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How to make Poutine properly




Step 1 : Preheat oven or deep fryer according to directions on frozen French fries package. If you prefer to make your own fries from scratch, by all means. Poutine is certainly worthy of such an effort. You may slightly spice them up in future consumption.

Step 2 : Bake or fry the French fries (or Freedom fries depending on how south you are). Depending on your chosen method, bake or deep fry the French fries until they are slightly crisp and deliciously edible. (While this is going on, go to Step 3)

Step 3 : Prepare the gravy. Follow the package directions to prepare the brown gravy, allowing it plenty of time to thicken

Step 4 : Once your fries are done immediately place them in bowls or on plates (or in my case in a one big bowl), and sprinkle 1 cm (or for those with older measuring systems, 1/2 an inch) over fresh cheese curds liberally. Fresh cheese curds are the best for this recipe because they will soften without melting completely.

Step 5 : Carefully pour hot gravy over the curds and fries. This will keep the fries warm and soften the curds in an ever-so delicious way. Your final product should look something like this.

Step 6 : EAT IT. Post here. Share your experiences!!!



Frankie Williamson

God damn I loves me some poutine.

I really hate when I order it somewhere I've never been and I get shredded mozza or cheddar on fries with some gravy. That shit ain't poutine.




God damn I loves me some poutine.

I really hate when I order it somewhere I've never been and I get shredded mozza or cheddar on fries with some gravy. That shit ain't poutine.
No, no it's not. :angry:




Huh. Never heard of that before. It sounds really salty.



Frankie Williamson

French Canadian dish (I'm pretty sure).

Quite tasty.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Poutine is a weird dish to me. When I hear it described with words, I am like hell yeah, sign me up for that. But when I see a picture, I am like whoa. Sorry, fuck that. I am still gonna definitely try it when I have the chance though, Matt Murdock style



Frankie Williamson

Wait, that's another thing. I've recently been told it's really rare for Americans to put gravy on fries at all. Is this true? Because shit man, you don't go to a Canadian diner or anything without them asking you if you want gravy on your fries.




I have never seen gravy on fries. I do like fries with melted cheese, bacon bits, and ranch, though. That's a heart attack on a plate, but damn good.



Wait, that's another thing. I've recently been told it's really rare for Americans to put gravy on fries at all. Is this true? Because shit man, you don't go to a Canadian diner or anything without them asking you if you want gravy on your fries.
I don't think we often have fries with gravy as a standard side but if you order a dish that comes with gravy you can get fries instead of mashed potatoes.




How to make Poutine properly
Your methods intrique me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

Oh nom nom nom!



Wait, that's another thing. I've recently been told it's really rare for Americans to put gravy on fries at all. Is this true? Because shit man, you don't go to a Canadian diner or anything without them asking you if you want gravy on your fries.
American version, known as "Disco Fries":

Apparently, it's big in NYC and surrounding areas. Shredded cheese as opposed to curd.

You'd think that with all the fresh cheese curds where I live (Minnesota/Wisconsin), we'd have more poutine here, but it's not to be. We fry our curds, bitches:




I encourage people to try this and share their experience... in fact.. take a picture!!!




I don't know where I'd get cheese curds over here.




You can get them at Albertsons. I've gotten them for my kids.




Sweet, there's one about 5 minutes from here.




Man that is an old photo. But yummy poutine none the less!




I put a small bit of pepper on mine, anyone else do this?




Huh, never had it, but now I want some. Incidentally I'm hungry now, curses.




Man that is an old photo. But yummy poutine none the less!
A strong start, just remember, smaller bits of curds, so they melt with the hot gravy. Hope you enjoyed it!




Hey, I moved from the Cheese Capital of Canada to the most monopolistic depressed dairy market in the country, I'll take whatever fresh curds I can get!




Break them with your fingers Good Sir!

Warning : Make sure to clean them beforehand.



Yanno, I keep hearing about this poutine stuff. Never had it.


Wasabi Poptart

I have to agree with Charlie. I hear it and think "gravy, fries and cheese...mmmm". I see the pictures and wonder why anyone would eat that.




