I don't see this ending well

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This is actually his third version, and he has yet to damage himself. I think he's fine.

It's not like it's some redneck who figured out something to do with all his iron shavings.


I think the biggest issues would be finding a hose that is flexible enough for wrist movement while maintaining pressure and stability. That and the o-rings needed for connection points.

I think the trigger would have to be two part: One part for a "Safety" so that it would not operate when the fingers are near the blast zone, and one part for the actual firing mechanism. Also, I would prefer the canister to not be near the flame but, as already talked about with the hose issue, that would be problematic.


So long as he's incredibly careful about keeping his fingers out of the way, that's not horribly dangerous to just use standing around. He seems smart enough to not try anything incredibly stupid with the device.

That out of the way: cool.
I don't see this ending well
On the contrary, I see it ending very well done.

Also, it appears he has sensors that see where his fingers are. It probably has several safety checks to make sure he doesn't burn himself as easily as he otherwise might.

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