I dyed my hair!

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Cuyval Dar

It would be awesome to see you giving legal advice like that.


Or bulk up and dye it blonde and you can be Brock Samson.


Or bulk up and dye it blonde and you can be Brock Samson.
Heh, I just finished letting my natural hair color grow in, which is a very very light white-blonde. I usually dye it brown/black since I'm pale as hell.
I just dyed mine too. I'm supposed to be Wolverine at FanExpo tomorrow so I died my hair a really dark brown.

My natural hair colour is strawberry blonde, but because of all the sun I got this summer it turned REEEEEEALLY blonde.

So when I died it, it came out really really red. I actually like it, but its no Wolvie.


Looks good!

When I was 10 I used kool-aid to dye my dark brown hair blue. Instead, it came out this weird, greenish color. That same day I went swimming, causing all the kool-aid to slowly seep out. My friend kept asking what was wrong w/me & why was my hair leaking.
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