Hurricane Bill

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So it's just beginning to rain, which means we're about to get the last hit from Hurricane Bill here in St. John's. That sucks, since I was planning on going sea kayaking tomorrow.

Has anybody else been hit by Bill on his course up the coast?
I'm in Bermuda, so we got to see the worst of it Friday afternoon/evening and through Saturday. It had been downgraded to category 2 Friday morning, so we still saw wind and rain, but nothing destructive. We had bagged/boxed/covered all of our equipment/computers/binders of data in case the roof leaked, which it is prone to do. I'd like to keep as much of it packed away unless we really need it, in case another one shows up this season.


Staff member
I've been watching this thing for awhile... I'm glad that the front was able to steer Bill away from the coast (for the U.S., anyway).

Enjoy the storm!


Staff member
I enjoy this little guy:

Click on the icon on the map for the tropical cyclone (TC) anywhere in the world, or get a regional view on the global map with the rectangles.

When on the TC, select "IR" (or "visible" during the day) to see prettiness.
Hurricane Bill was the lamest crap ever. I don't even know if it was a hurricane by the time it got here. I have been told it was downgraded to tropical storm, but I was fairly sure it made landfall as a category 1 hurricane.

Anyways. By the time it got to my city, it was pretty useless. It rained a bit, and there was a bit of thunder and lighting. I went to bed at midnight, and got up at nine, and by the time I left the house for my errands for the day, there was no indication that there had been anything but rain the night before.

It was big enough to cancel my kayaking trip, but not big enough to be awesome while doing so. It's the freaking uncanny valley for hurricanes.

I give it one tumbling cow out of five.
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