Until you taste it, you're opinion is flawed. :)




I have tasted Poutine, and I don't understand why anyone would want it.




I've got fries... I've got the deep fryer still hot from earlier... but no gravy or cheese curds and I don't feel like going back out to the store. Perhaps tomorrow.






First of all, packaged gravy???? There's no way that's OM NOM material.

Second, yes, some of us southern americans do eat gravy with our "freedom fries". However, it's a cream/white gravy, not brown. We eat brown gravy with roast beef or other beef dishes. That brings me back to point one. You NEED meat bits and animal fat to make a proper gravy. It doesn't come from a package!!

Yes, I have heard of poutine, but I didn't know it had cheese curds in it though.




^Gotta agree with this. It's much faster and much more convenient, but real gravy tastes so much better. I'll have to make this after Christmas. Until then i have to behave, food-wise.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Until you taste it, you're opinion is flawed. :)
Man, do you really want me to go find some poutine in Nashville, Tennessee or Austin, Texas? Is that a road I will go down that ends in good things at all?




Perhaps I shall have to take a trip 'cross the border to visit canuckistan and tempt my gaping maw with this delightful dish.

Where should I go that's within reasonable driving distance to Detroit to taste this canuckistanian dish?

Apparently I can get a version of it locally that's just ducky.




Until you taste it, you're opinion is flawed. :)
Man, do you really want me to go find some poutine in Nashville, Tennessee or Austin, Texas? Is that a road I will go down that ends in good things at all?[/QUOTE]

That road probably ends with you getting subpar poutine possibly at a brothel. Worse things could happen.




mmm... post disappeared.

Anyways, we buy this St-Hubert poutine gravy sauce. They make some great stuff and it's cheap and easy to use.

Don't know what you guys got for alternatives.

---------- Post added at 11:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:55 PM ----------

That road probably ends with you getting subpar poutine possibly at a brothel. Worse things could happen.
Surprise butt sex. But would it truly be worse than bad poutine?




Also, we don't really call them freedom fries. Not 99.9% of us... We're not all that bad. :(




Perhaps I shall have to take a trip 'cross the border to visit canuckistan and tempt my gaping maw with this delightful dish.

Where should I go that's within reasonable driving distance to Detroit to taste this canuckistanian dish?

Apparently I can get a version of it locally that's just ducky.
That would mean Ontario right. Wouldn't know. I'd rather have people create it themselves than have their experienced ruined by sub-par poutine from restos who can't do it.

If any of you are around Montreal, any time, I'm treating to free poutine. Except for you Frankie!

---------- Post added 12-10-2009 at 12:00 AM ---------- Previous post was 12-09-2009 at 11:59 PM ----------

Also, we don't really call them freedom fries. Not 99.9% of us... We're not all that bad. :(
It's tongue in cheek, mrs sing-a-lot.





:D Ok then.



I could really go for some freedom cabbage right now...




mmm... post disappeared.

Anyways, we buy this St-Hubert poutine gravy sauce. They make some great stuff and it's cheap and easy to use.

Don't know what you guys got for alternatives.

---------- Post added at 11:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:55 PM ----------

That road probably ends with you getting subpar poutine possibly at a brothel. Worse things could happen.
Surprise butt sex. But would it truly be worse than bad poutine?
Is that a rhetorical question? Because as far as I know there is nothing worse than bad poutine.




Wish I had some eggs... I'd make the bread sitting in the kitchen into some good ol' freedom toast...




I'm gonna plant a Victory Garden!




okay, I'm a southerner born and bred, and I've never heard of freedom fries outside of South Park. Sounds like a bad joke. Guess I don't eat enough fry-based dishes.




OR freedom-based dishes. Mmmmm, freedom.





Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Time to have some bullfighting cookies.


Fun Size

Fun Size

Every time I see a picture of that stuff, I'm reminded of my drunken friend in Denny's pointing to the menu and saying "That looks like shit. Bring me one of those please."

As a veggie, I'm thinking this is not a food meant for me, but as a former carnivore I guarantee it's the ilk of the products that kept me gloriously fat for so long. It looks disgustingly good.




