I just added a new mod.

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Staff member
This one checks for similar thread titles to help us figure out whether or not it's a duplicate. I've tested it out and I like it.

Of course, if your thread titles are obscure then this won't work. So I guess what I'm saying is please ensure your thread titles are about the subject at hand.

Of course the only way to really test this is to have a bunch of us start threads on the same topic.

I vote either Ed's hooties or french literature.


Yo Dave! Imma let you finish this, but I just gotta say...

...Gary's Mod was the best mod, ever, dawg!


...That said, I do like this option. :)
What mods? I haven't noticed anything new added. I am using Serenity theme though so maybe they don't work with serenity or I am just oblivious.


Staff member
You'll need to let me know if any of the Radio or TV links don't work. I assume a lot of them might not because the download list for the TV is kinda old by internet standards. Just report them as bad and we'll delete them.


Staff member
It works on Evo Perfect Blue but for some reason it didn't trickle down to any of the others. I'm having Ame look into it. That's how it works here. I break it, she fixes it.


Staff member
I haven't found more than 2 TV stations that work. And I imported 490+ of them. Damn it. Add in the fact that I have to delete them 1 at a time... :facepalm:
i never look at the top of the page.

I just hit "new posts" and then click the "newest unread" icon on each thread, which always takes me to the bottomish.
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