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I can haz lazy Sunday?




What's your favorite way to bum around on Sunday? Or whichever day is "your" Sunday, since people have different schedules.

I like to make a big, late breakfast (done--big-ass omelet, Irish oatmeal, and fruit salad), write, read in a comfortable chair, and maybe have a nice, long conversation with someone (pending). I also like to cook a big pot of beans and boil a few eggs for the upcoming week.

Sunday's also when I like to sort through my things and throw out old stuff. It doesn't sound like lazing about, but it's actually fun to look through all my memorabilia with a nice album on. And that way I can feel good about playing a video game for the rest of the night if I want to. :p

Oh, and I check this place. How bout you guys? Any Sunday rituals?




During football season: Wake up, make french toast, Watch football from 1-11.




I'm usually nursing my hangover, watching a television show, reading a book or catching up on the work I have to do.




I hope you don't have a bad headache or anything, Dr. Chatsworth. ;)




Today's a different kind of Sunday. The kind where I fell asleep after playing Pokemon last night. The last few days, on the other hand...ohhh the summer.




Because you knew it was coming.




I like to hit up garage sales and thrift stores looking for old games and stuff I can add to my collection. I also like to drink a cold club soda while watching some TV.




And here's an approximation of my week.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Sports and napping, mixed really any way I like.



Frankie Williamson

Working, sleeping, lazing about. My Sunday can have them all!

Today I spent most of it reinstalling shit and getting everything working properly on my PC.

What I prefer doing is waking up around 2-3 pm. Drag ass out of bed to the kitchen. Eat whatever leftover takeout we have left in the kitchen. Go plop my ass in front of my TV. Play videogames/watch TV for 6 or so hours. Have a shower. Head to the gym for a sweet ass 12 am workout. Shower. Walk across the street from the gym to the detachment. Have a 1-2 am coffee with whoever's on duty. Walk home. Read some Halforums/dick around on the PC from 2 or 3 am till around 5-6 am. Go to sleep.




Like others have said, it's all about sleeping and watching sports. I don't sleep much during the week and hardly watch any sports (usually too busy with work or social stuff), so Sunday is a day to relax and lounge in front of the tv.




Calvin and Hobbes was the first thing to come to my mind when I read the thread title.




It's my only day off from work, so most of the time is spent catching up on sleep, lazing about and reading a book. The occasional family visit every now and then and if the weather is nice, heading out to the beach and get my sunburn on.


Wasabi Poptart

Lately my Sundays are anything but lazy.




Lately my Sundays are anything but lazy.
This. Previously, however, I was very partial to chilling on the computer/playing X-Box/watching movies. Should have been working out, but ah well... *grins*

I'll update you how my first Sunday with baby goes in a little under a week! *grins*



Woke up by a text from the girlfriend.

Stumbled to the bathroom and took a nice hot shower.

Came to the kitchen and tossed in a pizza to the oven. Added some pineapples. Roasted a cob of corn with cayenne pepper.

Played WoW for a couple of hours, while watching movies on Netflix.

Texted my girlfriend back and forth throughout the day.

Baked a pineapple upside down cake, waited for it to cool, then had a slice with a glass of milk.

Posted this.

Very Lazy. Very Relaxing.


Philosopher B.

It's Sunday Everybody

This be how I roll, y'all. Apologies for the timbre of my voice; throat's been acting up. :p



Ain’t got time for the Sunday funnies y’all. Marmaduke can sniff my ass … but I guess he’d do that anyway, right? *Robot noise* We ‘bout to get real in here yo … I don’t even know what that means. I’s just talkin’ ‘till the beat gets here, yo … yo, where’s the beat?! Beat? Ayo, beat. Get over here, beat! HEY BEAT!

I get up outta bed, kick Scarlet Johansson out
Cracker crumbs on my head, which I could do without
Put on mah sunglasses so I can see in the sun
Put on mo’ sunglasses so I can't see anyone
See, I don't need to see, 'cause visually indeed
There's only one thing I need, which is the reflection of me
Walk out that door, give the finger to Mr. Sun
See that cancer's a bore – kills more people'n guns
But guns don't kill people, or so they say
Personally I kill sheeple if they don't get out the way
‘Cause it's Sunday, bitch – the world is my oyster
Tomorrow’s Monday, bitch, but today I'm-a rejoice yeah
Go out and brace for that first fine-ass filly
To jump at my face, to touch and to feel me
'Cause I get the honies like Skywalker gets the willies
Got a bad feeling 'bout honey but I'm lovin' the ladies on-me

It's Sunday everybody, get out the way – it's carpe diem ladies, on this bright new day
It's Sunday everybody, how about that – if you ain't gone be on me, I'm-a get my gat
It's Sunday everybody, haters gonna get smoked, but if you love me, we can all git toked
It's Sunday everybody, it's a day to rejoice – if you don't hate me, then follow my voice

Take a walk down the street, I own that motherclucka
Look down at my feet, I'm known like Jeff Zucker
The girlies crowd ‘round like I'm Justin Timberlake
Plus Justin Bieber, baby, all baked into a cake
'Cause I'm a cake of perfection, baked to a T
If Jesus had his resurrection he wouldn't have shit on me
If I had boogers now, they'd sell for hella bucks
On Ebay you'd see 'em – wow – selling for millions (with luck)
Yeah, I am valuable – like the Canadian dolla
My rhymes be invaluable – at my skills the bitches holla
And not just bitches, but the big dogs too
The haters got me in stitches like they was my favorite boo
When I wave my hand, twenty girls climax
Yeah I'm on demand like I was IMAX
I can't help being me, but even if I could
I wouldn't do sheeit 'cause this is just too good


Yo, here comes a hater – click, bang, boom
The hater's now a tater, he be pushin' up shrooms
Fifty of 'em couldn't git me, they'd fail like a barge
What fell into the sea, yo, I'm large and in charge
As far as my life's concerned, I got a hold of the wheels
Don't got no concern for what others gonna feel
'Cos it's carpe diem bitches, seize the freakin' day
Don't spend it diggin' ditches, gotta spend it gettin' laid
As I near the end of the street I live on
I see a white dove flyin' majestic like a swan
I'm talkin' 'bout beauty y'all – I surround myself with it
Maybe it's 'cause I so pretty – regardless, I must have it
It's like that white girl said: Die young an' stay priddy
Don't wait 'till you're dead to get crazy in the city
Look up to the sky, I'm laughin' like a loon
I’m never gonna cry, 'cause I'm rad like Looney Tunes


Best day of the week, y’all




Sunday bloody Sunday




Slept in, went to the comic shop with the lady, went for lunch then saw Despicable Me. Now I'm reading and listening to some music on the deck overlooking the mountains as dusk settles. Pretty nice sunday if I do say so myself.




Phil... as always, you win.

Jiarn, that sounds great. :D Love pineapple upside down cake. So much better than right-side-up cake. :awesome:



I had the pineapple slices just staring at me and the cake mix from at least a month ago. It was time....




A Time for Cake: starring Jiarn. Costarring Betty Crocker as The Cake.

---------- Post added at 12:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:13 AM ----------

...Welcome, btw. ^_^



He knew too much....... He went too far......

This summer's latest blockbuster is.....








Double the Excitement!





Waahahahaaa, I like you. ^_^

....Little Tortilla Boy




"Keep your head down! They're trying to take my caaaaaaake!"









Sounds like a summer blockbuster to me!




I'd certainly pay 9 bucks to see it... depending on who was nude.




What if the nude person was:





Only if it he was having sex with Sean Connery's head on Scarlett Johansenn's body.
