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I guess I'll do one of these




You know the routine, I'll answer a couple of times a day, probably, at least once a day...








Penis-breathing Godzilla. Great idea, or greatest idea?




Godzilla-breathing penis. Opinions?




Sparrows or hawks?




I like to read (mostly fantasy and science-fiction), play paintball (around here it mostly ends up being woodsball with a little speedball thrown in occasionally) and even though it sounds strange, hang out with teenagers. No, no, not THAT way, I'm one of the sponsors for our church's High School aged class, so almost every weekend ends up having some type of teen-related activity.

Penis-breathing Godzilla. Great idea, or greatest idea?
I would say, poor idea, just think of the choking hazard that Godzilla would be facing.

Godzilla-breathing penis. Opinions?
Could be quite funny in the right circumstances.

Pirates, ninjas, or robots?
Ninja Pirate Robots, you scurrilous flesh-bag. Arrr.

(ever wonder if the rumors about spam-bots becoming self-aware are true.....)

Sparrows or hawks?
Hawks, sparrows keep eating one of my plants.... gonna get them one day.




Hey Sparhawk!

What's your greatest strength?

What's your greatest weakness?

Do you prefer sweet or salty snacks?




Who would win in an electric guitar duel to the death, Jesus or Jack Black?

And would it be epic?




Hey Sparhawk!

What's your greatest strength?

What's your greatest weakness?

Do you prefer sweet or salty snacks?
strength - reliability, I'll get it done, whatever the task, doesn't mean that I won't complain or joke about what I'm doing, but it will be done

weakness - my forwardness, I'll tell you the truth to what you ask, or what I see as a problem with a plan, doesn't make some people happy, but really I hate to run into problems because of poor plans

salty snacks, I'm not much of a sweets person, I'll eat a couple of brownies, maybe 6 cookies between now and New Years, Chex Mix, nuts and pretzels are in trouble though.

Who would win in an electric guitar duel to the death, Jesus or Jack Black?

And would it be epic?
Jesus, He's the all powerful, all knowing deity, Jack is just a man.

It would be epic, but not because of Jack.

Which comedian makes you laugh the most? (movies, standup ,etc..)

Which non-celeb makes you laugh the most? (family, friends, etc..)
My favorite comedian is Robin Williams, hands down winner. I have laughed until I cried watching him.

Non-celeb would have to be any of the little kids that are running around at the time, talking 2-3 year-olds. The stuff that they are doing and saying just cracks me up most of the time.
