Horror story from my Alma Mater

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Staff member
...don't know why I chose to write that, but yeah... a completely defenseless little person. At any rate, what kind of monster does that to his own offspring--especially when they're too young to defend themselves.


Had a similar thing happen here on the fourth. Guy called to the cops and said two men came in wearing ski masks and beat him into unconciousness and then took his 8 month old son.

They found the child three days later, caught on a tree in the river. Autopsy revealed the baby was killed by blunt force trauma to the head before he was tossed in the river. The father was originally charged with filing a false report and was charged with second degree murder today.

I have heard that he may have thought the baby wasn't his because the math shows he was in jail at the time of conception. I have doubts about the guys math skills though.

What really pisses me off is that my taxes have to pay to give these worthless sacks of feces a place to sleep and food to eat. Not to mention cloths to wear and everything else humans have a "right to have".

What we need to start doing is taking them out behind the police station and put a bullet in their heads. Not a large caliber bullet like a 44 or 9m. Those are to exspensive. Just a 22 caliber bullet will do and they only cost about 5-10 cents each.
I can only hope prisoners feel the same about baby killers that the rest of society does. If so, these scumbags will get whats coming to them behind bars.


We would'nt have to have prisons for freaks and monsters like these.
Just take them out to a firing squad. Taken care of. Burn the body later.
What is it with people killing kids? A mother here killed her two kids recently, seemingly to spite her husband while they were going through a messy divorce.


Staff member
Not to mention there's the whole debate whether or not a chopped-off noggin remains conscious for a brief moment before it blinks out...


Not to mention there's the whole debate whether or not a chopped-off noggin remains conscious for a brief moment before it blinks out...
As opposed to the railroad spike? Hit the wrong place, and you've got a vegetable rather than a corpse.


I can only hope prisoners feel the same about baby killers that the rest of society does. If so, these scumbags will get whats coming to them behind bars.

I heard that child molesters and their ilk aren't generally liked in prison.

---------- Post added at 06:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:04 AM ----------

Railroad spike + hammer + cranium = problem solved
I hate to sound like Charlie, but that's a really childish post.

Skinny Santa

What really pisses me off is that my taxes have to pay to give these worthless sacks of feces a place to sleep and food to eat. Not to mention cloths to wear and everything else humans have a "right to have".
Because of the rights we as American citizens have to appeals and lawyers and sundry it is actually more expensive to execute a person then imprison them for a life sentence.

PS: Child killers can burn in hell for all I care.
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