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BBC News - Paris girl 'survives six-storey fall unharmed'

Paris girl 'survives six-storey fall unharmed'

Many Parisians live in six- or seven-storey apartment blocks

French media are describing as a "miracle" the unscathed survival of an 18-month-old girl who fell from a sixth-floor apartment.

The girl was left unattended by her parents when she somehow fell, then bounced off the awning of a cafe below.

She had a further stroke of luck when a passing doctor saw her fall and caught her before she hit the ground, witnesses were quoted as saying.

The doctor found no injuries but she was taken to hospital for a check-up.

The girl's dramatic fall and rescue took place on the corner of the Cours de Vincennes and the Rue des Pyrenees, in the 20th arrondissement, late on Monday afternoon.

A man living in a building opposite from the apartment told France Info he saw the girl playing by the window with another girl a few years older.

They were coming and going from the window, he said, and had a feeling something bad might happen.

The man who caught the girl was walking by with his wife and son when the boy spotted the girl falling.

Another witness told Le Figaro that the doctor positioned himself by the awning and caught the girl in his arms after she bounced off it.

The witness, Francois, said the girl cried a bit at first but quickly calmed down.

The doctor, identified as Philippe Benseniot by France Info, said it was pure luck.

"I was there at the right time," he told France Info. "I'm happy for the little girl."


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I think she used up the rest of her life's worth of good luck.

Thread title is very appropriate.




The girl will grow up believing she is in a cartoon, one day to be arrested for dropping a piano on someone. She'll never mentally recover.




What kind of parents leave an 18 month kid unattended?




The girl will grow up believing she is in a cartoon, one day to be arrested for dropping a piano on someone. She'll never mentally recover.
That man's brother will grow to become bitter when she manages to evade cops, refusing to take his old clients even as his business flounders. He'll sink to doing snoop jobs and taking dirty pictures of starlets as they play pat-a-cake to make ends meet. However, he'll eventually meet an albino comedian trying to make it in show business when he gets framed for murder and get embroiled in the biggest case Hollywood has ever seen. In the end, he'll finally let go of his bitterness and learn to laugh again.

That man's name?

Eddy Valiant.




Good thing the doctor was not a Texas A&M Aggie Football Player, or he would have screamed touchdown and spiked.....


Fun Size

Fun Size

When she landed, there were these two kittens standing there watching, and one looked at the other and said, "See, that's how we do that".

</ Stephen_Wright >




Daaaang. That's one lucky little munchkin.



Was she unattended as in alone in the apartment or were her parents just busy and the kid wandered off? That shit happens.


General Specific

General Specific

I nominate that doctor for Hero of the Month




You don't leave you child out of your sight in an area where they can, of their own physical ability, climb up and out of a window. Either the windows were too low to the floor, or the child (or children) pushed a chair to the window, and the window was not covered with a suitable screen (our screens can take a good 20lb of force before they break - not a lot, but enough to prevent a toddler from falling out even if they run into it).

Still, this happens once in awhile, and I'm glad the outcome this time was better than it could have been.

I expect a lot of parents will be inspecting their current window situation as a result of it. Either that or they'll pay for the installation of awnings and have doctors loiter under their buildings...




Stuff like this makes me glad all the windows in my house are 5' off the floor. And it's a ranch.





You don't leave you child out of your sight in an area where they can, of their own physical ability, climb up and out of a window.
This right there... all other crap aside... you don't do this... EVER! Those parents are so damn lucky.




The girl was being watched by another child a few years older than her, presumably the mother - who was cooking dinner - thought that the kids were playing. You can't possibly watch your kids at all times. And when you think you've gotten everything proofed enough, the little shits will find a way around what you've guarded.

Trust me, I hold nothing against the parents in this one. They were at home where there's at least a reasonable amount of leeway that can be given to freedom from constantly hovering over the child.




I dunno Dave... it sounds like they really didn't treat the windows with the proper respect needed for an 18 month old who is practically fearless.




I dunno Dave... it sounds like they really didn't treat the windows with the proper respect needed for an 18 month old who is practically fearless.
And now we know rightly so! She is invincible!




I will tell you from personal experience that falling through the air is a lot of fun. The sudden stops at the bottom have rather been a bother, though.