Can I make it with tater tots? I want some tater tots tonight.




I have tasted Poutine, and I don't understand why anyone would want it.
I support and agree with this post.

Then again, I also dislike gravy.




First of all, packaged gravy???? There's no way that's OM NOM material.

Second, yes, some of us southern americans do eat gravy with our "freedom fries". However, it's a cream/white gravy, not brown. We eat brown gravy with roast beef or other beef dishes. That brings me back to point one. You NEED meat bits and animal fat to make a proper gravy. It doesn't come from a package!!

Yes, I have heard of poutine, but I didn't know it had cheese curds in it though.
I agree, southerners use cream gravy as an alternate dip for fries. Westerners make Chili Cheese Fries. I live on the break point between the two.



Frankie Williamson

Yeah, that "SOUTHERN" gravy shit baffles me. It was like someone racked their brain for ways to make gravy even worse for you. Hey, how do we make what is basically meat fat, flour and salt less healthy? I KNOW, MILK FAT!

*I realize that's what poutine is, the adding of milk fat to meat fat to (generally) vegetable fat infused potatoes.




Every time I see a picture of that stuff, I'm reminded of my drunken friend in Denny's pointing to the menu and saying \"That looks like shit. Bring me one of those please.\"

As a veggie, I'm thinking this is not a food meant for me, but as a former carnivore I guarantee it's the ilk of the products that kept me gloriously fat for so long. It looks disgustingly good.
Fuck Denny's. The best drunk food is at a little place called Ross' in downtown Bettendorf, Iowa. It is the magic mountain!

"[FONT=VERDANA, ARIAL, HELVETICA]For the uninitiated, Ross' basic Magic Mountain, which was created by Cynthia's husband Ron Friedhof, starts off with grilled Texas toast covered with Ross' special hamburger meat, then is piled high with a choice of either French fries or hash browns and smothered with cheese sauce. A diner can request his or her mountain be capped with snow -- an option of chopped onion. " [/FONT]http://www.qconline.com/progress98/dining/251.htm

As for poutine, if I ever get the cash to head up to Nova Scotia and visit my friend in Canuckistan I will have to stop and try some.




There's this place is Oswego, NY that makes this delicious mess that's basically geared towards drunk students. The place is Nick Tahoe's and the dish is the Garbage Plate. It's like everything on a plate smothered with every sauce. They've actually managed to make it onto Food Network recently.




I have never heard of poutine before, but holy fuck that looks good.




I like it on crackers.

Poutine on a Ritz.


Fun Size

Fun Size

Where's Chippy's avatar when I need it?

EDIT: There it is.





In before an overzealous drummer/wikipedia nerd points out that that's not the real name of it.




I like it on crackers.

Poutine on a Ritz.





Rob King

Rob King

I find it cute that New York Fries here serves not only Poutine, but also Fries Dressing and Gravy (a Newfoundland variant)

Actually, this reminds me of a Newfoundland tradition of piling whatever you can find onto fries. Nobody takes ownership though. Out here on the east coast, they're called "west coast chips" but on the west coast people will swear to their grandmother that they're a central Newfoundland thing. What you do is basically the poutine instructions posted at the beginning of the thread, except you also throw on fried mushrooms and onions, chopped up wieners, fried ground beef, and Newfoundland-style dressing (stuffing made with bread crumbs, butter, and summer savory).

Goddamn. I think I know what I'm having for supper now.



I totes mcgoats would, but I'm on a diet. I will join you my Canadian brethren once I am off this dagnabbit contraption.




So, I wanted some tots tonight so I cooked up some tater tots. I covered those bastards with some hamburger and then put cheese curds on top of them. Then I covered it all with some gravy. It was everything I thought it could be, good lord it was delicious. It may not have been super sacred poutine, but my belly is happy and that's all that I care about.



Frankie Williamson

Sounds tasty.




I have beer and gravy flavored burps now.




Yeah, that "SOUTHERN" gravy shit baffles me. It was like someone racked their brain for ways to make gravy even worse for you. Hey, how do we make what is basically meat fat, flour and salt less healthy? I KNOW, MILK FAT!

