I fucking hate Linux.. help please?

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Fuck it. Got it working now it crashes on ANY Google window that happens to come up. VISTA is more stable than this shit.

Ubuntu, I WANT to use you, I'm PROUD that you now supported my wifi device automatically and without bitching. But stable the fuck up!

(Attempting to use 10.10)
I've wanted for the longest time to free myself from microsoft and switch to Ubuntu... but damnit, I want to be able to actually use my computer to get shit done.
I've tinkered with Debian while we were having trouble with Kati's XP refusing to recognize the serial number. There were challenges, but so long as I didn't want to do anything terribly specific (and didn't care about Flash content), it seemed to be adequate.

I have never been able to get Ubuntu to work right on anything. Possibly because I keep trying to do things the sysadmin way when there's actually a checkbox for that somewhere in the preferences that I just don't know about.

Only Linux distro I ever tried was Red Hat, back in the day. Didn't take a shine to it, but it also never gave me any problems. Maybe give Fedora a try?


Gave Fedora a try a few months ago, but haven't given it a serious thought. Tried Redhat back in 1998 or so.. first OS to actually make me physically ILL.
But this Ubuntu 10.10...initially I was impressed, it found everything including the model number of the laptop (Toshiba series) I was installing it on to test. But then I wanted to actually USE stuff on the laptop, so I stuck in a DVD.. NOPE! you gotta have a decrypter for it.. eventually found one and watched a Harry Potter movie (*VLC works MUCH better than Ubuntu's standard Movie Player, for quality btw).. Then I wanted to watch Youtube videos. that wasn't a big deal, they had a flash update in the Software section ready to go. Cool. Then I wanted to use Google Earth. THAT'S where I got pissed off. And it was during this discovery that I discovered that installing stuff in Ubuntu is still THE WORST FUCKING EXPERIENCE IN YOUR LIFE.
I think it's worse than voting for Dick Cheney or Sarah Palin for President.
How to Install Google Earth to Ubuntu 10.10

Trying to follow this.. there's a character, a diamond ? character, that makes no sense to me in this tutorial.
Linux is the crazy girl. You know, the one that does amazing, crazy things with you - gets you to really go outside your comfort zone?

But you gotta know there's a dark side, and prepare a mental bomb shelter to weather the inevitable problems.

Of course, the analogy breaks down very easily. Linux won't gut you for using another OS to get real work done.

But if you work very hard for a long time, and dedicate yourself to the relationship, Linux will do anything and everything you could ever want, and more. It's just a long slog uphill to get to that utopia.

And once you get there you have become the penultimate linux geek, which may not fit in with your overall life plan.

So, first question, are you just dating the crazy girl because, hey, you heard it was kinda fun? Or are you doing it because you believe she's the one for you, and you really want to cast off all the other girls you've dated?


How to Install Google Earth to Ubuntu 10.10

Trying to follow this.. there's a character, a diamond ? character, that makes no sense to me in this tutorial.
Linux is the crazy girl. You know, the one that does amazing, crazy things with you - gets you to really go outside your comfort zone?

But you gotta know there's a dark side, and prepare a mental bomb shelter to weather the inevitable problems.

Of course, the analogy breaks down very easily. Linux won't gut you for using another OS to get real work done.

But if you work very hard for a long time, and dedicate yourself to the relationship, Linux will do anything and everything you could ever want, and more. It's just a long slog uphill to get to that utopia.

And once you get there you have become the penultimate linux geek, which may not fit in with your overall life plan.

So, first question, are you just dating the crazy girl because, hey, you heard it was kinda fun? Or are you doing it because you believe she's the one for you, and you really want to cast off all the other girls you've dated?[/QUOTE]

yes, I heard it was kinda fun.
I'm posting from the Ubuntu 10.10 disk demo. It seems to be agreeing with my computer rather well so far... will prepare to install it onto my second hard drive for dual booting tomorrow.
I use Linux every day, because I'm hardcore like that.


Well... Android is a based on a linux kernel. So...
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