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How do you sleep?! (plus other question)




I decided to swap the spoiled part!


So I was wondering, with a cover letter, if you don't know if the person reading it is a dude or a lady, how do you address them?

My dad says: Dear Sir or Madam:

but I was wondering if that's the best way to go.

I mean, it works for him, so I know it's not a bad way to go.

I mean, it's gotta be better than To whom it may concern or some bullshit, right?

I just noticed I say "I mean," wayyyyy too much.

What is your sleeping arrangement like? Do you need total silence, total darkness, or do you like the sounds of your enemies being tortured? Do you sleep on a couch, perhap two twin sized beds pushed together, or a pile of money surrounded by many beautiful women.

I sleep on a futon, and use about 6 pillows to create a helms deep of comfort. Silence is great, but some low background noise is alright like a fan or something. no light is good for sleeping too, but I've fallen asleep with the lights on a few times while reading. or something.




Quick question, then let's talk about sleeping?

Dear Sir or Madam,

Or you could put in this:
Dear Recipient, send me photographic evidence of Your genitalia so in the future I will know how to properly address You in our written correspondence.

Also, I sleep on two normal-sized beds pushed together (as my parents used to visit me quite often and I didn't yet have a kingsize fold-out couch). I prefer complete darkness and silence, but I can as well sleep with the light on in the next room. The bright, glaring streetlight just outside my window, however, is a bit much so I usually pull down my venetian blinds.

Also I sleep in the nude.




Quick question, then let's talk about sleeping?

Make the effort to find out the name of who's going to be reading it - it makes a big difference because it shows forethought and motivation.

I sleep in a king sized bed with a pillow over my head and my feet uncovered. No idea why.




The best thing you can do is to call the company you're applying to and ask for the name of the manager or the HR guy or whoever reads resumes over there. You should only use "Dear Sir or Madam" as an absolute last resort, otherwise you should show that you care enough to dig up the name you should address to.

As for sleeping, I like the room in either total darkness or very dim, even light (no sharp light source coming from one direction, that bugs me even with my eyes closed). I like keeping my fan on as background noise, otherwise I can hear every little thing that happens outside in the wind blowing or what other people are doing inside the house.




Dear Sir or Madam,

Or you could put in this:
Dear Recipient, send me photographic evidence of Your genitalia so in the future I will know how to properly address You in our written correspondence.
Word. Sage advice as usual.

Also, I sleep on two normal-sized beds pushed together (as my parents used to visit me quite often and I didn't yet have a kingsize fold-out couch). I prefer complete darkness and silence, but I can as well sleep with the light on in the next room. The bright, glaring streetlight just outside my window, however, is a bit much so I usually pull down my venetian blinds.

Also I sleep in the nude.

Make the effort to find out the name of who's going to be reading it - it makes a big difference because it shows forethought and motivation.

I sleep in a king sized bed with a pillow over my head and my feet uncovered. No idea why.

Man, I don't even know where to start looking for who hires custodians at my school. I will look into it none the less.

also, your feet are trying to kill you via suffocation. DON'T TRUST THEM




Make the effort to find out the name of who's going to be reading it - it makes a big difference because it shows forethought and motivation.

I sleep in a king sized bed with a pillow over my head and my feet uncovered. No idea why.

Man, I don't even know where to start looking for who hires custodians at my school.

also, your feet are trying to kill you via suffocation.
If all else fails, use the biggest bosses name. IE CEO, General Manager, Principal, etc.




I can sleep in almost any condition with no trouble. Beds, sofas, the floor, against a wall, sound or no sound, cold or hot, light or darkness... In the dorm I live in that's what I'm known for. The only problem is finding the time and the will to actually sleep :p




I like to sleep with noise on, otherwise every bump and creak becomes something that's going to kill me or place an angry-Japanese-child curse on me. It's usually music or something really familiar, so I don't have to focus on it. I like to fall asleep to the sound of people talking.

I can fall asleep in clothes, but I prefer not to.




If I am tired enough I can sleep anywhere.
Loud music, absolute quiet, on a bus, anywhere.

