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Homeland Security tackles file sharing terrorists




U.S. Government Seizes BitTorrent Search Engine Domain and More | TorrentFreak

Homeland security is now seizing file sharing domains if they determine copyrights have been violated. While I'm no proponent if illegally sharing copyright files I wonder if this is really territory for Homeland Security.

Take a look at domains they have seized so far. I would copy and paste but it would make longcat seem short.




They took out cheapscarfshop.com?

Finally I can rest easy at night.




They came for cheapscarfshop.com and I don't wear scarfs so I did nothing. Then they came for discountpetmeds.com and I don't have a pet so I did nothing. Then they came for hotcoedsbathinginpuddin.com and I died a little.



Hm, I still pissed off about Limewire being shut down....




Makes you wonder how this will end. Homeland security has no checks and balances. They operate by their own rules. This is just another step in that direction. So they can seize web domains without any notification to the owner? You might discount this as most of the domains listed are small but this is a precursor of whats to come. Next they start going after the larger sites. Where do they go next? Pulling records from the seized sites and start going after certain individuals on the list? You can say that won't happen but who would have thought the Department of Homeland Security would seize domains? I'm all for protecting us from terrorists but I'm failing to see how this is their territory.




Makes you wonder how this will end. Homeland security has no checks and balances. They operate by their own rules. This is just another step in that direction. So they can seize web domains without any notification to the owner? You might discount this as most of the domains listed are small but this is a precursor of whats to come. Next they start going after the larger sites. Where do they go next? Pulling records from the seized sites and start going after certain individuals on the list? You can say that won't happen but who would have thought the Department of Homeland Security would seize domains? I'm all for protecting us from terrorists but I'm failing to see how this is their territory.
Because without cheapscarfshop.com the terrorist won't be able to have turbans (They use scarfs ya know) and without turbans they won't attack, it's the basic law of supply and demand, DUH!




Eh, wake me up when they change their name to UNATCO.




Heads up, this entire 'seizure' thing may be a hoax...