*I realize that's what poutine is, the adding of milk fat to meat fat to (generally) vegetable fat infused potatoes.
So without a good southern gravy up in Canuckistan I am guessing you guys are missing out on the wonderfulness of Biscuits and Gravy which is like one of the most delicious things to have for breakfast.




Shakey, I just picture doing the Walter Huston Dance after saying that...




Tastes awsome,but looks like someone barfed on my fries.


Rob King

Rob King

So without a good southern gravy up in Canuckistan I am guessing you guys are missing out on the wonderfulness of Biscuits and Gravy which is like one of the most delicious things to have for breakfast.
We are missing out. I spent a summer in North Carolina and every second morning it was Biscuits and Gravy for breakfast.

It broke my heart when I had to leave it behind.




Make Poutine, YOUR dinner tonight!




Make Poutine, YOUR dinner tonight!
Ye gods abovie and dark denizens below, no.




So without a good southern gravy up in Canuckistan I am guessing you guys are missing out on the wonderfulness of Biscuits and Gravy which is like one of the most delicious things to have for breakfast.
We are missing out. I spent a summer in North Carolina and every second morning it was Biscuits and Gravy for breakfast.

It broke my heart when I had to leave it behind.[/QUOTE]

There aren't too many dishes better than biscuits and gravy. I could eat that everyday w/o getting sick of it. It does require good sausage thought, and the best is Blue and Gold sausage.



Frankie Williamson

So without a good southern gravy up in Canuckistan I am guessing you guys are missing out on the wonderfulness of Biscuits and Gravy which is like one of the most delicious things to have for breakfast.
We are missing out. I spent a summer in North Carolina and every second morning it was Biscuits and Gravy for breakfast.

It broke my heart when I had to leave it behind.[/QUOTE]

It probably broke your heart while you were there too.




I love me some poutine. I've never made it myself, but its what I tend to order if I'm eating fast food. I had Harvey's poutine for dinnter just yesterday, matter of fact.
First time I tried it was in Montreal. They seem to sell it on every street corner there, and its all SO GOOD.

I will also say this:

Try using chicken gravy rather than brown gravy. Dixie Lee Chicken's poutine is probably my absolute favourite fast food poutine.

And stay the hell away from Burger King and McDonald's poutine. American chains have no clue how to do poutine right. Yech.




Yeah, you'd definitely want to hit resto in Montreal are known for great poutine such as La Belle Province or the unique place that I bring all my poutine virgins or vets alike... Maamm Bolduc!!!




Frankie Williamson

I made Poo-browns last night at about 4 am.

It's poutine, only I made it with hashbrowns instead of fries.

Just so you know, it's the best name for a food ever.



I made Poo-browns last night at about 4 am.

It's poutine, only I made it with hashbrowns instead of fries.

Just so you know, it's the best name for a food ever.
It's up there with the Kentucky Hot Brown:

They featured these on Throwdown with Bobby Flay last year. Every time he said "hot brown throwdown," my immature ass giggled like a six-year-old.




I made Poo-browns last night at about 4 am.

It's poutine, only I made it with hashbrowns instead of fries.

Just so you know, it's the best name for a food ever.
It's up there with the Kentucky Hot Brown:

They featured these on Throwdown with Bobby Flay last year. Every time he said "hot brown throwdown," my immature ass giggled like a six-year-old.[/QUOTE]

.....My roommates and I thought we invented that. Only we call it "hashbrown thing"
It goes great with HP sauce.



Frankie Williamson

Alright. So. I've mentioned in other donair threads this little local place called Simply Donair. Well, I've mentioned how completely insane and overboard their donairs are. They also have a poutine menu. Me and the rookie decide to go there to eat. They have this thing called Donair Poutine. I'm curious and ask what's in it. The guy tells me that they make a large poutine but add in donair meat and any other donair toppings (they have a subway-esque array of toppings for the donairs) you wish to add. I decide that I've lived long enough and that I'm going to have one. It comes in a chinese foodish tin container about 8 or 9 inches across and 2 or so inches deep. It's a stack of fries mixed with slabs of donair meat and mushrooms with a layer of cheese curds, a massively thick layer of gravy and a layer of shredded mozza on top. The rookie had fresh tomatoes on his to make himself feel better about eating his, but I made no such concessions, I was waging a war with my health tonight.