Could you, would you, in a box?

Could you, would you, with a fox?



I sleep in a queen size tempapedic bed it is nice (6 inch foam) I always seems to sleep on the left side of the bed regardless of where it is facing.

When I am tired, I can sleep in anything condition and while traveling I can sleep in a moving vehicle (air, land or sea) with no problem.

When I am partially tired I can't sleep in the daylight in the bedroom but I can while car is in motion. :)




Would it be bad to just e-mail the HR department and ask them who to address letters to?

Is that a no-no?




Also, I am quite capable of sleeping in my clothes. In fact, if I've had a short night, I've found myself napping on classes, sitting up. Which is unfortunate, since I snore.

In the army when on bivouac, I usually slept in full gear, using my bedroll as a pillow instead of pulling it out.

In conventions, I can with some difficulty sleep on hard floors. Mostly because my shoulder tends to act up...




Would it be bad to just e-mail the HR department and ask them who to address letters to?

Is that a no-no?
That's acceptable. It shows proactivity and ambition.




What if they say the name is Sam, Drew, Jamie, Jessie, or Chris ?
That would just be a dick move on their part, to not include a last name.

I can't be all "Hey Chris! Whats the haps?"

If they give me both names I can just address them as that. Dear Jessie James,

awesome name. Let's make this janitor thing happen.






What if they say the name is Sam, Drew, Jamie, Jessie, or Chris ?
That would just be a dick move on their part, to not include a last name.

I can't be all "Hey Chris! Whats the haps?"

If they give me both names I can just address them as that. Dear Jessie James,

awesome name. Let's make this janitor thing happen.



I think the point she was more trying to make was "Is Sam, Drew, Jamie, Jessie or Chris MR or MRS."? :)




that occurred to me half way through.

It would still suck if they just said Rick or some other clearly male/female name. I can't exactly call them Mr. Rick.

---------- Post added at 09:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:44 PM ----------

ha! moot points all around! I found this! http://www.hr.txstate.edu/about/orgchart.html

So I should address it to John. E. Mcbride, the director of HR right? I mean it's going to get to his desk last for the final approval I'd assume.



At home I sleep in the buff in a king sized bed with the other half. Thank goodness we both like the bedroom to be a dark sound-free sleep cave. Thermostat is generally set for 73-74 (23-ish degrees C) degrees at night (during the summer).

At work, I sleep in my uniform shirt, bra and underwear. My pants are on the right side of my bed, with my boots in correct left/right position with the socks in them and my glasses and pen in my right boot. This is how I've kept my uniform for years in the bunk room so I never have to look for a light when the tones go off. Its a bitch though if I drop a sock on the bunk and have to look for it in the dark while the chock ticks away- we are supposed to be responding within 2 minutes of the tone. I have been known to put us responding and *then* finish putting on my shoes.

Oy- and the crew-mates love it cold in the bunk room (we have a common bunk room where we all sleep). They usually have the thermostat at 68 (20-ish degrees C) degrees, and hence, I have a down comforter for work.



My ideal sleeping is

Tv on, sound turned really low or off completely.
Ceiling fan on, high setting (yes, even in winter)

Bed, with enough comfortable blankets and such.
Two pillows

If its warm enough I'll sleep without a shirt on, if its cold a tshirt and pajama pants + socks.

I like it pretty cool inside 60-70. I cannot sleep if I am hot, its just so uncomfortable to sleep if you're breaking a sweat from it being hot inside.


Kitty Sinatra

I sleep the sleep of the just.

The just masturbated. *sigh*




I sleep in a twin bed that's older than I am (literally) that's hard as a bare fucking board (unfortunately) with about a 3 inch thick egg-crate mattress on top. I have one of those contoured memory foam pillows, and put the thicker side toward my body as I sleep on my side and that way my neck and spine are better aligned, and with as many blankets on me as I can stand, even in summer. I like the feel of the weight of multiple blankets (or, in the summer, just one heavy one), and the warmth is good too. I will, occasionally, spend all winter with the window at least cracked if not wide open, with about 4 heavy blankets on me. Oh, and I prefer to sleep naked with the lights off, but frequently fall asleep sitting up with the lights on fully dressed and holding a book. Also, I can no longer lounge on my couch, or I will fall asleep, even if I just got out of the shower after a long night's sleep and feel fully refreshed. The couch, I am convinced, eats souls.


