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I Blame Twitter! (Kanye West incident)




So I was thinking about what could prompt someone to hop up in front of millions just to share a spontaneous opinion. Sure, it could easily be that the man has an ego the size of a Mac Truck. It could also be that he has (as many have) gotten so used to thinking the world is eager to hear what he is thinking/doing at any particular moment that he decided to cut out the middle man and hop up on stage and broadcast it right then and there.

I believe what we saw the other night was the first ever "Live Tweet".



Well, Kanye is certainly a twit, that's for sure.




Some people just think much more highly of themselves than they should. This is particularly bad in Hollywood where people tend to surround themselves with hangers-on and yes-men who help to distort the value of their own self-worth. Kanye, Paris Hilton, and any of the Kardashians are great examples of this phenomenon. Throw in some alcohol and these idiots act like the world owes them something. None of them would last 5 minutes on the street.




Kanye doesn't have a twitter, actually.


Kitty Sinatra

It's more like streakers than twitter: Kanye was running onto the stage trying to draw attention away from the events the crowd is actually there to see. Instead of showing his ass, he was showing he's an ass.




Kanye doesn't have a twitter, actually.
Kanye doesn't have a filter. That's the problem.



Can we just continue posting Kayne west memes?




I blame him chugging from that bottle of Hennessy all night long.




I'd say he would rather have us talking about him negatively than not talk about him at all. Simple publicity stunt to put a media focus on him instead of the people of the moment.
