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How's that thing you were gonna do going?




So, yeah, hey, what's up with that thing you were planning on doing this summer? You seemed pretty fired up about it, but I haven't been around, so, you know, I'm just checking in for an update, right?

Anywho, hope it all worked out.

Got anything planned for this fall? (or this spring, for you upside downers in the southern hemisphere)




Depends on which thing you are talking about. I'm working on several. And they are all still going on, TYVM.




Wrote a first draft of one paper. Almost done with a second brief report. Have a third one lined up to begin in a week or two. Once that is started, I can comfortably begin preparing job application packets.

Also: http://www.halforums.com/forum/t13036/




Not so good. Wound up being so physically and mentally exhausted from bike couriering that all the reading and writing I'd hoped to do over the summer was a bust. =/




That depends... You get that thing I sent you?


Philosopher B.

I decided to postpone shopping my novel around to agents until I write something a little easier to pitch. I'm on track with the comedy site though (more or less). I got a pile of material stocked up. I've just got to film some scripts with my new camera/mic/props I bought and get my bro to do up a website. The last part of which is easy for me to say, on account of I'm a lazy bum who doesn't know poop about making websites. :D




That depends... You get that thing I sent you?


Wasabi Poptart

I reconnected with an old RP buddy. He's running an online game based off of this world he's been working on for the better part of 15 years, so once we get into our house and get our household goods I'm going to join in the fun! And start some kind of exercise program, too, since I told my husband I'm going to fit into his 34's by the time he gets back from this deployment.




Barely wrote anything, only achieved half of my writing goal. But I did lost an inch off my waist like I wanted. Now I just have to keep up the lifestyle that got me there.

My only goals for the fall are to graduate and network. Both are going well so far.




Did a painting, learned some new stuff, started two more.
