How not the text a woman

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Whatever happen to the 3 day rule?
He would still be with the girl if he follow the 3 day rule :)
Having exchanged numbers with a girl, and planning to go out, I got an endless stream of bizarre text messages, ranging from requests that I dance nude in a jester's cap to weird fantasy stories about drinking vodka and making love in a field.

I was basically at a loss for how to respond. It was not what I expected at all from someone I barely knew. I quickly informed her I thought we were on different pages and a date was definitely not going to happen. Then I got a series of texts telling me that I shouldn't judge her based on texts only, and how she always talks this way to her friends, and shouldn't I give it a real chance.... This was all in one night, I should add.

Oh people.
Text messaging seems to the the new "stream of consciousness" for some people. I just tell people, "I don't have a text message plan. Costs me $0.25 each to send or receive one. Got unlimited minutes and internet though, so if you need to communicate, call or email."


Having exchanged numbers with a girl, and planning to go out, I got an endless stream of bizarre text messages, ranging from requests that I dance nude in a jester's cap to weird fantasy stories about drinking vodka and making love in a field.

I was basically at a loss for how to respond. It was not what I expected at all from someone I barely knew. I quickly informed her I thought we were on different pages and a date was definitely not going to happen. Then I got a series of texts telling me that I shouldn't judge her based on texts only, and how she always talks this way to her friends, and shouldn't I give it a real chance.... This was all in one night, I should add.

Oh people.
While some people have "online personality" and "real world personality" personally I believe that most people "online personality" is the "real one" because due to anonymity, people tend to let loose and what they REALLY want to do.

Now as for texting, people tend to text rather quickly and go on their "true personality" since it is not face to face and people can forget themselves and just go with the flow.
I seriously felt creeped out while reading his texts. If you look at the time stamps he was texting her every five minutes or so.
He went from I had a great time, to you are ignoring me in 10 minutes, then kept that up for another hour... after mid-nite. I bet she feels much safer after dumping me...err, him.
That was cringe worthy and uncomfortable to read. The hard part is that the guy is probably not as psycho as his text would seem. Some guys and girls just freak out when they don't get feedback right away. Learning dating patience is one of those things that comes with experience.

It is a sad story though. I hope this guy learns from his mistakes.

One of the things I tell all my guy friends is, if you worry too much about getting a girl to like you, you're going to come off trying too hard. She'll either like you or not, nothing you can say will convince a girl to be attracted to you. However if you come off as a fun, cool guy even if she's not into you, she'll likely be your friend and introduce you to one of her friends she thinks you'll hit it off with.
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