How to spend Superbowl Sunday?

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I heard there was this big game going on last night ;) Congrats to the winning team, not so much to the losing team.

Anyhoo, it got me thinking, as a gamer that is. By some strange twist of fate Super Bowl in real life seems to nicely coincide with the time of year we're currently playing in a WoD campaign, and since our game is set in Chicago, Illinois... well, I thought it might be appropriate to have my character - something of a social animal - host a Super Bowl party at his place.

The thing is, however, as a Finn I know very little about those: we usually get together to watch the world series in ice hockey if Finland is going to the finals, and that usually involves people in player shirts, silly hats, copious amounts of alcohol and post-game suicides if Finland loses. Double the last one if we get beaten by... ugh, sorry, I had to swallow my lunch back in... Sweden.

So, what should be a bona fine Super Bowl Sunday party have? I'm thinking beer (domestic? Local brewery?), hot dogs, beer, salsa, nachos, beer, guacamole, beer, hamburgers... did I mention beer? Also, is it just a guy party, or unisex if there's suitably sports fanatic females about?

Enlighten me.
Plenty of beer, plenty of snacks, usually domestic beer, all of the snacks you mention work, think of that hockey party or a decent world cup party only with American football jerseys and plenty of opportunities to snack and drink since there are way too many breaks in the action in American football. Yeah, I'm a sports fan, but a way bigger hockey and soccer fan since I like action in my sports! And yes a good party is unisex, with some of the girls being into sports and out-yelling the guys and some of them hanging around the snack tables bitching about or laughing at the guys and their sports obsession. Google image search superbowl party and ignore the celebrity junk and you should see some decent examples for your game but you have pretty much nailed it.


Maybe even fight a dude for wearing the wrong colors on yo block.

It's really a lot like living in south central LA for a day only you don't get harassed by the popo as much.


Staff member
Also, is it just a guy party, or unisex if there's suitably sports fanatic females about?
Don't just invite sports fans, invite everyone you've got room for. Gals (and guys) who don't care about sports will still come for the food, the commercials and just to hang out.

Have some soft drinks for those who don't imbibe. You'll also want pretzels, brisket (or some other barbecued meat), potato salad, chicken wings, potato chips and dip. Most groups I hang out with would appreciate a veggie tray, but that's definitely optional, just know who you're inviting.


Staff member
Bah, our GM vetoed the idea because according to his calendar the Super Bowl had been about two weeks ago (we're currently playing late February '10). Guess adherance to calendar trumps what I thought to be a cool idea and something that would have fitted my character like a glove. Le sigh...

Now, if our characters manage to survive a rival group trying to kill them and/or get them off their turf, I'll keep your suggestions in mind for a housewarming party :)
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