How I caught a hit-and-run. (Or, "I feel pretty good about myself.")

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Anybody who's been the victim of a hit-and-run will most likely enjoy this story.

About 2 AM today, I was sitting in my room when I heard a loud screech of tires, the unmistakable sound of car-on-car action, and another squealing of tires. I ran outside, saw my neighbor's car had been hit (left side of the trunk caved in, rear driver's side door won't open, paint all along the side. Believe it or not, that's GOOD...if the tire tracks are any indication, he also came within a hair's breadth of caroming off my mom's car), and looked at the car speeding away. I ran towards my car, then noticed...hey, wait, the guy's stopping. Maybe he's turning around and leaving a note.

Oh, I was mistaken. The motherfucker lives on my street.

I got in my car, waited a minute, drove down the street, and saw a red Toyota sitting there. The front passenger's side was shattered, headlight totally missing (including the turn signal, which we found at the scene of the accident), and the car was still warm. I took down the license plate number, model/make of the car, then drove back and woke up my neighbor. After some (totally understandable) cursing, we called the police and had a report filed. They're at his house right now performing sobriety tests, and--from what I saw a few minutes ago--he's failing miserably.

I'm eagerly awaiting the results of the report.
I hate hit and runs. Especially when people actually got hurt. Take responsibility for your actions damnit!


Good job! Can't let morons like that get away with hit and runs.


Staff member
I wish you'd have been around when Jeremy did his thing to my HHR. But the cops did go to his aunt's house, but he'd mysteriously disappeared and nothing ever happened to him.


Staff member
He disobeyed the ONE rule of hit-and-run... if you're gonna do it, make sure you're never gonna see the other fucking car ever again.

Last Christmas we were at my brother in laws and about 10pm we hear a huge CRASH outside. We run out, and our car is up on the lawn, the rear end smashed to all h-e-doublehockeysticks. My brother in law jumps in his car and chases after the tail-lights of the car driving off.

They don't get far. They go around the block and stop because they are the kids of the old rich folks who live down the street totally freaked out.

Cops come, everything gets taken care of. If it had been anybody else they probably would have been long gone and we would have been out a few thousand :(
I was once hit by some by a platinum blonde chick in a horribly teal-coloured car. I was walking down the road and I did the whole 'look both ways dealy' and she was stopped, so I began to cross. I was more than halfway across the front of her car when she decided to start her turn. Luckily I wasn't seriously injured (no fractures, a nasty bruise with a limp for a week or two), but she FLEW down the street and I had no chance of ever finding out who it was.

But now I don't trust platinum blondes in teal cars. I'm just prejudiced like that.


The house I grew up on was on a corner. It was really common for people to run the turn too quickly, especially if they were drunk. Now the people that lived across the street frequently had people driving into their house. Finally they go buy some 3 foot diameter boulders and place them in intervals at the property line (this is important).

One night after work I'm hanging out. I hear this awful screech and go out to see what's going on. Sure enough there's this pickup that missed the turn and half way up one of the boulders. It's sitting there and this guy stumbles out and looks at his truck. I call the cops and while waiting for them to come the guy tries to get his truck off the boulder. The cops arrive and they ask him to do the whole sobriety test thing. He keeps saying he can do it and the officer sit there with his arms crossed and says, "Anytime you want to show me."

Anyway, it really has nothing to do with this, but it was pretty hilarious to watch this guy try his best to get his truck off this boulder.
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