It was insane. I was only able to eat maybe 2/3's of it before I felt like vomiting everywhere. I don't know who these Simply Donair people are designing their food for. I'm 6'3 and about 210 pounds and the rookie is about 6'1 and somewhere I'd guess between 190-200 pounds himself and we each have appetites to match. We're not exactly dainty flowers.

I'm about to go lie down now and fall into a diabetic coma. God have mercy on my soul.

---------- Post added at 07:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:22 PM ----------

I'm seriously eating nothing but fruit and salad for the next 3 days. I've never felt worse.




Silly Albertan, trying to eat like a Bluenoser.



Frankie Williamson

Yeah, sorry that I was raised on a steady diet of home grown vegetables and meat from my grandpa's farm and not on fried hell like you east coasters seem to have been. Madness.



Damn it Checkeredhat, you have the same avatar as one of the old Krypton Krew and it's really confusing me.




.....My roommates and I thought we invented that. Only we call it "hashbrown thing"
It goes great with HP sauce.
There aren't any hashbrowns in a Kentucky hot brown.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Alright. So. I've mentioned in other donair threads this little local place called Simply Donair. Well, I've mentioned how completely insane and overboard their donairs are. They also have a poutine menu. Me and the rookie decide to go there to eat. They have this thing called Donair Poutine. I'm curious and ask what's in it. The guy tells me that they make a large poutine but add in donair meat and any other donair toppings (they have a subway-esque array of toppings for the donairs) you wish to add. I decide that I've lived long enough and that I'm going to have one. It comes in a chinese foodish tin container about 8 or 9 inches across and 2 or so inches deep. It's a stack of fries mixed with slabs of donair meat and mushrooms with a layer of cheese curds, a massively thick layer of gravy and a layer of shredded mozza on top. The rookie had fresh tomatoes on his to make himself feel better about eating his, but I made no such concessions, I was waging a war with my health tonight.

It was insane. I was only able to eat maybe 2/3's of it before I felt like vomiting everywhere. I don't know who these Simply Donair people are designing their food for. I'm 6'3 and about 210 pounds and the rookie is about 6'1 and somewhere I'd guess between 190-200 pounds himself and we each have appetites to match. We're not exactly dainty flowers.

I'm about to go lie down now and fall into a diabetic coma. God have mercy on my soul.

---------- Post added at 07:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:22 PM ----------

I'm seriously eating nothing but fruit and salad for the next 3 days. I've never felt worse.
Everytime you talk about this "simply donair" place, I feel like I want to go somewhere to eat until I feel sick. It's like the desire to drink until puke.

They are not unusual cravings for me, though...



Frankie Williamson

Honestly, I wish I'd have had the presence of mind to snap a picture for this thread and also one to send to that website This Is Why You're Fat.



Do they still call French Fries "Freedom Fries" over there? :confused:

I thought it was a joke, after all one cant be that dumb so associate French fries with France, when its french-fried potato, ala french lamb chops.




Having kids, the surest way to lose your sarcasm detector.

BTW JCM, seems you disabled PMs, which you seemed not to know last time you where around.



Having kids, the surest way to lose your sarcasm detector.

BTW JCM, seems you disabled PMs, which you seemed not to know last time you where around.
Well, it was a question [:p]

Do'oh! @ pms




I remember hearing "freedom fries" in high school for about 2 days. Then someone, I don't know who, must have told everyone they sounded like douchebags. Because after that, I never heard it again unless it was a joke.



I never got why "freedom fries" was chosen, anyway. Call them american fries, after all, you guys perfected it.



Frankie Williamson

Canadians perfected fries, that's why we have this thread.




I never got why "freedom fries" was chosen, anyway. Call them american fries, after all, you guys perfected it.

Because american IS freedom... as long as you're not french...