Chad Sexington


I need darkness and silence, although when I'm tired enough I can sleep anywhere.

Also I sleep most comfortably in the nude. Just in case you needed that mental image.

Oh and Dear Sir/Madam is acceptable, but I usually try and discover the name of the person I am contacting and specifically addressing my letter to them.




I sleep on a futon, which has about 10 pillows on it...I use 1-2 of them at any given time. The rest are extraneous.

I also ALWAYS have music on. Volume depends on what time I'm going to sleep at, and the likelihood of disturbing people. If it's daytime and I don't have to worry about it, I generally put it at a pretty decent volume to block out any outside noise.

I also can't fall asleep on my back, at least when I'm sleeping alone. Sharing a bed it somehow stops being an issue.




I sleep on a pull-out couch that has a futon matress on top of it for extra padding. Fluffy (but not too thick) covers, and a couple of fluffy pillows.
Despite the fact that I am a night person I sleep best at night. To simulate it as much as possible during the day (when I actually have to sleep) I have blacked out my windows (which are too high to be used as anything but a light source), which tends to make it dark enough.
I find that if even a little bit of light makes it through I find myself up and awake by 12 noon regarldess of when I actually went to bed.

I get warm very easily so I find that I need a breeze of some kind to circulate the air. I can barely even sleep when I'm over at my girlfriend's due to her not having a fan. Luckily I get the spot next to the window so if it's a breezy evening I can stay comfortable if I forgo the blanket.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I got a bed with Spider-Man sheets (the ladies love 'em) and I fall asleep with my laptop on my nightstand thing, open either playing a shuffle/repeat playlist of videos, or something on Netflix


Wasabi Poptart

Queen-sized bed with two pillows - one under my head and the other propped up against the headboard so I have extra support for my back when I feed the baby at night. I usually sleep on my side or sort of half on my side and half on my stomach with one leg bent up toward my chest. When my husband is away, I sleep diagonally across the bed. I also like my bedroom to be slightly cool. Before the baby, I'd normally only sleep in a t-shirt and my underwear, but now I sleep in pjs because I feel weird holding her in my lap while I'm pants-less.




Let's see, some added details.

Ah yes... preferably two pillows stacked together, since I hate waking up with a crick in my neck. Also, I sometimes like to have two covers on me, partly because of the warmth, partly because of the fact that 6' tall, I more often than not find my bare feet sticking out under the cover. Also, I like to sprawl out ;)

Currently I've had to skip my nude sleeping... H1N1 shot mild temperature going on.




Twin sized (So fucking tiny... I need a new bed) bed... I sleep on my left side most of the time. I like a little bit of light, I live in the basement so I usually just leave the light on the other side of the basement to my back on so I have a little glow and I have to have my tv or music on low volume. If its too quiet my mind wanders and I can't sleep for hours and if it's too loud then I can't sleep either.




Need total darkness to sleep.

I also need music to sleep well. it's been the case since i was a little kid. It's funny because i'll fall asleep with Sepultura in the background but i'll go crazy if i hear a clock ticking.

favourite albums to fall asleep to: DM-Violator, MM- Mechanical Animals and Bloc Party




Sleep, whats that?!

Lol, i has no bedz!...




I sleep best on a firm mattress, pitch black with some white noise going. I had some rain forest/waves/thunder storm mp3s that I used to put on a loop, but I mainly just use a fan.

I almost always sleep in a boxer shorts and a tshirt. Not comfortable with the nude thing. If I lived with me gf or if I didn't have a roommate, I might try that.




It's comfy on my right side in a No. "4" position. Me and the boyfriend sleep with our butts together and our legs twisted together because everytime we switch sides of the bed we still end up sleeping that way. It's comfy, but I am known as a bed hog!




On top of a pile of money with many beautiful ladies.
