How to get smoke smell out of a car

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I recently bought another car, my previous one having died. It's a 2006 Toyota Camry in beautiful condition, low mileage, bought it from an old lady who was selling all her shit. I got it at a steal, and I'm very happy with it.

Except for the smell. The woman was a smoker, and a very heavy one at that. I've fabreezed the entire interior of the car, and will be trying to scrub off the yellow stain of nicotine from the front dash and console, but I need advice on how to get rid of the smell. It's everywhere, and is most prevalent when you turn on the AC, as the air that comes out smells like cigarettes.

So, any advice or ideas?


Staff member
Yes activated charcoal is what I've seen around the web. It's what Lifehacker recommended. They quoted some research that basically showed that baking soda has almost no odor-killing power, despite the advertisements.
There should be a cabin air filter in a car that new. If she smoked that much, yes get it professionally cleaned.

Or wait till the fall and drive around for a few weeks with the windows down.


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I got a really bad smell out of my car. I stopped eating Taco Bell and exited the vehicle.
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