butted over like Wile E. Coyote. But this is something else entirely - having his leg torn open by it's horns because it's just that fucking aggro, and bleeding out because the goat wouldn't let anyone near him? How awful.




Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.

Initially I misread the post as "hitler killed.. by mountain goat". I was intrigued.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one.[/QUOTE]


Same here.[/QUOTE]

We should start a support group...




Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.

No, really?
I say it's stupid to strike a goat on the head for the most obvious reason, it has very hard head. Those horns are it's primary means of defending itself. They also use them in displays of dominance over rival male goats.
Hit the goat's head as hard as you like, you may as well be petting it for the all the good it will do for you.[/QUOTE]

No, really?




Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.

Initially I misread the post as "hitler killed.. by mountain goat". I was intrigued.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one.[/QUOTE]


Same here.[/QUOTE]

We should start a support group...[/QUOTE]

Totally. On the other hand, every time I read "Hitler killed .... by mountain goat." I can't help but think "F YEAH!"




Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.

Initially I misread the post as "hitler killed.. by mountain goat". I was intrigued.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one.[/QUOTE]


Same here.[/QUOTE]

We should start a support group...[/QUOTE]

Totally. On the other hand, every time I read "Hitler killed .... by mountain goat." I can't help but think "F YEAH!"[/QUOTE]

A support group for people that want to make a time machine so we can send a mad goat after Hitler...




Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.

Initially I misread the post as "hitler killed.. by mountain goat". I was intrigued.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one.[/QUOTE]


Same here.[/QUOTE]

We should start a support group...[/QUOTE]

Totally. On the other hand, every time I read "Hitler killed .... by mountain goat." I can't help but think "F YEAH!"[/QUOTE]

A support group for people that want to make a time machine so we can send a mad goat after Hitler...[/QUOTE]

...and sneak a rabid goat into his Berchtesgaden vacation home....



Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.

Oh man I would watch that movie.




Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.

Add my name to the list of people who originally read it as "Hitler".



Hiker killed ..... by mountain goat.

Honestly, I didn't get why this might have been amusing. Goats can be fucking scary.

Could have been worse, though - could have been a sheep:




I'm not sure you can get worse off than dying.


Fun Size

Fun Size

Death by ooga booga?




Death by ooga booga?
That has to be one of the 3 jokes that everybody knows.




Death by ooga booga?
That has to be one of the 3 jokes that everybody knows.[/QUOTE]

Not true... told it to someone the other day. :-P




Death by ooga booga?
That has to be one of the 3 jokes that everybody knows.[/QUOTE]

Not true... told it to someone the other day. :-P[/QUOTE]

SEE? and now he knows it...




Death by ooga booga?
That has to be one of the 3 jokes that everybody knows.[/QUOTE]

Not true... told it to someone the other day. :-P[/QUOTE]

SEE? and now he knows it...[/QUOTE]

But I... he... he's got these huge.... he can leap... LOOK'A TH' BONES!








Death by ooga booga?
That has to be one of the 3 jokes that everybody knows.[/QUOTE]

Not true... told it to someone the other day. :-P[/QUOTE]

I don't know the joke.... should I feel REALLY, REALLY left out? :(




Death by ooga booga?
That has to be one of the 3 jokes that everybody knows.[/QUOTE]

Not true... told it to someone the other day. :-P[/QUOTE]

I don't know the joke.... should I feel REALLY, REALLY left out? :([/QUOTE]

I can't take the lying anymore... Calleja, the truth is that Mexico doesn't really exist, it's all a giant set based on historical data about life 500 years ago (with some liberties taken, like a black president for your northern neighbour, which was a staple of movies back then for some reason) made especially for you so they can film it for people's entertainment...

The reason you never heard that joke is because it's considered too raunchy for daytime TV.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

The title change made me LOL.


Element 117

"Give the people what they want."

Hitler! It was Hitler!

Show us your Boobs!




Those are some epic Boobies, alright.




I hate to be the one to break this to you but your boobs are blue, your tissue is not perfussing properly.




I demand proof that you OWN those boobs ಠ_ಠ
