I'm not even going to put a synopsis as it would lessen the piece.
I was gonna post a thread about this including the final image but my shitty work IE doesn't allow me to copy image URLs.
Glad to see she's back at it though.
Chad Sexington
That was... 100% accurate.
Fun Size
Yeah. I got better a long time ago, but that pretty much summed up large parts of my teens and early twenties.
That was fantastical.
The only thing I'd add to it is that maybe don't be so judging of the people who don't seem to understand about the fish. There's a pretty good chance they've been there (3000 brofist comments and climbing). Maybe they do understand about the fish. What else can they say but soldier on? They were right after all. They already knew about the corn.
Yup, eventually something will shock you out of it. Whenever I have those bouts of doubt I have to remind myself of those times where eventually something completely trivial suddenly seemed to snap me back to the land of the living.
Pretty much exactly summed up about 18 months of my life, up until a few months ago, in fact.
Fantastic to see her put into words something that I don't think I'd ever be able to articulate properly. Wonderful stuff.
There's something to be said of both sheer bloody-mindedness, and/or a lack of enough motivation to quit.
For anyone going through it, keep on trucking. I promise, it does get better.
Hailey Knight
She puts it perfectly in ways I couldn't have formed in my teens.
You should come grab a drink with me. Or dinner. I cook amazing food. And I'm not awful cheery, pull-yourself-up-chaps-life's-not-so-bad about depression, because, shit, I've been there and then some.
He just likes the uniform...
This panel makes me giggle every time I see it. I love the facial expressions she gives her characters.